Bright Forest

Town-Level 0 to 80
Only the power of the Eternal Dragon of Time can end the attacks by Malgor the ShadowLord and his army of darkness! This weekend, battle to find the long-dead Lords of Order as we fight to save the entire Mirror Realm in our Shadows of Chaos saga finale.
- Shadow Flame (Version 2) x4
- ShadowFlame Dragon (2) x1
- Shadowflame Scout (Monster) (Level 60) x4
- Shadowflame Warrior (Monster) (Level 60) x4
Map Name: brightforest
Room Limit: 7
Access Points:
- /join brightforest
- Bright Chaos - 'Bright Forest' button from Mirror Drakath (NPC)
- Bright Forest Past
- 'I'm Ready' button from Mirror Iadoa
- West of Screen 1
- Shadows of Chaos Map
Thanks to Bad.
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