Hub Town-Level 1
Battleon's new home!
- N/A
- Adventurer Enhancements
- Alpha Omega Merge
- Battleon Assorted shop
- Class Shop
- Game Boost Shop
- Garek's Seasonal Gear Shop
- Legend Only
- Legendary Gear Shop
- Nulgath's 2023 Collection
- Power Gem Shop
- Referral Shop
- Reward Gem Shop
- Twilly's Key Shop
Map Name: battleon
Room Limit: 10
Access Points:
- This location provides a Character Page Background on Screen 2.
- Also see:
- Also see:
- Screens 1 and 18 of Chaos War (Location).
- Screen 21 of Weaver War.
Thanks to Abalanar, Alcyneous, Amduscia, Angelique, Angelo13542, Apus, Beowolve, C_G_M, cornfield10, Didaak, Dragonicoe, Eldant, Exreal, Fairies, GENGSTUPID, Haileym1, Harrison, Hex, Hina, Ichidori, ingomarelementary, Kahedro, kittyDEMON, L0re, Lady Azjurai, Lily, MagicImpulse, Malak93, Mashroam, Mecha Mario, Miko777, Mr QuestionMark, Msbo13, mturf, Na Tra, Ragnar, Rare, Ramen2007, Razor9486, Retic, Rich Wind, rickyb20, rivvit, satan clone 2, rruurruu77, Selulpchure, Sepulchus, ShadowWhisperer, Sir Ory, Skyguard ninja, Skylaki, Strongo9, Superior Dragonfire, Superkeryu, Syafitri, Syudanco, Tendou no Mazo, Trogdor V20X6, Valcrist, Valosity, Weena, Xia, YOU, zerkris, Zheenx, Zyrain, Lord Vordred 101 and .Shadow//.
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