- Shadow Gates - Map joined
«Scene: Shadowfall's Castle»
«Scene: Gravelyn and her minions»
Gravelyn: We knew this day would come… and now it's begun.
Gravelyn: Commander, go, call for *Hero*! He/She will need to lead the attack from outside our walls.
«Gravelyn points»
Gravelyn: *I* will command the defense from inside it.
«Scene: Cysero, Hero and Gravelyn's minions»
Hero: Baked apples and burnt rope can't do that… Can they?!
Cysero: Yep! But you don't have time to try now. You've got company.
Undead Knight: Uuuuurrrrrgh!
Undead Minion: Eeeeeroooo! Aaaaaoooh!
Hero: Right now?! Cysero! I need a –
Cysero: Gravy-covered banana and a fresh kraken tentacle?
Cysero: Remember what I said: Tentacle FIRST, banana AFTER –
Undead Knight: Reeeeoooo?
Hero: No, the tentacle does NOT explode. Now let's go!
«Scene: Gravelyn in Shadowfall»
«Screen fades»
The assault on Shadowfall by the forces of Chaos has begun!
Defend the fortress and preserve the Alliance against Chaos!
Next: Moat 1 Victory