Jump to: Yokai Pirate, Yokai Hunt, Yokai Portal.
Quest Location: Yokai Pirate
Quests Begun From: Baoyu Lin
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Hoo Wants a Cracker' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Yue said there were strange birds flying around the ship's mast? I'll take a look, but could I ask you for a favor while I make the climb? A rough patch of waves caused the ship to tilt and scatter some of my paperwork. Would you please gather them for me?
Items Required:
- Scattered Scrolls x7
- Click on the scrolls on Screens 3 and 4
- 0 Gold
- 5,000 Exp
Thanks to Anonymous Joe.

Quest Location: Yokai Hunt
Quests Begun From: Baoyu Lin
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Elixir of the Moon' quest.
I didn't want to burden you with menial tasks, so I took care of most of this year's major preparations myself- but now, the Empress and Yue are encouraging me to decorate the red envelopes we'll be giving out. Would you go to /Zhu and collect plum blossoms for me to use as inspiration?
Items Required:
- Plum Blossoms x25 (Stacks up to 250)
- Dropped by Plum Treeant (Version 1)
- 1,500 Gold
- 3,000 Exp
Quest Location: Yokai Portal
Quests Begun From: Baoyu Lin
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Head Kukol'nyy' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
Yiren took some of the others into the Yokai Realm to do some preliminary scouting. Talk to the other descendants gathered here. It'll help them prepare when it's their turn to enter the portal. We need everyone on board to rescue Ai No Miko.
Items Required:
- Talk to Li x1
- Talk to Li Granville
- Talk to Kana x1
- Talk to Kana Shinohara
- Talk to Chen x1
- Talk to Chen
- 0 Gold
- 5,000 Exp
Quest Location: Yokai Portal
Quests Begun From: Baoyu Lin
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Corrupted Protector' quest.
Ai No Mikoto asked that we help the denizens of the Yokai Realm pass on peacefully. To do that, we'll need incense from the Kitsune Spirits, and to remove the impurities in the area- primarily the red strings still tied around the Dragonlings and Lord Kitsune's remaining essence.
Items Required:
- Kitsune Spirit Incense x15 (Stacks up to 300)
- Dropped by:
- Draconic Red String x15 (Stacks up to 300)
- Dropped by Puppeted Dragonling
- Lord Kitsune's Red String x1 (Stacks up to 20)
- Dropped by Kitsune Kukol'nyy
- 2,000 Gold
- 4,500 Exp
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