Infernal Army Lieutenant
Seems my time is finally up, eh? Oh, well. I don't have any regrets. What? You thought I wouldn't have a conscience? Why, because I look like this? You are such a fool.
Of course I have regrets. I wasn't always like this.Why were you targeting civilians, then?
We are all not free to choose our paths. I follow orders, and we need more recruits for what is to come.You weren't always like this?
Oh, so you wanna listen to a dying Infernal's tale before the darkness takes me? Sure, Hero. Not like I have a choice to go anywhere. Or a chance to change the past.
After completing the 'Journal Entry 1' quest:
Infernal Army Lieutenant
So you want to see how I became this way? Are you really strong enough to experience what I did without falling?
- I Am!
After completing the 'Journal Entry 1000' quest:
Celestial Infernal Army Lieutenant
That is the story, Mortal. I won't call you a hero. None of you saved me. Saved the celestials inside that keep. Most perished. Some even turned into the Infernals you see now after having their minds broken like me. I have no regrets.
I'm sorry… is there anything I can do to make it up to you?
Join the Queen. Make up for what you didn't do for me. What you didn't do for US.I'm sorry but I can't.
I expected an answer like that out of you. You Hero types are all the same. Only thinking about yourselves. Only looking at what's in front of you. My last words to you, "hero", is be prepared. Be prepared for what is to come. It won't be pretty. Now if you'll leave me be, I want to just rest here until the darkness comes.
Location: Dreadrock Citadel
- Appears after completing the 'Battle Azal' quest.
- Also see:

Thanks to ShatteredReality.
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