Friendly Adventure Guide
Welcome, Hero! You'll find many adventurers Lore here ready to answer your questions or help you with the battles you are about to face. A lot of them like to /rest here in between taking down bosses or questing for loot and glory! Come here any time you'd like to talk or get some help!
Game Commands
/join roomname
/w player
/r player
/goto player
/ignore player
/unignore player
Join a new room
Report for harassment
Whisper to player
Reply to player
Go to other player
Ignore other player
Unignore other player
Heal after battleEmotes
Where to Begin?
Congratulations on finishing the Stonehand Battle tutorial! If you would like more information on how to play AQWorlds, you can help Rolith in Noobshire, begin the 13 Lords of Chaos Saga, or ask an Ambassador for help! You can always type /join guide in your chat bar to come back here.
Note: Must have Valencia's Lost Guardian Hunt Started! in your inventory in order to access this dialogue.
Treasure Hunt?
Did Valencia send you here? Here's the first clue in the form of a song: "The Bard has something, Something for you, In the Class Hall." You'll have to take the item from him by clicking it.
- New Release Details
- Souvenir Shop
Location: Guide
- Previously called "Lothalis".
- Also see:
Thanks to ingomarelementary, Johndee and .Shadow//
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