Brain Matter

Location: Brain Meat
Level: 63
Difficulty: 5 stars
Total HP: 26,000
- Neural Toxin: 101-125
- Neuro Burst: 101-125
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Revive the Encore (Dropped during the 'No Honor Among Rockers' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Beleen Dancer House Guest
- Caustic NecroRocker
- Dark NecroRocker
- Despair Dancer House Guest
- Gray Matter (Dropped during the 'Body, Soul and, Domination' quest)
- Metal NecroRocker
- Mounted Diabolical Guitar
- Mounted Ribcage Guitar
- Mounted Skull Metal Solo
- NecroRocker Hair
- NecroRocker Mohawk
- Philharmonic Cycle
- Philharmonic Cycle Wall Art
- Rotten Meat
- Skeletal Panflute
- Symphonic Cycle Wall Art
- Symphonic Duet Daggers
- Symphonic Duet Mace
- Symphonic Key Ring
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
Note: Cannot be stunned.

Thanks to Tempu.
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