Level: 4
Difficulty: 1 star
Total HP: 670
- Bite: 4-6
- Toxic Breath: 4-6
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Event Badge (Dropped during the 'Anniversary Badge' quest)
- Free AC Giftbox (Dropped during the '2022 Holiday AC Gift' quest)
- Quill Pen (Dropped during the 'Sign Nythera's Scroll' quest)
- Reminder Delivered
- Dropped during the following quests:
- Stolen Bag of Coins (Dropped during the 'BallyCool's Generosity Coins' quest)
- Zard Slain (Dropped during the '20th Anniversary Collection Badge' quest)
Items Dropped:
- AUS-some Cape
- Barrette and Locks
- Brno Painting
- Brutal Battle Blades
- Canadian Coffee Mug
- Canadian Flag Staff
- Chibi Plushie Teka
- Chibi Teka Pet
- Didgeridoo
- Dual High Tatras Dagger
- Dvojita Valaska
- Edgy Pigtail Locks
- Evolved Frogzard
- Formal Barry the Platypus
- Formal Kangaroo
- Formal Koala Companion cape
- Formal ZooKeeper
- Flag of Slovakia
- Frigid Flame Sword
- GIANT Haunted Teka Plushie
- Half-Ponytail Locks
- Haunted Teka Plushie
- Hero Hair + Headband
- High Tatras Dagger
- High Tatras Daggers
- Hollowink Garb
- Justice Lemon Wall
- Kangaroo Sunscreen
- Karluv Most On A Pond
- Koala Companion cape
- Makadile Pet
- Merino Sheep
- Merino Sheep Pet
- Miniature Bratislava Castle
- Miniature Cicmany House
- Mountain Diorama
- O Canada! Top Hat
- O Canada! Top Hat + Locks
- Outback Boomerang
- Outback Explorer
- Outback Explorer Hat
- Outback Explorer Hat + Locks
- Poster Hero Hair
- Sapphire Hat + Bangs
- ShadowScythe Empress Hat + Hair
- ShadowScythe Empress Hat + Locks
- Sheep
- Sheep Battle Pet
- Sheep Pet
- Short Pixie Cut Locks
- Slicked Down Hero Hair
- Slovak Kroj
- Slovak Kroj Hat
- Slovak Kroj Hat + Locks
- Slovak Scarf
- Snow Party Guest
- Teka's Birthday Hat
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Valaska
- Victoria Rosa Twig
- Vlast na Chrbte
- Wavy Hero Hair
- Item Hunt Clues (Click here)
- April Fools' Day Hunt Note
- Au Naturel Clue
- Blood-Soaked Note
- Blurred Note
- Dark Scavenger Hunt Clue
- GigaWUT Treasure Clue
- Golden Treasure Clue
- Hacked Holographic Clue
- Lucky Scavenger Hunt Clue
- Message Capsule Clue
- O_O Treasure Clue
- Rotting Root Clue
- Shadowy Scavenger Hunt Clue
- Slayer's Hunt Clue
- Toyception Treasure Clue
- UwU Treasure Clue
- Vampire Knight's Treasure Clue
- Previously called "Lucky Frogzard", "Festive Zard" and before "Zard".
- Also see List of all Frogzards.
Thanks to Bad, LegendAnonpariel and ShatteredReality.
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