Artix's Quests

Jump to: Invasion/Swordhaven, Swordhaven Undead, Undead War, Ebil Dread, Necropolis, Doom Haven, DoomWar, Underground Lab, Chunin Quests, Time Portal, BattleCon, Artixpointe, Dread Space, Swordhaven Pink, Dragon Road, Darkovia Horde, Ultra BrutalCorn, ArchPaladin Quests (Shortcut), ArchPaladin Quests, Fear House, Nostalgia Quest, Greenguard East, Wrath, Dragon Bone, Battleon Town, April Fools 2019, Begin the Quest, Metal Enhancement Quests, Metals of Destiny Quests, Weapon Kit Quests, Finding Fragments Quests, Blinding Light of Destiny, Retrieve your Blinding Light of Destiny, Sanctified BLoD, Battle-Hardened Daimyo, Fire Invasion.

Quest Location:

Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Greetings and salutations! The city is overrun with undead. I think the Doom Knight Sepulchure is behind the invasion. (At least that is what he said on the homepage.) They picked the wrong town to mess with! It is time to push them out of the city. Defeat undead minions to earn Slayer Medals. Bring back 20 and I will have your next quest ready for you! (Return to Artix in the Swordhaven Inn with 20 Slayer Medals.)

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

Thanks to Tendou no Mazo and Ultrapowerpie.

Quest Location: Swordhaven - Undead
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Enter The Gates' quest.

The army of the undead swarms the streets of Swordhaven. They are being dropped out of the giant flying castle above the city! Protect the people of Swordhaven by slaying 5 Skeletal Soldiers.

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 300 Exp

Thanks to Burn and Snickerbar2029.

Quest Location: Undead War (Location)
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Turn in your Defender Prize for a new amazing item! Defender Prize drop during war events.

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


Thanks to Burn.

Quest Location: Ebil Dread legendsmall.png
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat the Giant Brain Slime Prime' quest.

Ahhhhhhh! PINK!! There is pink everywhere!! We have to stop Beleen and her army of pink-ites. Hero… you must reassemble the ancient book which can stop this madness. Battle Ghosts until you have found the first 6 missing chapters.

Items Required:

  • Lowe-anomicon Chapter 1 x1
  • Lowe-anomicon Chapter 2 x1
  • Lowe-anomicon Chapter 3 x1
  • Lowe-anomicon Chapter 4 x1
  • Lowe-anomicon Chapter 5 x1
  • Lowe-anomicon Chapter 6 x1


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to SirBlackAxe.

Quest Location: Necropolis
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have Daimyo (Pet) in inventory to accept.
Note: Previously Legend only.

Only a few heroes on Lore are capable of convincing a Moglin to ride atop a dog… but I think YOU can do it! We just need enough Battle Puppy treats. And you know what THEY love… BONES! Bring me 10 Undead Heads from the Skeletal Warriors in /graveyard and I bet Daimyo will let a moglin ride him!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

You may also choose one of:

Thanks to Apus and Ragnar.

Quest Location: Doom Haven
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Note: Previously called "Re-dead Assault".

Just like you remembed, the army of the undead swarms the streets of Swordhaven. They are being dropped out of the giant flying castle above the city! Protect the people of Swordhaven by slaying 10 Skeletal Soldiers.

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to Poisonaplez and Worldmage.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have watched the Battlezom cutscene.

Zombies are all around us, my friend! Defeat 3 of them so that we can help Gravelyn face her destiny!

Items Required:


  • 4,000 Gold
  • 14,000 Exp
  • 2,000 Rep : DoomWood

Thanks to rikimaruIII.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

It is always good to begin at the beginning. Search the rooms closest to the Lobby for any obvious intruders besides BrutalCorn. Come back and tell me what you've seen.

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.


We have got a lot of cleaning up to do now that the party has REALLY started. I will tell you what… bring me some Ebil Fragments from defeated EbilCorp Monsters and I will give you a Chunin Token!

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp


Thanks to ingomarelementary and Shal.

Quest Location: Time Portal
Quest Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Missing Happy Couple' quest.

I do no why Alina and Rolith are here but they ARE here. We need to find them, I am afraid they might be in trouble. Search Time Portal, find our friends and protect them from anything that might want to do them harm!

Items Required:


  • 8,000 Gold
  • 8,000 Exp

Thanks to aa9898pp.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Oh no, hero — did you see that? One of those skeletal ravers just stole your con badge! You had better get it back quickly, before they kick you out of the convention!

Defeat Raving Skeletons to get the stolen Con Badge back.

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Artixpointe
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

There's something fishy about these cursed artifacts, Hero! You'd best question the mistress of maki rolls, Tasanee in Fangblock Sushi. Maybe she's seen something that could tell us about the Unholy Wasabi!

Items Required:


  • 50 Gold
  • 50 Exp


Thanks to Rich Wind.

Quest Location: Dread Space (Location)
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Think there is Undead on that Space Station? You just bet Artix 10,000 gold that there is. Teleport over to the first room of the Space Station and find proof!

Items Required:


  • 10,000 Gold
  • 100 Exp

Thanks to Amduscia.

Quest Locations:

Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'A Paladin in Peril' quest.

Have you smelled Slimes? They are already stinky to begin with… but now that Beleen has turned them pink, they are ruining nostrils and eyeballs everywhere! Please squash those Slimes before someone gets seriously hurt… or slimy. ALSO! Take down those Pink Bows that Beleen left all around town. It is killing the real estate value.

Items Required:

  • Squished Pink Slime x8
  • Pink Bow Collected x5
    • Click the Pink Bows around the map.


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

Thanks to boomboompowboyz.


Quest Location: Dragon Road
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

To begin our search, we will need something that can track the energy signature of the Z Crystals. Talk to Warlic in /Battleontown, Rayst in Arcangrove, and Sora to Hoshi at Dragonrune Hall to see if they can whip something up.

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp


Thanks to Peachii.

Quest Location: Darkovia Horde
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

You should start by scouting out the area. No one has ever found this weapon, but if the legends are true then we are not the first to hunt for this weapon. We might be able to learn from those who quested before us. Be on the lookout for any evidence of dead heroes and anything they might have left here that could be useful.

Items Required:


  • 150 Gold
  • 150 Exp


Thanks to Amduscia.

To truly prove your might, go to the left and kill 100 Zombies. If you prove your worth to me, I will give you a character page badge!

Items Required:


Thanks to Apus.

Quest Location: Ultra BrutalCorn (Location)
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'UltraBrutal Battle' quest

I have been told by members of the AQWorlds Team that UltraBrutalcorn has evolved… again. Now he is just not Ultra but Super Mega Ultra! Battle him (if you dare) to get the Super Mega Ultra Horn and I will reward you handsomely!

Items Required:


  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Throne of Darkness Hub
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have Paladin (Class) with at least 1 Class Point in your inventory.
Note: Disappears after completing the 'A Strong Base' or 'Silver Paladin's Vow' quests.

Repeat after me: I vow I am a loyal member of the Paladin Order.

Items Required:

  • N/A


  • 1,000 Gold
  • 1,000 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Throne of Darkness Hub
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Note: Disappears after completing the 'Silver Paladin's Vow' or 'Legendary Paladin's Vow' quests.

Greetings, hero! So, you would like to rise to the rank of ArchPaladin? I must warn you, the road to acquire such great power is a long and arduous one. Because you have not yet trained as a Paladin, you must learn what it means to stand among our ranks before moving up the hierarchy. Before that though, you will need to find an armor to wear! The Stone Paladin in /temple was known for his impregnable defense, so his armor will act as the perfect base. Once you retrieve that, find the Exalted Paladin Seal from my shop to fuse the armor with the power of an Archpaladin.

Items Required:


  • 1,000 Gold
  • 1,000 Exp

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Fear House
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Artix's Fears' quest.

Artix gibbers something about pink ice cream and gestures toward the rather horrifying ice cream monsters that appear to be closing in on you. It seems like he wants you to destroy them.

Items Required:


  • 800 Gold
  • 800 Exp

Thanks to Apus.

Quest Location: Nostalgia Quest
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

It is hard to believe it's been EIGHT years that you have been battling on Lore! But it is true… or you would not be here. This calls for a souvenir or three! Bring me 8 AQW Hero Tokens from the Chest in Yulgar's Inn (in the /nostalgiaquest map) and I will give you a choice of souvenir!

Items Required


  • 10 Gold
  • 10 Exp

You may also choose one of:

You may also receive, at random:

Thanks to Apus.

Quest Location: Greenguard East
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Grab the Growth' quest.

We are not quite finished with the fortifications around Battleon, but we have run out of wood! Could you get us some more? The sturdiest wood comes from Treeants, which you can find at the /farm or in the /poisonforest. Keep in mind: the Treeants in the /poisonforest are stronger, which makes them much more likely to have the kind of wood we need.

Items Required


Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Greenguard East
Quest Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Sand sounds better than Litter...' quest.

The creatures just keep coming! This does not seem like their full force, based on reports Lord Brentan sent. If this IS just the first wave of invaders, we are going to need a lot more manpower. While you are here, my friend, buy me some time to fortify these barricades. Take out 10 of the monsters nearby.

Items Required



Thanks to Kuro_michiru.

Quest Location: Wrath (Location)
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat The Void Champion' quest.

This undead horde is hyper-focused on attacking Captain Rhubarb and his crew! Help me take out a wave of them!

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to James623456.

Quest Location: Dragon Bone
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

This graveyard is so full of bones, we will not be able to simply walk up to its gates! We will need to navigate the maze of bones to find out way there. Be sure to extinguish any Dark Fires, and slay any Bone Dragonlings, that you find on your way.

Items Required:


  • 200 Gold
  • 200 Exp

Thanks to ShatteredReality.


Quest Location: Event Hub
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Welcome to your 15th Anniversary party, Hero! To celebrate 15 years of your epic achievements, victories, and adventures, I have commissioned 4 new weapons for you. But the cakes smells SO GOOD… I cannot remember where I put your gifts. Please bring me a slice of cake, a fork, and a bottle of Holy Wasabi (from the Birthday Cake in /Birthday or Slayer Cake in the next room over… >_>) to help me remember.

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

You may also choose one of:

Thanks to rruurruu77.

Quest Location: Pal 9001 (Location)
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Waves of wea-PUN-ized monsters are heading for Battleon. Fight back against this onslaught of PUN-ishment by slaying 5 of our op-PUN-nents.

Items Required:


  • 100 Gold
  • 100 Exp

You may also receive, at random:

Thanks to Hindra.

Quest Location: Necropolis
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Note: This quest can only be completed once.

To reforge the Blinding Light of Destiny and create other weapons infused with pure light… we are first going to need what remains of the original battleaxe. Can you find the Blinding Light of Destiny's Handle? (Obtained from one of the DoomWood Part 1 Endings)

Items Required:


  • 7,770 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp
  • 500 Rep : DoomWood

Requirements: Must have completed the 'A Loyal Follower' quest.

  • This quest can only be completed once a day.
  • This quest name is a direct reference to the popular sandbox indie game Minecraft.

Reforging weapons infused with pure light is going to take A LOT of metal. I tried rocking out on the guitar with Zhoom but… that is not the metal we were looking for. We need to harvest metal deposits from Raw Ore. Search all over Lore for beasts affiliated with stones, rocks, crystals, metals, earth, and golems. They should be full of Raw Ore deposits… which is a good thing, because we will need 30 of them! Also, we will need an Axe of the Prospector from a Balboa to mine the metal out of the Raw Ore. Good luck, prospective prospecting paladin!

Items Required:


  • 5,000 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp
  • 2,000 Rep : DoomWood

You may also choose one of:

Requirements: Must have completed one of the '... Enchantment' quest.

  • These quests cannot be accessed after completing one of them.
  • This quest can only be completed once.

Things are looking great so far! We have Spirit Orbs and Enchanted Metals… and our next step now is to forge them together! Once forged, the metal will become stronger than ever before, both physically and spiritually. Items of ''Blinding Light’’ can only be created with ‘‘Metals of Destiny,’’ and the only forge hot enough to craft these metals resides in the Dwarfhold Mountains. Tell Geopetal, the Rock Dweller, that I sent you and I am sure she will forge us those Metals of Destiny!

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


You may also receive at random:

Requirements: Must have completed at least one ''... of Destiny' quest.

Hero, we are SO CLOSE to making items of "Blinding Light!" We just need to make a Basic Weapon Kit. You ready? Cysero gave me a list of everything we need:

1 Noob Blade Oil (from a Noob monster in Noobshire)

1 Zardman's StoneHammer

7 Triple Ply Mummy Wrap

1 Bronze Brush (Bronze monsters should have one)

1 Rocky Stone Sharpener (check the rocks in Bloodtusk)

1 Golden Lacquer Finish (used to color beetle shells gold)

and 4 Burlap Cloth for a travel case (crows are scared of burlap!)

Once you find everything, bring it all back to me and we can assemble a Basic Weapon Kit.

Items Required:




After my Blinding Light of Destiny was destroyed, the pieces were scattered all over Lore… and only weapons of Blinding Light can hope to find these shards! With your Blinding Blade of Destiny, hunt down every Undead monster and try to recover 10 Blinding Light Fragments. The stronger the Undead, the greater chance at finding a shard. And maybe… if we are REALLY lucky… one of these shards might contain the super rare Blinding Aura required for forging the Blinding Light of Destiny back together! Good luck hero—I have full faith in you!

Items Required:



You may also receive, at random:

Requirements: Must have completed one of the 'Finding Fragments with ...' quest.

This is it, hero! You have found bits and pieces of my Blinding Light of Destiny… but it is going to take a lot of Orbs and Auras to restore it to its former glory. Once you have collected everything on the list, we can reforge my almighty battle axe once more! You can do it!

Items Required:


  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp
  • 2,500 Rep : DoomWood


Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Blinding Light of Destiny' quest in order to access this quest.

Hero! It would be an honor if you would wield my axe throughout your adventures. What? You.. got rid of my axe and now you want it back?

Items Required:

  • N/A


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


Quest Location: Necropolis
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'The Blinding Light of Destiny' quest.

Requirements: Must have Blinding Light of Destiny (Axe) in your inventory.

Welcome back! I got a special treat for those who already have the Blinding Light of Destiny. If you want a new, slicker design, it won't take as long as building one that's for sure. It will just alter its appearance a little! You can find the Refined Metal at /Extinction on the Cyworgs.

Items Required:


  • 900 Gold
  • 1,300 Exp


Quest Location: Necropolis
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)

Requirements: Must have Daimyo (Pet) in inventory to accept.

Hello, Hero! What brings you back to the doom and gloom of the Necropolis? I think it might be time for the battle puppy himself to see the world of lore! Sadly I can't really take him for I am always too busy getting the usual undead requests. YOU, however, are well travelled throughout the lands. If you can bring me some heirlooms, I might be willing to lend you Daimyo. I can assure you he is battle ready! If you have trouble finding the chaos lycans, I hear /safiria ‘s castle is overrun by them currently.

Items Required:


  • 900 Gold
  • 1,300 Exp


Quest Location: Fire Invasion
Quests Begun From: Artix (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Major Malfunction' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Thank goodness you are here, my friend! This army came out of nowhere, but with your help and that of these elementals, we will save Swordhaven! Take out 7 ShadowFire Tigers and 7 ShadeFire Elementals while I plot our next move.

Items Required:


  • 7,500 Gold
  • 30,000 Exp

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