Captain Scalebeard
- Dragonpirate - Plays after completing the 'The Mates First' quest
«Scene: Captain Rhubarb, Hero and Scalebeard on Screen 8 of Dragonpirate»
Captain Scalebeard: Well, well, well. What do we have here?
Captain Rhubarb: Ye have something of ours.
«Hero takes a battle stance»
Hero: Yeah! Hand over that Dragon!
«Scalebeard takes a battle stance»
Captain Scalebeard: That won't be happening. The Dragon is ours until the ritual is complete.
«Hero scratches the back of their head»
Hero: Ritual? What ritual?!
Captain Scalebeard: Enough talk. It's time for you to get out of our way!
Captain Rhubarb: Nev'r! We got a bounty to collect!
«Scene fades»
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