"Slightly Crazy" Extreme Rare Egg Hunter
People often ask me, "Cabdury, are you a moglin or are you a bunny?" And to I answer, friend, if you are here to hunt eggs, then I will be anything you want me to be! Every year I hide eggs all over Battleon - it's a tradition! - but this year I've spread some throughout the rest of Lore, too! And not only are there regular eggs, this year there are CANDY EGGS too! What do you say - you want tradition, hunting for eggs, or hunting for CANDY eggs?
- Backpack Quest
Egg-xactly! … and that is why I hid 15 eggs aound the town of Battleon. The challenge is to find them all and bring me the Complete Set of Eggs. Winners will be rewarded with one of two rare egg hunter items which will take you around the world on a quest to complete the ULTIMATE armor set…. Bunny Berzerker!
- Cabdury's Quests![]()
With Vorpal Bunny in your inventory:
Vorpal Bunny?
Wow! Congratulations! Now the real hunt begins…. equip your Vorpal Bunny and click on him. His quests are super hard…. and will lead you to obtaining the full Bunny Berzerker set! It is only available during this event. Good luck!
Righty-ho! I've hidden a total of 42 eggs in a variety of colors all across Lore! Tell me what color eggs you want to find, and I'll give you a hint where to find the first one. Each egg you find will give you a hint where the next one is. Collect all of the eggs of a certain color, and I'll let you trade 'em for something cool! Grab your towel, nab a quest and get ready to hunt! Be sure to write down the hints!
Candy Eggs?
You got it! Chocolate eggs… creme eggs… caramel eggs… even rainbow marshmallow eggs! You just have to find them. No, I'm not telling you who has which ones - that's part of the fun! You can eat them if you want, or trade them in for awesome gear.One Hint?
Sure. But only because I like you. I gave the eggs to monsters in zones that start with the letters "gre" (like /grenwog) happy hunting!
*Want some help? Check out the official wiki for possible zone names.
- This NPC is a parody of Cadbury.
- Also see:
Thanks to Haileym1, Hina, mturf and Tris.
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!