Astravian Royal Guard (Monster)

Location: Astravia Castle
Level: 37
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 7,000
- Holy Slash: 115-140
- Holy Stab: 115-140
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Guards Incapacitated (Dropped during the 'Melpomene, the Inevitable' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Astravian Guard (L)
- Astravian Guard (R)
- Astravian Hanging Lantern
- Astravian Lantern (L)
- Astravian Lantern (R)
- Dark Dragon Summoner's Rift
- Dark Dragon Summoner's Rifts
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Disappears after completing the 'Thalia, the Truth' quest.
- Also see Astravian Royal Guard (Armor).

Thanks to N e x u s.
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