Birthday Cake

Location: Birthday
Level: 16
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 100,016
- Balloon Attack: 40-50
- Frosting Slash: 40-50
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Copper Knife (Dropped during the '14th Anniversary Gifts' quest)
- Fork (Dropped during the 'Bright Paladin Presents' quest)
- Gold Spoon (Dropped during the '14th Anniversary Gifts' quest)
- Holy Wasabi (Dropped during the 'Bright Paladin Presents' quest)
- Platinum Fork (Dropped during the '14th Anniversary Gifts' quest)
- Slice of Cake (Dropped during the 'Bright Paladin Presents' quest)
- Top Cherry (Dropped during the '14th Anniversary Gifts' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Arc Aura Lance
- Arc Aura Lance and Shield
- Ardent Mercy Staff
- Alteon Plushie
- Battleon Celebration Garb
- Battleon Formal Garb
- Chaorrupted Button
- Chaos Plushie Cabinet
- Crystal Festival Elf Crown
- Crystal Festival Elf Hair
- Crystal Festival Elf Locks
- Crystal Festival Elf Morph
- Crystal Festival Elf Tiara
- Crystal Festival Elf Visage
- Diabolical Glorybringer
- Draconan
- Drakath Plushie
- Drakath Twins Wall
- Escherion Plushie
- Eternal Baby Dragon
- Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile
- Fancy Top Hat
- Fancy Top Hat + Beard
- Fancy Top Hat + Bearded Shag
- Fancy Top Hat + Locks
- Fancy Top Hat + Shag
- Flame God Sword
- GIANT Alteon Plushie
- GIANT Drakath Plushie
- GIANT Escherion Plushie
- GIANT Iadoa Plushie
- GIANT Khasaanda Plushie
- GIANT Kimberly Plushie
- GIANT Kitsune Plushie
- GIANT Ledgermayne Plushie
- GIANT LionFang Plushie
- GIANT Tibicenas Plushie
- GIANT Vath Plushie
- GIANT Wolfwing Plushie
- GIANT Xang Plushie
- GIANT Xing and Xang Plushies
- GIANT Xing Plushie
- Hero Plushie
- Hero's Conviction Blade
- Hero's Conviction Blades
- Iadoa Plushie
- Khasaanda Plushie
- Kimberly Plushie
- Kitsune Plushie
- Ledgermayne Plushie
- LionFang Plushie
- Prisma Adornments
- Prismatic Bandana
- Prismatic Bandana + Beard
- Royal Luxuria Sculpture Cape
- Royal Shadowslayer's Battle Gear
- Royal Shadowslayer's Cane
- Royal Shadowslayer's Fauchard
- Royal Shadowslayer's Hidden Blade
- Shadefire Baby Dragon Pet
- Shadow Claw
- Shadow Dagger (2)
- ShadowScythe Empress Hat + Hair
- ShadowScythe Empress Hat + Locks
- Single Prisma Adornment
- Tibicenas Plushie
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Vath Plushie
- Virescent Ceremony Rune
- Virescent Cloak
- Virescent Rune
- Virescent Rune Cloak
- Virescent Rune Festival Cloak
- Wolfwing Plushie
- Xang Plushie
- Xing and Xang Plushies
- Xing Plushie
Note: Also see Chocolate Cake.

Thanks to Bad.