- At 8-Bit Battleon Town
- At Aria's Pet Shoppe
- At Battlegrounds
- At Battleon
- At Battleon Town
- At Battleoff (Old)
- At Event Hub
- At Fear House
- At Fimbul's Tomb
- At Glace's Tomb
- At Grams
- At Guardian Tree
- At Holiday Horror
- At Holiday Hotel
- At Love Lockdown
- At Meateor Town
- At Nostalgia Quest
- At Paradox Portal
- At Pilgrimage
- At Pockeymogs Tournament
- At Shadow Battleon
- At Sunlight Zone
Pet shop owner
Welcome to my pet shop! We are just opening… again… is anyone else having deja vu?
Pet shop owner
Welcome to my pet shop, Hero! Do you love animals as much as I do? If you do, I have a huge menagerie of animals for you to choose from!
Become a Pet Tamer Earn Faction Rep
For some people, caring for domestic cats and puppies just isn't enough. They want to go out and tame wild beasts and earn their trust and companionship. Are you one of those adventurous souls, hero? Prove it to me, and I'll help you expand your fuzzy horizons.
Moglin Pets Quest for Free Pets
Would you like a moglin companion of your very own, to journey alongside you on your adventures? I have some willing volunteers, but moglins have special needs. If you help me pack up a month's supply of Moglin MEALs, I'll let you take one with you!- Get MEALs
- Moglin Pets
- To the Nexus
- Aria's Quests
- Aria's Pet Shop
After completing the 'They're Gonna Wreckit!' quest:
You're proven your worth as a Pockey-Mog champion, now is your chance to get some Pockey-Mogs of your own! Can you do it? Can you snatch 'em all?
Nature Lover
Something really weird is going on here. A bunch of Darkblood have made some kind of /pilgrimage to this area. Meet me there and I'll show you.
- Go Now

Pet Shop Owner
Welcome to Battleon, Hero! Spring is here, and I’ve found some unhatched eggs. I think they may have pets inside them! I sure could use your help to make them hatch. Are you up for a quest today?
How Do I Start?
Good question! Here’s what you’ll need to do to hatch a new pet!
1) Buy 1 of the eggs from my Egg Shop.
2) Begin 1 of the quests that match your egg type. Turn it in and save the Flame rewards you get.
3) Come back on Wednesday. My friend Cabdury will send you on a quest for a special Hammer.
4) Merge your Egg, the Flames from my quests, and Cabdury’s Hammer to hatch your pet!Egg Hatching?
The only thing I don’t have that we need is a Hammer to cracked the hardened Egg Shell! My friend Cabdury will arrive in Battleon this Wednesday. Return then and he’ll send you on a quest for a special egg-hammer. Then use the egg, flames, and hammer in the Pet Hatching Shop to get your new pet!
- Egg Quests
- Egg Shop
- Hatch Pets
- Pets of Lore Quests
- Get Hammer

Pet shop owner
Welcome to my pet shop, Hero! Do you love animals as much as I do? If you do, I have a huge menagerie of animals for you to choose from!
Become a Pet Tamer Earn Faction Rep
For some people, caring for domestic cats and puppies just isn't enough. They want to go out and tame wild beasts and earn their trust and companionship. Are you one of those adventurous souls, hero? Prove it to me, and I'll help you expand your fuzzy horizons.
Moglin Pets Quest for Free Pets
Would you like a moglin companion of your very own, to journey alongside you on your adventures? I have some willing volunteers, but moglins have special needs. If you help me pack up a month's supply of Moglin MEALs, I'll let you take one with you!- Get MEALs
- Moglin Pets
- To the Nexus
- Aria's Quests
- Aria's Pet Shop
After completing the 'They're Gonna Wreckit!' quest:
You're proven your worth as a Pockey-Mog champion, now is your chance to get some Pockey-Mogs of your own! Can you do it? Can you snatch 'em all?
Pet Shop Owner
Welcome to my pet shop! We are just opening… again… is anyone else having deja vu?
Bring a Moglin?
Twilly wants to journey alongside you, Hero! But before he can leave for your adventures, he'll need a new stock of medicinal herbs. Battle the Frogzards in the Nexus to get what he needs. He'll turn the Feverbane Blossoms into a vial of Feverbane. Once you have 30 vials, he'll be ready to travel with you!
New Plants?
Oh, you noticed! They're nice, aren't they? Recently, I started feeling this… need to have more green and growing things around me. It just feels better, you know? For so long, all the pets were my closest companions, but I never realized that flowers and trees can be friendly, too!
Pet Shop Owner
Eeeeeeeeeep! I completely forgot it was April Fool's today! Why that little blue rat… I am going to get him next year. Have any ideas?

Pet Shop Owner
Welcome to my butcher shop! We are close to closing… again… is anyone else having a first time experience?
Champion of Nature
It's good to see you again, my friend, and thank you very MOTH for everything you've done so far. You're on the move so much, it feels like you never stop to /rest, even on vacation! If you want some peace and quiet and a bit of adventure, I can tell you where to look for my flying little furry friends. No one really appreciates moths. They get ignored in favor of butterflies, but they are lovely creatures, if you just take the time to look.
Moths are nocturnal creatures, and watching them fly in the moonlight is one of the prettiest things you'll ever see. They're often found near Lycans, and different species inhabit different parts of the world. Try slaying monsters in the following areas, and you might be able to find one or two to bring home with you!- Astravia
- Midnight Sea
- Lunacove
- Solstice Moon
- Bloodmoon Castle
- Blood War
After completing the 'Sea Snow Angels' quest:
Champion of Nature
It's good to see you again, my friend, and thank you very MOTH for everything you've done so far. You're on the move so much, it feels like you never stop to /rest, even on vacation! (Dad says the same about me, even if I am still healing.) If you want some peace and quiet and a bit of adventure, I can tell you where to look for my flying little furry friends. No one really appreciates moths. They get ignored in favor of butterflies, but they are lovely creatures, if you just take the time to look.
Moths are nocturnal creatures, and watching them fly in the moonlight is one of the prettiest things you'll ever see. They're often found near Lycans, and different species inhabit different parts of the world. Try slaying monsters in the following areas, and you might be able to find one or two to bring home with you!- Astravia
- Midnight Sea
- Lunacove
- Solstice Moon
- Bloodmoon Castle
- Blood War
Pet Shop Owner
*SOB*! The poor little animals! How could they DO this? How COULD they??

Champion of Nature
This side of the tomb is secure! There are still monsters skulking around, but I'm a Champion on top of a dean's list qualifier! I'm even more confident with this garden to work with.
These flowers are completely made of ice, but I can sense life in them like the rimeblossoms. They've been alive down here all this time because of the magic imbued in their roots. Glace must have created them when she was alive. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to exist on their own. Do you think I could pull that off? Creating an entirely new species? But I wouldn't just do that on a whim. It could easily disrupt the balance of nature.
It's the Auberon and Snow Faeries that protect the tomb. These giants aren't supposed to be here, so they must be Fimbul's minions. According to Mueran, they're completely made of ice, and don't have souls. These monsters are constructs resembling a clan of giants that used to live in the Northlands before they went extinct. Why? Well, it didn't happen naturally. They must have lost a terrible conflict.
Don't worry about me. Dad built my wheels to handle all sorts of terrain, and my powers aren't stifled here. I would have had trouble, but Professor Maedoc taught me that Nature thrives even in the frigid poles. I'm more uneasy about the necromancy circle Mueran's students left behind. Not that it's a danger to me, but I'm worried about how easy it is to apply my magic to. I almost set it off by accident when I was looking at the flowers.
After completing the 'Death Squall' quest:
Champion of Nature
Do you mind if Tara and I wander around Glace's tomb some more? Trying my hand at some necromancy definitely didn't get me interested in bones or undead stuff. It's just so calm here. There's a lot I'm worried about, but the rimeblossoms are helping me focus on what matters. Everything will work out. It'll take effort, but I'm not alone. You'll be there if I'm in trouble. It isn't a one-way street either. I'll be there if you need anything at all.
These flowers are completely made of ice, but I can sense life in them like the rimeblossoms. They've been alive down here all this time because of the magic imbued in their roots. Glace must have created them when she was alive. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to exist on their own. Do you think I could pull that off? Creating an entirely new species? But I wouldn't just do that on a whim. It could easily disrupt the balance of nature.
It's the Auberon and Snow Faeries that protect the tomb. These giants aren't supposed to be here, so they must be Fimbul's minions. According to Mueran, they're completely made of ice, and don't have souls. These monsters are constructs resembling a clan of giants that used to live in the Northlands before they went extinct. Why? Well, it didn't happen naturally. They must have lost a terrible conflict.
Don't worry about me. Dad built my wheels to handle all sorts of terrain, and my powers aren't stifled here. I would have had trouble, but Professor Maedoc taught me that Nature thrives even in the frigid poles. I'm more uneasy about the necromancy circle Mueran's students left behind. Not that it's a danger to me, but I'm worried about how easy it is to apply my magic to. I almost set it off by accident when I was looking at the flowers.

Champion of Nature
I thought that the tomb would be cold and creepy, but it's so peaceful. Look at the rimeblossoms! They're fragile and break easily out in the open, so it's rare to find them growing in the wild. It must be Glace's aura helping them grow here. She was an amazing Champion! If you're curious about her accomplishments and what it was like when the Elemental Champions first appeared, I have a book called "Grace's Glace" right here.
You already knew that the souls of Champions go join their Avatar's side in their Elemental Plane. I guess that means I'll be joining Terrane when I, uhh "croak." It's morbid and comforting, if you get what I'm saying? I love Terrane, and I know she cares about me. It's just that I won't ever see my dad or friends again. Well, that's life for you. I'll treasure every moment I have with them, and you of course! You're one of my closest friends.
When we get back to Dragonrune Hall, could you keep this trip a secret from my dad? He's going to join us for our Frostval Feast, but he's been so antsy. I appreciate that he's not hovering over me, but I know he's stressed out. Hearing that we teleported to the Northlands out of the blue to stop a bunch of expelled necromancer students would ruin the holidays for him. Thanks for being hush hush in advance!

Yulgar's Daughter
Hero! You've got to HELP me! I can't let my Grams just Disappear! I won't STAND for it! Even if Papa says I have to let you take care of it. I'm not a child anymore!
Once you get Grams back, you should visit me at my shop. I'd LOVE to show you how to train your own animals! Then maybe you could help me, when you have some free-time. It gets a bit lonely in my shop, just me and the animals. They're great friends, but… it'd be nice to have someone to talk to.
Champion of Nature
I can't stay like this forever! If I'm going to get back to normal, the best chance I have lies here, in the Plane of Nature, with Fae. She was able to solve her own shapeshifting problems - hopefully she can help me solve mine, too.
Why do you look so.. different?
It all started when a mysterious Rift opened allowing monsters from another plane to enter Lore. My pet Lucky disappeared while chasing some of them, and I just had to get her back! When I went after her, I was… changed. Kolyaban the Reshaper is responsible for this!
After completing the 'Reach the Top' quest:
Champion of Nature
My entire life, people have seen me as nothing but a child. Good enough to play with pets, sure, but not good enough for something important. I'll show her that I am.
Your Appearance
It all started when a mysterious Rift opened allowing monsters from another plane to enter Lore. My pet Lucky disappeared while chasing some of them, and I just had to get her back! When I went after her, I was… changed. Kolyaban the Reshaper is responsible for this!
After completing the 'Grow a Bridge' quest:
Champion of Nature
If the Avatar of Nature wants me to prove myself in battle, then I will. I'm not a strong fighter myself… but with my abilities, I might be. I guess that's the point, isn't it?
Your Appearance
It all started when a mysterious Rift opened allowing monsters from another plane to enter Lore. My pet Lucky disappeared while chasing some of them, and I just had to get her back! When I went after her, I was… changed. Kolyaban the Reshaper is responsible for this!

Champion of Nature
So many people came to help me and my dad. I used to think we were just a family of two, but I've lost count of the number of friends that would drop everything to save us. This Frostval made me stronger, and I promise I'll use this strength to protect them, too. That includes you! The vines I used to pull you out of the dark were so pretty. I've never done that before. Doesn't that mean I'm already strong? Haha!
I love hearing stories about my mom. She sounded amazing, perfect even. It made me a little jealous that my dad got to spend more time with her than I did. Knowing that she hung on to life until I was old enough to walk on my own…That made it too easy for the hotel to take advantage of me. But I do feel sorry for it. I'm proud of my dad for being so kind, and being there for its last moments…even if I was freaking out pretty bad.
I was worried you wouldn't see the vines I cast into the dark, so your friend said we should use music to get your attention. When I was talking to Tara, she mentioned a lullaby her mother sang to her when she was little. The words stuck out to me, and were the first that came to mind. They're very intense lyrics to sing someone to sleep with. If anything, it sounded like Tara's mom wanted to use them to wake someone up.
I'm going to ask Professor Maedoc for an extended vacation. Dad and I have a lot of catching up to do, and we'll see if he can remake those paintings of mom. Wait. Professor Maedoc might decide to move into the Inn with the other students. Double wait, I could get so many presents if they stay for Frostval! Hey, let me dream a little! I went through a lot today! I deserve to hatch rare spider eggs as a treat!

Champion of Nature
Dad found an abandoned building that was furnished, warm, and full of holiday cheer. It's a Frostval miracle - not! While your friend keeps him busy, let's snoop around. Something messed with my dad's head, and it has to be hiding somewhere.
The hotel's so cozy that it's making me sleepy. If I doze off, I'm afraid I'll never wake up.Yulgar
We're supposed to be celebrating Frostval at home in Battleon. Studying at Dragonrune Hall is fun, but I was getting really homesick. Our tree's always up early, except this year. I came home to a dark and cold inn. Dad dragged me all the way into the middle of nowhere to show me his new place. He wasn't acting like himself, and there's no way this perfect holiday getaway is normal. It's warm, bright, and full of scary whispers.Studies
Professor Maedoc said that thanks to me, he's been able to unravel more of Nature's mysteries. We're starting to get into the really juicy stuff! First and foremost, I'm an animal lover and expert! Before I left Dragonrune Hall for the holidays, we drafted up a plan to track down the Great Dragon Genokratos. Their location's been a mystery ever since the births of the Great Dragon of Metal, and the elusive Great Dragon of Nature.Guest
I'm so glad Dad let me send invitations. He was a little too excited to invite guests to the hotel's grand opening, but it let me reach out to you. I sent letters to everyone I knew that could help. Tara came right away, and the Queen arrived with her since they were spending Frostval together. Even my doctors from Seabase Undine responded to my message. Valencia showed up unannounced, but her family's winter cabin's pretty close too.
After completing the 'Windpipe Hallway' quest:
Champion of Nature
Aurelio Voltaire's cute critter friend said he has gifts to give to us if we help him out a little. Candy Claws is upstairs, and I think it should be okay to hear him out. His red teeth are a bit freaky, but they're just peppermint stripes.
The hotel's so cozy that it's making me sleepy. If I doze off, I'm afraid I'll never wake up.Yulgar
We're supposed to be celebrating Frostval at home in Battleon. Studying at Dragonrune Hall is fun, but I was getting really homesick. Our tree's always up early, except this year. I came home to a dark and cold inn. Dad dragged me all the way into the middle of nowhere to show me his new place. He wasn't acting like himself, and there's no way this perfect holiday getaway is normal. It's warm, bright, and full of scary whispers.Studies
Professor Maedoc said that thanks to me, he's been able to unravel more of Nature's mysteries. We're starting to get into the really juicy stuff! First and foremost, I'm an animal lover and expert! Before I left Dragonrune Hall for the holidays, we drafted up a plan to track down the Great Dragon Genokratos. Their location's been a mystery ever since the births of the Great Dragon of Metal, and the elusive Great Dragon of Nature.Guest
I'm so glad Dad let me send invitations. He was a little too excited to invite guests to the hotel's grand opening, but it let me reach out to you. I sent letters to everyone I knew that could help. Tara came right away, and the Queen arrived with her since they were spending Frostval together. Even my doctors from Seabase Undine responded to my message. Valencia showed up unannounced, but her family's winter cabin's pretty close too.
After completing the 'Foreign Body Aspiration' quest:
Champion of Nature
How did you get the keys to everyone's rooms? I thought dad had his copies locked up. Since you have them, let's check on each of the guests one by one. Hopefully they're doing better than dad is.
The hotel's so cozy that it's making me sleepy. If I doze off, I'm afraid I'll never wake up.Yulgar
We're supposed to be celebrating Frostval at home in Battleon. Studying at Dragonrune Hall is fun, but I was getting really homesick. Our tree's always up early, except this year. I came home to a dark and cold inn. Dad dragged me all the way into the middle of nowhere to show me his new place. He wasn't acting like himself, and there's no way this perfect holiday getaway is normal. It's warm, bright, and full of scary whispers.Studies
Professor Maedoc said that thanks to me, he's been able to unravel more of Nature's mysteries. We're starting to get into the really juicy stuff! First and foremost, I'm an animal lover and expert! Before I left Dragonrune Hall for the holidays, we drafted up a plan to track down the Great Dragon Genokratos. Their location's been a mystery ever since the births of the Great Dragon of Metal, and the elusive Great Dragon of Nature.Guest
I'm so glad Dad let me send invitations. He was a little too excited to invite guests to the hotel's grand opening, but it let me reach out to you. I sent letters to everyone I knew that could help. Tara came right away, and the Queen arrived with her since they were spending Frostval together. Even my doctors from Seabase Undine responded to my message. Valencia showed up unannounced, but her family's winter cabin's pretty close too.
After completing the 'Cryophobia' quest:
Champion of Nature
My head really hurts. It felt like something grabbed my head, and stuck a hot iron into my skull. Suddenly, I saw a red flash, and a dark figure scurrying down the hall. It looked…alien and freaky. Hurry and catch it! That thing might try to attack my dad!
The hotel's so cozy that it's making me sleepy. If I doze off, I'm afraid I'll never wake up.Yulgar
We're supposed to be celebrating Frostval at home in Battleon. Studying at Dragonrune Hall is fun, but I was getting really homesick. Our tree's always up early, except this year. I came home to a dark and cold inn. Dad dragged me all the way into the middle of nowhere to show me his new place. He wasn't acting like himself, and there's no way this perfect holiday getaway is normal. It's warm, bright, and full of scary whispers.Studies
Professor Maedoc said that thanks to me, he's been able to unravel more of Nature's mysteries. We're starting to get into the really juicy stuff! First and foremost, I'm an animal lover and expert! Before I left Dragonrune Hall for the holidays, we drafted up a plan to track down the Great Dragon Genokratos. Their location's been a mystery ever since the births of the Great Dragon of Metal, and the elusive Great Dragon of Nature.Guest
I'm so glad Dad let me send invitations. He was a little too excited to invite guests to the hotel's grand opening, but it let me reach out to you. I sent letters to everyone I knew that could help. Tara came right away, and the Queen arrived with her since they were spending Frostval together. Even my doctors from Seabase Undine responded to my message. Valencia showed up unannounced, but her family's winter cabin's pretty close too.
After completing the 'Maceration' quest:
Champion of Nature
Did you meet my mom before? Her name was Lark, and Dad said she 'left us' during a cold winter. Mom held on just long enough to see me take my first steps, and then…it doesn't matter. She's back now! Dad won't be lonely, and I don't have to struggle to remember her humming lullabies anymore. There's so much I want to tell her! I just need to rub the red out of my eyes. It's making me dizzy.
The hotel's so cozy that it's making me sleepy. If I doze off, I'm afraid I'll never wake up.Yulgar
We're supposed to be celebrating Frostval at home in Battleon. Studying at Dragonrune Hall is fun, but I was getting really homesick. Our tree's always up early, except this year. I came home to a dark and cold inn. Dad dragged me all the way into the middle of nowhere to show me his new place. He wasn't acting like himself, and there's no way this perfect holiday getaway is normal. It's warm, bright, and full of scary whispers.Studies
Professor Maedoc said that thanks to me, he's been able to unravel more of Nature's mysteries. We're starting to get into the really juicy stuff! First and foremost, I'm an animal lover and expert! Before I left Dragonrune Hall for the holidays, we drafted up a plan to track down the Great Dragon Genokratos. Their location's been a mystery ever since the births of the Great Dragon of Metal, and the elusive Great Dragon of Nature.Guest
I'm so glad Dad let me send invitations. He was a little too excited to invite guests to the hotel's grand opening, but it let me reach out to you. I sent letters to everyone I knew that could help. Tara came right away, and the Queen arrived with her since they were spending Frostval together. Even my doctors from Seabase Undine responded to my message. Valencia showed up unannounced, but her family's winter cabin's pretty close too.

Angry Pet Shop Owner
It's not FAIR! I love working with animals, but I still want to go out and see the WORLD! Why won't Papa understand that? Grr, it makes me so mad! Right, Mr. Cuddles?

Pet Shop Owner
OH MY GARGOYLES! I can't believe we survived that collision. Cysero and Warlic got ALL of my pets to safety in time. I'm keeping them in Greenguard until we can rebuild but I want to get them all back where they belong. Will you help us rebuild town? Then I can re-open my Pet Shop for you and all the other heroes!
Welcome to my pet shop! We are just opening… again… I think, This all seems so familiar, don't you think? Is anyone else having deja vu? Reja vu?
Pet Tamer
"!ylliwT elots fle krad A !pleH"
(NOTE: Butterfly Effect in Effect)
After completing the 'Where's Twilly???' quest:
Pet Tamer
Oh! You found Twilly AND removed the Butterfly Effect! Wonderful!
(NOTE: Butterfly Effect no longer in Effect)
Nature Lover
I don't know what happened! I turned my back and she was just… gone! Please, help me find Lucky!
I don't trust any of this. I don't think the Darkblood themselves mean us any harm - they seem like they just want to be left alone. But the timing and the location of Kolyaban's appearance…I can't help but think she must be what's causing the disturbance I've felt. We should stay and investigate, don't you think?
After completing the 'Head into the Woods' quest:
Nature Lover
Please don't hurt Lucky! It's not her fault that this happened to her! If you can just knock her out… if we can catch her and bring her back to camp… maybe I can find a way to heal her. Please, we have to help her!
I don't trust any of this. I don't think the Darkblood themselves mean us any harm - they seem like they just want to be left alone. But the timing and the location of Kolyaban's appearance…I can't help but think she must be what's causing the disturbance I've felt. We should stay and investigate, don't you think?
You do feel it, don't you? Or… is it just me? I've always felt more connected to nature than most people do. Since the Rift opened, that feeling has intensified. Or… maybe it's just that this is the first time anything this huge has happened to the planet itself.
Pet Shop Owner
You've proven your worth as a Pockey-Mog champion, now is your chance to get some Pockey-Mogs of your very own! Can you do it? Can you snatch 'em all?
Champion of Nature
The Clerics helping me rehabilitate said that it was okay to visit home. I was so excited, but… ugh, what terrible timing.. I really wanted to hang out with Tara and have her sneak some magic tips over, but Empress Gravelyn will scold me if I try to use my Nature powers. At least we can help a little- some of the Clerics became part-time Druids after a talk with Terrane, and they taught me a bit of purification magic!
Champion of Nature
Thanks for sneaking us up here, I'm feeling a lot better already! The gardens feel like the forests back in Battleon, save for the complete lack of animals, but we take what we can get. Being here with dad and seeing how the gardens make the researchers and their families feel at home, I want to help it grow. It's the least I can do for how well Dr. Rivale and the others have been taking care of us.
When Dr. Noelle lent me her wheelchair, dad got emotional. He saw me sitting in the chair and was upset at how hurt I was. I see the wheelchair as a tool that helps me move, and gives me more freedom. Of course, there are times when I get really down or angry over little things, but there's always someone there to listen. I'm not alone. You're here to help and so is everyone else. That's the best medicine.
Lady Terrane and I began talking about my duties as Champion. Mostly about how I shouldn't overexert myself. She's coddling me because of my injuries. But there has to be more to this Champion thing. I need to learn about the Nature Element, all of it's nice parts and it's dark. Lady Terrane wants to learn about Lore too. Because the Avatars don't meddle with mortal affairs, they're somewhat out of touch with us.
The doctors are great, especially Dr. Rivale! She was the one who led my surgery, and worked on my rehabilitation routine with Indradeep. But, Dr. Rivale shrinks away when I try to chat with her. Mi and Fa take their breaks with me, so I have someone to talk to. Oh, Dr. Noelle? I…don't really like her. She's nice and all, but encourages the other doctors to work twelve hours a day. All for the greater good…
After completing the 'Ten Klicks' quest:
Champion of Nature
This new chair feels so much better! It's easier to maneuver and the material makes me feel closer to nature. I think I could even outrace some of the kids here! I wish you could stay with dad and I for longer but you have work to do down deeper in the base, right? If you ever need a break, come back here. I'll make the gardens even better by the time you return.
When Dr. Noelle lent me her wheelchair, dad got emotional. He saw me sitting in the chair and was upset at how hurt I was. I see the wheelchair as a tool that helps me move, and gives me more freedom. Of course, there are times when I get really down or angry over little things, but there's always someone there to listen. I'm not alone. You're here to help and so is everyone else. That's the best medicine.
Lady Terrane and I began talking about my duties as Champion. Mostly about how I shouldn't overexert myself. She's coddling me because of my injuries. But there has to be more to this Champion thing. I need to learn about the Nature Element, all of it's nice parts and it's dark. Lady Terrane wants to learn about Lore too. Because the Avatars don't meddle with mortal affairs, they're somewhat out of touch with us.
The doctors are great, especially Dr. Rivale! She was the one who led my surgery, and worked on my rehabilitation routine with Indradeep. But, Dr. Rivale shrinks away when I try to chat with her. Mi and Fa take their breaks with me, so I have someone to talk to. Oh, Dr. Noelle? I…don't really like her. She's nice and all, but encourages the other doctors to work twelve hours a day. All for the greater good…
- 8-Bit Battleon Town
- Aria's Pet Shoppe
- Battlegrounds
- Battleoff (Old)
- Event Hub (July)
- Fear House
- Fimbul's Tomb
- Glace's Tomb
- Grams
- Guardian Tree
- Holiday Horror
- Holiday Hotel
- Love Lockdown (Location)
- Meateor Town
- Nostalgia Quest
- Paradox Portal
- Paradox Portal B
- Paradox Portal C
- Pilgrimage
- Pockeymogs Tournament
- Shadow Battleon
- Sunlight Zone
- Appears on Screen 1 of Holiday Horror after completing the 'Empty Nest' quest.
- Appears on Screen 10 of Pilgrimage after completing the 'Head into the Woods' quest.
- Appears on Screen 1 of Pockeymogs Tournament after completing the 'They're Gonna Wreckit!' quest.
- Disappears from Pilgrimage after completing the 'Bad Dog' quest.
- Replaced by Madra on Screen 1 of Battlegrounds after completing the 'Smash the Hive' quest.
- Replaces Aria and Lucky on Screen 1 of Pilgrimage after completing the 'The Source' quest.
- Normal
- At 8-Bit Battleon Town / Nostalgia Quest / Paradox Portal
- At Aria's Pet Shoppe
- At Battlegrounds
- At Battleon Town
- At Battleoff (Old)
- At Event Hub
- At Guardian Tree
- At Love Lockdown
- At Meateor Town
- At Pilgrimage
- At Pockeymogs Tournament

Thanks to ANGELO13542, captain pearl, Rainha das Trevas, Rare, Retic, Rsrdaman, Shaggy McParker and zenron the great.
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!