«Scene: Captain Rhubarb holds the Heart of the Sea»
Captain Rhubarb: Now THIS be what we came for!
Floyd: Blimey! Would ye' look at the size o' that thing!
Captain Rhubarb: Findin' this is goin' te make us legends among pirates!
Floyd: Not te mention RICH!
Hero: Yeah…
Hero: But maybe we should get out of here before anyone notices you've got that thing.
Scurvyfins McKrill: Too late.
«Scurvyfins McKrill stands in the hold next to the Hero, Floyd, and Captain Rhubarb»
Hero: Dang.
Scurvyfins McKrill: This be OUR ship, and you won't be takin' OUR treasure.
Scurvyfins McKrill: Now put it back, an' maybe I won't have te kill ye.
Captain Rhubarb: Now, I'm sure we can work out some sort o'-
Floyd: No way, kelp breath! We plundered this here gem fair an' square!
Hero: Floyd, please don't antagonize the huge merdraconian.
Scurvyfins McKrill: Big mouth on yer wee friend!
Scurvyfins McKrill: Guess he doesn't realize I could eat him in one bite.
Floyd: Yeah? I'd like to see ye try it!
Hero: Oh, no.
«Scurvyfins McKrill advances»
Scurvyfins McKrill: With pleasure.
«Scene fades»
Previous: Gems and Gold! | Next: Curses! (1)