«Scene: Hero, Artix, and many other people at the BattleCon Convention.»
«A helm goes flying towards Artix and Hero.
«A warrior lays on the ground dazed.»
«Screen moves up.»
Hero: So, this is BattleCon! You guys sure take the name literally!
Artix: <hero>! I am so glad you are here! I cannot wait to hang out with you at Con, but…
Hero: But I need to kick some before the Con can begin?
Artix: Exactly! I must defend the line from the legions of undead lurching towards us.
Artix: (whisper) I do not really believe those are costumes. Only REAL zombies smell THAT rotten!
Artix: YOU need to take on… the most BRUTAL BOSS EVER!
«Hero raises his weapon.»
Hero: I've got this, Artix! Just point me in the right direction.
Hero: We'll be watching anime on the big screen before you can finish saying Kameha -
Artix: He! I knew I could count on you! But before you can get closer to the front of the line…
«Screen zooms in on Artix who is reading a scroll.»
Artix: You will need to /equip a few VERY important items.
«Scene fades.»
Next: Battlecon 2