«Hero, Abel, Blizzy and Hero putting the Golden Mogin on top of the tree»
Syrrus: *GRUNT* Abel, next year you're on the bottom..
Abel: W-what? No way! Let's juse use a ladder next year like I suggested.
Hero: Next year, let's pick a shorter tree…
Blizzy: bLliizZy iiisSS DiZzzzyyyy….
«The human/moglin tower falls as the ground shakes>
Hero: What was that?
«Soldiers going to battle»
Soldier: We're under attack! Man the stations!
«Syrrus, Abel, Hero and Soldiers looking at a monster»
Abel: What…?
Syrrus: The Frostspawn?!
«Karok is attacking with his army»
Karok: So we meet again… "Hero."
Hero: Karok!
Karok: I see you haven't learned from your previous failures.
Syrrus: Grr…you fiend! Haven't you caused enough destruction already?
Karok: Not yet. Not even close.
Karok: I've scoured this island in search of a so-called Champion…
Syrrus: …!!!
Karok: …And my search has brought me here.
Hero: You're not taking another step!
Karok: Is that so?
Karok: After waiting for so long, my army thirsts for battle.
Karok: I'll give them what they want…just this once.
Karok: You have until your little Frostval.
Karok: It'll be fun watching you worms struggle to fend off my lowliest footsoldiers.
Karok: And then…I'll crush you myself.
«Karok's army attacks»
Hero: Go! Get back to the village!
Abel: What can I do to help?!
Abel: I can use magic-
«Abel blows some mobs with ice magic»
Hero: Whoa! Thanks!
Hero: Get back to the village and protect the others. We can regroup once this wave is defeated!
Abel: Alright!
«Hero goes to war»
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