- Inner Shadows - Plays after completing the 'Defeat Krahen' quest
«Scene: Gravelyn casts a light spell»
«Scene: White screen»
Acting on instinct, Gravelyn sent out a blast of radiant light.
«Scene: Krahen is sent flying back»
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Malgor flying through the air»
It tore through the realm of shadows…
«Scene fades»
«Scene: The Hero and Gravelyn against some speed lines»
..and shattered the world around them.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: The Hero and Gravelyn back in Shadowfall. Gravelyn has a white glow, which fades»
Hero: Whoa.
Hero: Gravelyn… I had no idea you could do that.
«Gravelyn closes her eyes»
Gravelyn: Neither did I.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Malgor and Gar in the Queen of Monsters' throne room»
Malgor: That… burned!
Gar: How?? How could she possibly be capable of this?
Malgor: She is the Champion of Light.
Malgor: It’s easy to forget just how massive a Champion’s power can be.
Malgor: Fortunately, it does not often manifest its full strength.
Malgor: I doubt she even understood what she was doing.
Gar: Still, maybe we should keep a close eye on this one. Just in case.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Gravelyn in Shadowfall»
Malgor: Oh, yes. I intend to.
«Scene fades»
Previous: Just You and Me