Captain Rhubarb's Quests

Jump to: Kaiju War, Wrath, Heart of the Sea, Cetoleon War, Dragonpirate, Dragon Capital, Alutea Nursery.


Quest Location: Kaiju War
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb

I don't know how t'fight a giant sea monster, but we can get these pirates' numbers whittled down! Bring me the booty they be carryin' so I can count how many ye've slain.

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

You may also receive, at random:

Thanks to TheSoulSeeker.

Quest Location: Wrath (Location)
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb

Requirements: Must have completed 'Talk to Captain Rhubarb' quest.

That dragon started chasin' us after we collected this last treasure hoard, so maybe something we grabbed has gotten her attention. Best find th' cargo manifest so we can try to figure out what it was. While yer up there, scuttle as many o'those Undead Pirates as ye can. I know they won't be stayin' down for good, but they'll at least be down fer awhile.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to James623456.


Quest Location: Heart of the Sea
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb

We're gonna be down there under th' water awhile, so we'll need t'find a way to keep ourselves breathin'! Catch us some o' th' local pufferfish. We can use 'em like little canteens o' air!

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to boomboompowboyz.


Quest Location: Cetoleon War
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb

These eel-face knaves be all over me ship! Fight them back, throw 'em overboard, and bring me their gold doubloons as proof!

Items Required:


  • 150 Gold
  • 150 Exp

You may also receive at random:

Thanks to ShatteredReality.


Quest Location: Dragonpirate
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

It be looking like Captain Scalebeard left behind some Draconians to slow any pursuers down. I think ye can handle 'em!

Items Required:


  • 1,500 Gold
  • 14,000 Exp

Thanks to N e x u s.

Quest Location: Dragonpirate
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Captain Scalebeard' quest.

These Pirates got some interesting doubloons on 'em! How about ye take 'em off their hands and bring 'em to me. I'll see what booty I can reward ye for yer plunder!

Items Required:


  • 1,500 Gold
  • 4,500 Exp


Thanks to N e x u s.


Quest Location: Dragon Capital
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Captain Scalebeard' quest.

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

These Pirate Draconians still be in our way! Clear a path for us t'make it to the castle in one piece!

Items Required:


  • 1,500 Gold
  • 14,000 Exp

Quest Location: Dragon Capital
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb
Requirement: Must have completed the 'The Water Titan' quest.

Those Water Elementals and Titan Leeches still be roaming the Capital. King Zelgarius has been askin' us to help ‘em clean up this mess. We'll have his favor if we succeed!

Items Required:


  • 1,500 Gold
  • 4,300 Exp



Quest Location: Alutea Nursery (Location)
Quests Begun From: Captain Rhubarb

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Ebbing Grudges' quest.

Oi, a pirate don't clean up after makin' a ruckus on the beach. We leave the empty barrels of moglinberry juice where we dropped them. But Aunt Beryl said this patch o' sand here be like a paradise. Would warm a colder soul like mine if ye helped keep it that way by clearin' out the pests wit' me.

Items Required:


  • 1,500 Gold
  • 4,500 Exp


You will receive one of the following items:

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