Chainsaw Sneevil

Level: 9
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 950
- Slash: 29-37
- Stab: 29-37
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Battle Prize
- Dropped during the following quests:
- Cardboard Box (Dropped during the 'To-Go Box' quest)
- Chewed-Up Wire (Dropped during the 'Circuit Breakers' quest)
- Defender Medal
- Dew Drops (Dropped during the 'Dew Drops in Faerie Forest' quest)
- Electrical Tape Roll (Dropped during the 'Current Affairs' quest)
- Essential Oil of Faerie (Dropped during the 'Oil of... what?' quest)
- Fragment 3 (Dropped during the 'Recovering the Fangs of the Lion' quest)
- Healing Jar (Dropped during the 'Jarring Theft' quest)
- MEGA Defender Medal
- Sneevil Chainsaw (Dropped during the 'Chain Reaction' quest)
- Spare Fuse (Dropped during the 'Current Affairs' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Has many different forms.
- Also see List of all Sneevil Monsters.

Thanks to Apus, cornfield10, GENGSTUPID, GFXRandy, Kaelthass, kaibinlore, Pmk138, Zero IX and .Shadow//.
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