Chaos Berserker Hair (AC)

- Chaos Slayer AC shop - Battleon
- Chaos Slayer Class
- Battle Drakath
- Battleon PvP
- Battleon War (Location)
- Chaos Beast
- Confrontation (Location)
- Crownsreach
- Darkovia Forest - Attack
- Darkovia Forest - Defend
- Doomwood Forest - Attack
- Doomwood Forest - Defend
- Mount Doomskull (Location)
- New Finale
- Vasalkar Lair - Attack (1)
- Vasalkar Lair - Defend (1)
- Willow Creek - Attack
- Willow Creek - Defend
- World War Lore (Location)
Price: 150 AC
- First 24 Hours: 135 AC
- After 24 Hours: 38 AC
Rarity: Awesome Rarity
Description: Even your hair is chaotic!
- Hair and eyes are not Color Custom.
- Also see:

Thanks to Amduscia.