Ashfall Camp
Dungeon-Level 0 to 65
There are 7 deadly vices -- Wrath, Envy, Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, and Greed -- and 7 Great Dragons that embody them. Each Of the 7 Deadly Dragons represents a major sin and element, and each poses his (or her!) Own unique threat. Journey to Ashfall Basecamp, where Galanoth the Dragonslayer is staging his attacks on these Deadly Dragons!
- Blackrawk x1
- Draconian Guard x4
- Infernus x1
- Lava Dragoblin x4
- Lava Dravir x2
- Lava Rock (Level 30) x6
- Smoldur x1
- Sulphur Dracolich x5
Map Name: ashfallcamp
Room Limit: 7
Access Points:
- /join ashfallcamp
- Envy (Location) (2) - West of Screen 1
- Greed - West of Screen 1
- Gluttony (Location) - South of Screen 1
- Lust - South of Screen 1
- Pride - North of Screen 1
- Sloth - West of Screen 1
- Wrath (Location) - West of Screen 1
- 7 Deadly Dragons Map
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7
- Screen 8
- Screen 9
- Screen 10
- Screen 11
- Screen 12
- Screen 13
- Screen 14
Thanks to Harrison.
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