High Seas Helm Seller
Wot're ye doin' talkin' to ME for? There's a WAR on! … Oh. You want a helm like mine? Walll… if'n ye bring me scraps of cloth taken from the Naval Commanders and Pirates, I'll sell ye my helms. Ye can also get th' top hats fer a limited time. Th' Fishman Soldiers have the base top hats, then ye bring them back to me and combine'em with the necessary parts.
These're only available for a couple of weeks each year, though, so hurry up!
- Barnacle's BandanasCelestial Pirate Captain
I've heard tales o' a legendary pirate who used t' sail through th' celestial realms. I didn' used t' reckon he was real, but his magical trophy sword was found in an icy lich's tomb. Follow the trail of rumors to find his other treasures.
- Naval Top Hat Merge
- Naval Merge Resource
- Legendary Naval Top Hats

Location: Lolosia

Thanks to Rich Wind.
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