Bob MacGuffin

At Screen 2:

Zombie Cosplayer
So… Yeah. I was hired to re-enact some crazy battle, but you have NO IDEA what it's like working for that megalomaniacal moglin. He just kept thwacking me with his skull on a stick. But I've gotta say, those dracoliches are MIGHTY cute. I'd like to take one home after this gig's over.

What to do?
Yep. That's the name of the "show" I was hired to play in. You just walk through this door right here and you'll see the Necromuncher himself. They were still rehearsing last I saw, but go on in!

Anything Else?
Why're you asking me? I just work here. You should go do what convention-goers everywhere do - wander, people watch, try not to get into fights… though maybe you SHOULD.

After completing Zorbak's Quests:

Zombie Cosplayer
I've never been to Amityvale, but it seems like a nice place to visit. Maybe someday you'll show me the way there… since Zorbak didn't destroy it. Oh, have you seen the Rec Room? If you stop by, let me know if they've got DrakkaCola! I love that stuff.

What to do?
Why're you asking me? I just work here. You should go do what convention-goers everywhere do - wander, people watch, try not to get into fights… though maybe you SHOULD.

Zorbak's Legion?
Yep. That's the name of the "show" I was hired to play in. You just walk through this door right here and you'll see the Necromuncher himself. They were still rehearsing last I saw, but go on in!

After completing Ll'Ara's Quests:

Zombie Cosplayer
And you have to WHAT -- express -- the dragon? No THANK you! Buuuuutttt… if it would make this little guy feel better… maybe. He hasn't left my side all night. Just shivered when Zorbak came by. Weird. But cute, isn't he?

After completing Drakor's Quests:

Zombie Cosplayer
I could totally slay a sheep or seven if it meant keeping little McDudeGuy here fed. But it'd be better to train him how to kill his own, don't you think? Keep himself safe and unhungry!

After playing the Smack-A-Sheep mini-game:

Zombie Cosplayer
So you hit wood over and over and over again? What was that supposed to teach the babies? Oh. Persistence? Riiiiight. Show off. I thought the DRACS were supposed to learn fighting… but why, I don't know. They're teeny.

- Bob MacGuffin's Quests

After completing the 'Hear No Evil' quest:

Zombie Cosplayer
I gotta say, there's something REALLY suspicious going on here. Little Duderson here is whimpering and keeps trying to crawl inside my shirt.

- Bob MacGuffin's Quests

At Screen 10:

Zombie Cosplayer
I gotta say, I'm a little worried about what will happen to these little guys. What with that crazy giant elemental dracolich, Desoloth, roaming the world… You don't think Zorbak wants these guys so he can fight draco-fire with draco-fire… do you? I At least I can keep li'l Checkov here safe! Thanks for your help protecting them, Hero! And hey… have you explored all the treasure piles in the Con? I hear they've got great loot!

- Bob MacGuffin's Quests

At Screen 12:

Zombie Cosplayer
Hey, you. Good, you found the rave! But have you noticed the little dudes acting… weird? The Necromuncher over there introduced the band and then… it's like the air got thick with their music. Then I tried feeding the one who's been following me around some Zomballs-on-a-stick and he wouldn't even LOOK at me! I've got a BAD feeling about this. You should go investigate.

- Bob MacGuffin's Quests

Location: Draco Con


Thanks to Peachii and Tris.

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