
Frostvale Moglin
Hiyas! Blizzy is SO happy you came with him! He knows you will help Gravelyn, and once she discovers the meaning of Frostval… then you'll be able to help EVERYBODY! Blizzy… might have left his chores behind when he brought us here, though. Could… could you help him make up for missing them?

You would think we could just HUG our chores away, but moglin magic doesn't work like that. Blizzy has already tried to hug a vat of moglinberry juice he was supposed to mix so it would get done faster, but it just spilled everywhere. But when we used it RIGHT… you would be amazed at how powerful a hug can be. It is the most powerful magic on Lore!

- Blizzy's Quests
- Frostvale



Thanks to Apus, cornfield10, Gjappy, SirBlackAxe, Voltron, Xia and .Shadow//

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