Shadowscythe Recruiter
Hail Gravelyn! You here to help with the recruitment drive? …Oh, you want to FIGHT? Looking to prove yourself worthy of joining our force against the Queen, eh? Well, ok, if you think you can handle it. We'll weed you out soon enough if you can't.
This war has been rough on us. Our ranks have dwindled so much, we've been forced to turn to the Nation and Legion for help. They've been kind enough to provide volunteers to battle our recruits. After all, who better to test your strength than our former foes?
- Astura's Quests
- Shadowscythe Merge
After completing the 'For the Shadowscythe!' quest:
Shadowscythe Recruiter
Well, you've certainly shown you can fight off every caliber of cannon fodder. Unfortunately, you'll face much worse than that if you join our armies in this fight. Before you go off and get yourself killed, I have one more test for you.
- Astura's Quests
- Shadowscythe Merge
With Shadowscythe Round 4 Medal in your inventory:
Shadowscythe Recruiter
I gotta say, <Hero>, I'm really impressed with your abilities. Maybe with your help, we can finally end this onslaught of fear and destruction.
- Astura's Quests
- Shadowscythe Merge
Location: ShadowBlast Arena
Note: Also see Shadowrise Tower Guard.

Thanks to Amduscia and rruurruu77.
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