Shadowy Banker
Welcome to the Dreadrock Reserve, Hero. I see you've met my goody two-shoes brother, Augold. Between the two of us, I certainly have the safer place to deposit your gold. I can also expand your bank and inventory space, and sell you some…pricey…trinkets.
- AdventureCoin Shop (1)
- Augur's Quests
Location: Dreadrock Citadel
- You can buy Backpack Spaces from here, 1 Bag Slot: 200 ACs or 10 Bag Slots: 2,000 ACs. Max Slots: 450.
- You can buy Bank Slots from here, 1 Bank Slot 200 ACs or 10 Bag Slots: 2,000 ACs. Max Slots: 800.
- You can buy House Slots from here, 1 House Slot: 200 ACs or 10 Bag Slots: 2,000 ACs. Max Slots: 275.
- Also see Augold.

Thanks to Rsrdaman.
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