Brimstone Looter

Location: Brimstone (Location)
Level: 35
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 2,030
- Slash: 57-69
- Stab: 57-69
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Bags of Mercantile Goods (Dropped during the 'Reclamation' quest)
- Bits of Hearsay (Dropped during the 'The Hard Way' quest)
- Boxes of Raw Materials (Dropped during the 'Reclamation' quest)
- Looters slain (Dropped during the 'Steppe Quickly' quest)
- Looter's Tooth (Dropped during the 'One Last Push' quest)
- Partial Cipher (Dropped during the 'Encrypt Keepers' quest)
- Smudged Letter (Dropped during the 'Catching Couriers' quest)
- Talmin's Doctrine (Dropped during the 'Bad Press' quest)
- Talmin's Propoganda (Dropped during the 'Bad Press' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Also see:

Thanks to Tristyn.
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