Cashfear shop

Location: Undead Cashfear - Gaol Cell
Note: Must have completed the 'The Gaol of Eternal Torment and Misery' quest to access this shop.

Name Requirements Price
Sword_Table.png Binky's Man Eating Uni-horn acsmall.png Rank 10 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Sword_Table.png GrimSkull's Blade of Torment acsmall.png Rank 8 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Sword_Table.png GrimSkull's Greatsword of Suffering acsmall.png Rank 9 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Sword_Table.png Grimskull's Khopesh of Misery acsmall.png Rank 7 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Sword_Table.png Grimstone Blade acsmall.png Rank 4 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Sword_Table.png Grimstone Greatsword acsmall.png Rank 5 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Sword_Table.png Grimstone Khopesh acsmall.png Rank 3 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Axe_Table.png Grimskull Butchering Axe acsmall.png Rank 5 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Axe_Table.png Raxborg's Axe acsmall.png Rank 6 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Axe_Table.png Raxgore's Skull Crushing Axe acsmall.png Rank 6 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Gauntlet_Table.png Raxborg's Fist acsmall.png Rank 4 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png GrimSkull's Blades of Torment acsmall.png Rank 8 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimskull Bombs acsmall.png Rank 2 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimskull's Greatswords of Suffering acsmall.png Rank 9 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimskull's Khopeshs of Misery acsmall.png Rank 7 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimskull's Reavers of Reckoning acsmall.png Rank 8 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimstone Blades acsmall.png Rank 4 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimstone Greatswords acsmall.png Rank 5 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimstone Khopeshs acsmall.png Rank 3 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Grimstone Reavers acsmall.png Rank 4 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Raxborg's Axes acsmall.png Rank 6 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Dagger_Table.png Raxgore's Skull Crushing Axes acsmall.png Rank 6 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Mace_Table.png Grimskull Bomb acsmall.png Rank 2 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Mace_Table.png Grimskull's Reaver of Reckoning acsmall.png Rank 8 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Mace_Table.png Grimstone Reaver acsmall.png Rank 4 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Polearm_Table.png Grimskull's Spear of Suffering acsmall.png Rank 6 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC
Polearm_Table.png Grimstone Spear acsmall.png Rank 2 Grimskull Trolling 0 AC

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