Change Log:
- Double Class Points boost until Monday, October 4th.
- Double Gold boost until Monday, October 11th.
- All Level 10+ players, who logged in within the last 3 months and have a confirmed email on their account, received 500 AdventureCoins.
- Double Rep boost until Monday, October 18th.
- Max bank space increased from 350 to 450.
- Max friend list space increased from 125 to 225.
- Max guild member slots increased from 125 to 225.
- Inventory space for new accounts increased from 40 to 50.
- Max inventory space increased from 300 to 400.
- Extra XP from leveling up now carries over.
- Music / Sound FX volume slider.
- New House Shop/Inventory UI.
- House Items can be banked now.
- AQW Client Patch Notes
- Double Class Points, XP, Gold and Rep boost until Monday, October 25th.
13th Upholder Character Page Badges
13th Upholder
Queen's Chaos Collection
Chaos Avenger
Chaotic Birthday Hero
Chaos Militia Faction Updated
Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Birthday Updated
Champion Drakath (Location)
Orb Hunt
Queen's Battle
Queen's Reign
Animus of Ice (Level 50)
Birthday Cake Updated
Calcified Amethite
Calcified Remains
Calcified Wyrm
Chamat (Monster)
Champion Drakath (Monster)
Chaorrupted Healer Updated
Chaorrupted Mage Updated
Chaorrupted Rogue (Version 2) Updated
Chaorruption (Level 17) (Version 2)
Chaorruption (Level 32) (Version 2) Updated
Chaos Dracolich (Level 51)
Chaos Draconian Updated
Chaos Drow (Level 18) (2) Updated
Chaos General (2)
Chaos Ghost (Level 51)
Chaos Giant
Chaos Sp-eye (3) (Level 51)
Chaos Spider (2) Updated
Chaos Warrior (Monster) (2) Updated
Chaotic Guilt (1)
Chaotic Guilt (2)
Chaotic Guilt (3)
Chaotic Guilt (4)
Extriki (Monster) (Level 50)
Extriki Shade
Frogzard (Level 4) (Version 2) Updated
Grou'luu Shade
Hero (Chaos Lord) Updated
Hive (Level 50)
Horothotep Shade
Ice Infernal (Level 50)
Jaaku (Level 50)
Jaaku's Shadow
Kolyaban (Monster) (Level 50)
Kolyaban Shade
Lotus Spider (Level 50)
Nax Beast
Plague Spreader (Level 50)
Proto Chaos Champion
Queen of Monsters (Monster) (1) Updated
Queen of Monsters (Monster) (2)
Quetzal (Monster)
Ragewing (Level 50)
Sa-Laatan Shade
Sa-Laatan Spawn
Samurai Nopperabo (Monster) (Level 50)
Seed Stalker (Level 50)
Sek Duat I
Shadow Samurai (Monster) (Level 50)
Suffocated Light
Time-Travel Fairy (Level 55) Updated
Tsukumo-Gami (7)
Water Goblin (Level 50)
Escherion (NPC)
Hero (NPC)
Iadoa (NPC) Updated
Khasaanda (NPC)
Kimberly (NPC)
King Alteon (NPC) Updated
King Vath
Kitsune (NPC)
Ledgermayne (NPC)
Lionfang Updated
Tibicenas (NPC)
Voice of the Queen
Wolfwing (NPC)
Chronomancer's Loyal Quest Companion's Quest
Hero's Quests
Iadoa's Quests
Iadoa's Quests
Kimberly's Quests
King Alteon's Quests
King Vath's Quests
Kitsune's Quests
Ledgermayne's Quests
Lionfang's Quests
Tibicenas' Quests
Voice of the Queen's Quests
Wolfwing's Quests
Zorbak the Ebil Necromancer's Quest Updated
13th Birthday Collection
13th Upholder
Champion Drakath Merge
Chaos Avenger Class
Chaos Keep House
Doom Merge (2)
Featured Gear Shop Updated
Orb Hunt Merge
Queen's Battle Merge
Queen's Reign Merge
Quibble Coinbiter's Fifty-Second Shop
Quibble House Items Returns Updated
Starsword Merge Updated
Zorbak's Merge Shop Updated
Armors10th Hero of Balance
11th Hero of Balance
12th Hero of Balance
1st ChaosLord Prime
1st Hero of Balance
3rd ChaosLord Prime
3rd Hero of Balance
4th ChaosLord Prime
4th Hero of Balance
5th ChaosLord Prime
5th Hero of Balance
6th ChaosLord Prime
7th ChaosLord Prime
7th Hero of Balance
8th Hero of Balance
9th Hero of Balance
Ancient Knight (0 AC)
Ancient Knight (AC)
Aquatic Nereidian Majesty (0 AC)
Aquatic Nereidian Majesty (AC)
Aquatic Warrior (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior (AC)
Boreal Warrior (0 AC)
Boreal Warrior (AC)
CandySmith Crusher
Chaos Avenger Armor
Chaotic Witch + Warlock (0 AC)
Chaotic Witch + Warlock (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time (AC)
Drenched Monk
Elegant Eternal Ice Outfit
Elite ShadowReaver (0 AC)
Elite ShadowReaver (AC)
Empowered Chaos Avenger Armor
Empowered Drakath Armor
Empowered Original Drakath Armor
Eternal Dragon Caster (0 AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster (AC)
Evil ChaosLord Prime
Evil Hero of Balance
Evolved ShadowReaver (0 AC)
Evolved ShadowReaver (AC)
Geodic Warrior (0 AC)
Geodic Warrior (AC)
Geomancer Armor
Glacial Warrior (0 AC)
Glacial Warrior (AC)
Good ChaosLord Prime
Good Hero of Balance
Greater Monstrous Zealot (0 AC)
Greater Monstrous Zealot (AC)
Ignus Warrior (0 AC)
Ignus Warrior (AC)
Ionic Warrior (0 AC)
Ionic Warrior (AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Majesty (0 AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Majesty (AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Majesty (Legend)
Luminous Warrior (0 AC)
Luminous Warrior (AC)
Magistral Aeromancer
Monstrous Royal Chaos Garb (0 AC)
Monstrous Royal Chaos Garb (AC)
Monstrous Zealot (0 AC)
Monstrous Zealot (AC)
Prismatic LightningLord
Proto-Champion of Monsters
Pyroclastic Mage
Royal Exalted ShadowSlayer
Royal Honor ShadowSlayer
Sandsea Dune Strider
Tenebral Warrior
Umbral Warrior (0 AC)
Umbral Warrior (AC)
Underworld ShadowReaver (0 AC)
Underworld ShadowReaver (AC) Capes & Back Items
1st ChaosLord's Tattered Cloak
1st Hero of Balance Cloak
3rd ChaosLord's Tattered Cloak
3rd Hero of Balance Scarf
4th ChaosLord's Runed Cloak
4th Hero of Balance Cloak
5th ChaosLord's Ruined Wings
5th Hero of Balance Wings
Ancient Knight's Back Blade (AC)
Ancient Knight's Back Blade (Non-AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap (AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap + Back Blade (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Wrap + Back Blade (AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Sphere (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Sphere (AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Waves (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Waves (AC)
Boreal Cyclone (0 AC)
Boreal Cyclone (AC)
Chaos Avenger's Cloak
Chaotic Poppet Cape (AC)
Chaotic Poppet Cape (Non-AC)
Chaotic Tentacle Growth (0 AC)
Chaotic Tentacle Growth (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Cape (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Cape (Non-AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Tail (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Tail (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Wing + Tail (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Wing + Tail (Legend)
Dark Dragon of Time Wings (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Wings (AC)
Dark Dragon's Portal Bank Cape (0 AC)
Dark Dragon's Portal Bank Cape (AC)
Dark Dragon's Portal Cape (0 AC)
Dark Dragon's Portal Cape (AC)
Dark Portal of Time Bank Cape (0 AC)
Dark Portal of Time Bank Cape (AC)
Dark Portal of Time Cape (0 AC)
Dark Portal of Time Cape (AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster's Clock (0 AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster's Clock (AC)
Eternal Ice Cubes
Evolved ShadowScythe Aura + Cloak (0 AC)
Evolved ShadowScythe Aura + Cloak (AC)
Evolved ShadowScythe Cloak (AC)
Evolved ShadowScythe Cloak (Legend)
Fists of the North Wind (0 AC)
Fists of the North Wind (AC)
Geodic Warrior's Vines (0 AC)
Geodic Warrior's Vines (AC)
Geomancer Cape
Glacial Warrior Crystal Shards (0 AC)
Glacial Warrior Crystal Shards (AC)
Glacial Warrior's Fur Wrap (AC)
Glacial Warrior's Fur Wrap (Non-AC)
Ignus Wings (0 AC)
Ignus Wings (AC)
Ionic Star (0 AC)
Ionic Star (AC)
Ionic Wings (0 AC)
Ionic Wings (AC)
Lava Rock Ring Cape (0 AC)
Lava Rock Ring Cape (AC)
LightningLord Rune
Luminomancer's Rune Cape
Luminous Warrior's Halo Cape (AC)
Luminous Warrior's Halo Cape (Non-AC)
Luminous Warrior's Wings (0 AC)
Luminous Warrior's Wings (AC)
Luminous Warrior's Wings + Halo (0 AC)
Luminous Warrior's Wings + Halo (AC)
Magistral's Divine Velificatio
Magistral's Velificatio
Monstrous Zealot's Arms (0 AC)
Monstrous Zealot's Arms (AC)
Prismatic LightningLord Rune
Proto-Champion Monster's Tendrils
Pyroclastic Guardian Cape
Ragged Sand Strider Cape
Royal Chaos Cape (0 AC)
Royal Chaos Cape (AC)
Royal Chaos Low Cape (0 AC)
Royal Chaos Low Cape (AC)
Royal Exalted ShadowSlayer Coat
Royal Luxuria Sculpture Cape
Royal Nereidian Aquatic Shield (0 AC)
Royal Nereidian Aquatic Shield (AC)
Shadowed Tentacle Growth (AC)
Shadowed Tentacle Growth (Legend)
Shadowy Doll Familiar (0 AC)
Shadowy Doll Familiar (AC)
Tenebral Warrior's Rune Cape
Tentacled Doll Familiar (0 AC)
Tentacled Doll Familiar (AC)
Umbral Screams (0 AC)
Umbral Screams (AC)
Umbral Wings (0 AC)
Umbral Wings (AC)
Underworld ShadowScythe Aura + Cloak (0 AC)
Underworld ShadowScythe Aura + Cloak (AC)
Underworld ShadowScythe Cloak (AC)
Underworld ShadowScythe Cloak (Legend)
Whirly Bonka Cape Classes
Chaos Avenger
Chaos Avenger Member Preview Helmets & Hoods
10th Hero of Balance Hood
11th Hero of Balance Helm
12th Hero of Balance Crown
1st ChaosLord Prime Hood
1st Hero of Balance Hood
3rd ChaosLord Prime's Locks
3rd Hero of Balance Locks
4th ChaosLord Prime's Helmet
5th ChaosLord's Morph
5th Hero of Balance Morph
6th ChaosLord's Twintails
7th ChaosLord's Morph
7th Hero of Balance Morph
8th Hero of Balance Morph
9th Hero of Balance Morph
Ancient Knight's Crested Helm (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Crested Helm (AC)
Ancient Knight's Crested Helm + Locks (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Crested Helm + Locks (AC)
Ancient Knight's Helm (AC)
Ancient Knight's Helm (Non-AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Crown (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Crown (AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Morph (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Morph (AC)
Boreal Guard (0 AC)
Boreal Guard (AC)
Boreal Hat (0 AC)
Boreal Hat (AC)
CandySmith Tophat
CandySmith Tophat + Goggles
Chaos Avenger's Armet
Chaos Avenger's Helm
Chaos Avenger's Tentacled Armet
Chaotic Warlock's Hair (AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Hair (Non-AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Hair + Scarf (0 AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Hair + Scarf (AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Hat (0 AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Hat (AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Hat + Scarf (0 AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Hat + Scarf (AC)
Chaotic Witch's Goggles Helm (0 AC)
Chaotic Witch's Goggles Helm (AC)
Chaotic Witch's Locks (AC)
Chaotic Witch's Locks (Non-AC)
Chaotic Witch's Locks + Hat (0 AC)
Chaotic Witch's Locks + Hat (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Hair (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Hair (Non-AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Helmet (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Helmet (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Horns (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Horns (Legend)
Dark Dragon of Time Horns + Locks (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Horns + Locks (Legend)
Dark Dragon of Time Locks (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Locks (Non-AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Morph (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Morph (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Morph + Locks (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Morph + Locks (AC)
Drenched Cut
Drenched Monk's Masked Hair
Drenched Monk's Masked Locks
Drenched Monk's Oni Mask
Drenched Pigtails
Elegant Eternal Ice Crown
Elegant Ice Crown + Locks
Elegant Ice Cut
Elegant Ice Locks
Elegant Ice Veil + Locks
Enchanted Royal Chaos Locks + Morph (0 AC)
Enchanted Royal Chaos Locks + Morph (AC)
Enchanted Royal Chaos Morph (0 AC)
Enchanted Royal Chaos Morph (AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster's Hat (0 AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster's Hat (AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster's Hat + Locks (0 AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster's Hat + Locks (AC)
Evil ChaosLord's Locks
Evil ChaosLord's Morph
Evil Hero of Balance Morph
Fancy Top Hat
Fancy Top Hat + Beard
Fancy Top Hat + Bearded Shag
Fancy Top Hat + Locks
Fancy Top Hat + Shag
Geodic Warrior's Bush Helm (0 AC)
Geodic Warrior's Bush Helm (AC)
Geodic Warrior's Halo (0 AC)
Geodic Warrior's Halo (AC)
Geomancer Hair
Glacial Warrior Helmet (AC)
Glacial Warrior Helmet (Legend)
Glacial Warrior's Crown (0 AC)
Glacial Warrior's Crown (AC)
Good ChaosLord's Morph
Good ChaosLord's Ponytail
Good Hero of Balance Morph
Greater Monstrous Zealot's Guard (0 AC)
Greater Monstrous Zealot's Guard (AC)
Ignus Lava Morph (0 AC)
Ignus Lava Morph (AC)
Ignus Lava Rock Helm (0 AC)
Ignus Lava Rock Helm (AC)
Ionic Guard (0 AC)
Ionic Guard (AC)
Ionic Morph (0 AC)
Ionic Morph (AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Crown (0 AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Crown (AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Hair (AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Hair (Legend)
Iridescent Nereidian Locks (AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Locks (Legend)
Iridescent Nereidian Long Locks (0 AC)
Iridescent Nereidian Long Locks (AC)
LightningLord Helm
LightningLord Locks
Liquified Hood
Luminomancer's Helm
Luminous Warrior's Helm (0 AC)
Luminous Warrior's Helm (AC)
Luminous Warrior's Hood (AC)
Luminous Warrior's Hood (Legend)
Magistral Sage's Hood
Magistral's Hood
Monstrous Zealot's Guard (0 AC)
Monstrous Zealot's Guard (AC)
Prismatic Bandana
Prismatic Bandana + Beard
Prismatic LightningLord Helm
Prismatic LightningLord Locks
Proto-Champion Helm
Proto-Champion Monster Morph
Pyroclastic Mage Hair
Pyroclastic Mage Hood
Royal Chaos Hair (AC)
Royal Chaos Hair (Non-AC)
Royal Chaos Locks (AC)
Royal Chaos Locks (Non-AC)
Royal Chaos Locks + Morph (0 AC)
Royal Chaos Locks + Morph (AC)
Royal Chaos Morph (0 AC)
Royal Chaos Morph (AC)
Royal Exalted ShadowSlayer Cap
Royal Exalted ShadowSlayer Cap + Locks
Royal Nereidian Crown (0 AC)
Royal Nereidian Crown (AC)
Royal Nereidian Hair (AC)
Royal Nereidian Hair (Non-AC)
Royal Nereidian Locks (AC)
Royal Nereidian Locks (Non-AC)
Royal Nereidian Long Locks (0 AC)
Royal Nereidian Long Locks (AC)
Royal ShadowSlayer Glasses
Royal Shadowslayer Locks + Glasses
Sandsea Strider Beard
Sandsea Strider Beard + Scarf
Sandsea Strider Curls
Sandsea Strider Curls + Mask
Sandsea Strider Hooded Mask
Sandsea Strider Protective Gear
Sandsea Strider Scarf + Beard
Sandsea Strider Scarf + Curls
Sandsea Warrior Hood
Sandsea Warrior Hood + Beard
Tenebral Warrior's Helm
Umbral Crown (0 AC)
Umbral Crown (AC)
Umbral Helm (0 AC)
Umbral Helm (AC)
Umbral Horned Skull (0 AC)
Umbral Horned Skull (AC)
Underworld Visage of the Dark Lord (0 AC)
Underworld Visage of the Dark Lord (AC)
Visage of the DarkLord (0 AC)
Visage of the DarkLord (AC) Housing
Alteon Plushie
Chaorrupted Root Lamp (L) (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Root Lamp (L) (AC)
Chaorrupted Root Lamp (R) (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Root Lamp (R) (AC)
Chaos Castle Banner (L) (AC)
Chaos Castle Banner (L) (Non-AC)
Chaos Castle Banner (R) (AC)
Chaos Castle Banner (R) (Non-AC)
Chaos Eye Lamp (L) (AC)
Chaos Eye Lamp (L) (Legend)
Chaos Eye Lamp (R) (AC)
Chaos Eye Lamp (R) (Legend)
Chaos Plushie Cabinet
Drakath Plushie
Drakath Twins Wall
Escherion Plushie
GIANT Alteon Plushie
GIANT Drakath Plushie
GIANT Escherion Plushie
GIANT Iadoa Plushie
GIANT Khasaanda Plushie
GIANT Kimberly Plushie
GIANT Kitsune Plushie
GIANT Ledgermayne Plushie
GIANT LionFang Plushie
GIANT Tibicenas Plushie
GIANT Vath Plushie
GIANT Wolfwing Plushie
GIANT Xang Plushie
GIANT Xing and Xang Plushies
GIANT Xing Plushie
Iadoa Plushie
Khasaanda Plushie
Kimberly Plushie
Kitsune Plushie
Ledgermayne Plushie
LionFang Plushie
Mystical Chaos Keep (0 AC)
Mystical Chaos Keep (AC)
Tibicenas Plushie
Vath Plushie
Wolfwing Plushie
Xang Plushie
Xing and Xang Plushies
Xing Plushie Misc. Items
Ancient Astrolabe
Ancient Hourglass
Champion Drakath Insignia
Fragment of Mount Doomskull
Fragment of the Dragon
Fragment of the Queen
Fragments of the Lords A
Fragments of the Lords B
Onyx Scale
Parallel Chaos Amulet
Severed Tentacle Pets
Chrono Wyvern Pet (0 AC)
Chrono Wyvern Pet (AC)
Chronomancer's Loyal Companion
Chronomancer's Loyal Quest Companion
Shadefire Baby Dragon Pet
Suffocated Light Pet Axes
DeathEater's Pole (0 AC)
DeathEater's Pole (AC)
Ignus Axe (0 AC)
Ignus Axe (AC)
ShadowLight of Doom (0 AC)
ShadowLight of Doom (AC)
Underworld DeathEater Axe (0 AC)
Underworld DeathEater Axe (AC) Bows
Geodic Warrior's Bow (0 AC)
Geodic Warrior's Bow (AC)
Magistral's Longbow Daggers
3rd Hero of Balance Daggers
4th ChaosLord's Dual Katanas
Ancient Knight's Blade + Shield (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Blade + Shield (AC)
Ancient Knight's Mystical Accoutrements (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Mystical Accoutrements (AC)
Ancient Knight's Polearm + Shield (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Polearm + Shield (AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Dagger (AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Dagger (Legend)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Reavers (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Reavers (AC)
Chaotic Witch's Wand + Tome (0 AC)
Chaotic Witch's Wand + Tome (AC)
Dual Aquatic Warrior's Fans (AC)
Dual Aquatic Warrior's Fans (Legend)
Dual Boreal Katanas (AC)
Dual Boreal Katanas (Legend)
Dual Dark Dragon of Time Katanas (AC)
Dual Dark Dragon of Time Katanas (Legend)
Dual Glacial Warrior's Sickle (AC)
Dual Glacial Warrior's Sickle (Legend)
Dual Lava Rock Knuckles (0 AC)
Dual Lava Rock Knuckles (AC)
Dual Luminous Beam Blades
Dual Pyroclastic Mage Staves
Dual ShadowLight of Doom (0 AC)
Dual ShadowLight of Doom (AC)
Dual Tenebral Beam Swords
Geodic Warrior's Dagger (AC)
Geodic Warrior's Dagger (Legend)
Geomancer Dagger
Glacial Warrior's Dagger (0 AC)
Glacial Warrior's Dagger (AC)
Greater Monstrous Claws (0 AC)
Greater Monstrous Claws (AC)
Ionic Daggers (AC)
Ionic Daggers (Legend)
Luminous Warrior's Armblades (0 AC)
Luminous Warrior's Armblades (AC)
Magistral's Bow + Arrow
Monstrous Claws (AC)
Monstrous Claws (Legend)
Prisma Adornments
Pyroclastic Blaze Hands
Sandsea Strider Crys Knives
Shadow Claw
Shadow Dagger (2)
Umbral Claws (AC)
Umbral Claws (Legend) Guns
Sandsea Strider Blaster Maces
11th Hero of Balance Whip
Alteon Plushie Mace
Aquatic Warrior's Shell Fan (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Shell Fan (AC)
Chaotic Warlock's Poppet (AC)
Drakath Plushie Mace
Escherion Plushie Mace
Glacial Warrior's Sickle (AC)
Glacial Warrior's Sickle (Non-AC)
Greater Monstrous Claw (0 AC)
Greater Monstrous Claw (AC)
Iadoa Plushie Mace
Ionic Dirk (AC)
Ionic Dirk (Non-AC)
Khasaanda Plushie Mace
Kimberly Plushie Mace
Kitsune Plushie Mace
Lava Rock Knuckles (0 AC)
Lava Rock Knuckles (AC)
Ledgermayne Plushie Mace
LionFang Plushie Mace
Monstrous Claw (AC)
Monstrous Claw (Non-AC)
Single Geomancer Dagger
Single Prisma Adornment
Tibicenas Plushie Mace
Umbral Claw (AC)
Umbral Claw (Non-AC)
Vath Plushie Mace
Wolfwing Plushie Mace
Xang Plushie Mace
Xing Plushie Mace Polearms
Ancient Knight's Polearm (AC)
Ancient Knight's Polearm (Legend)
Boreal Shovel (0 AC)
Boreal Shovel (AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Polearm (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Polearm (AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Scythe (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Scythe (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Polearm (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Polearm (AC)
Deadly Shadow Scythe (0 AC)
Deadly Shadow Scythe (AC)
Drowned Trident
Ionic Spear (0 AC)
Ionic Spear (AC)
Luminous Warrior's Scythe (0 AC)
Luminous Warrior's Scythe (AC)
Royal Nereidian Trident (0 AC)
Royal Nereidian Trident (AC)
Umbral Scythe (0 AC)
Umbral Scythe (AC)
Underworld Shadow Scythe (0 AC)
Underworld Shadow Scythe (AC) Staffs
Aquatic Warrior's Staff (AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Staff (Non-AC)
Candy Crusher Cane
Chaorrupted Ruler's Staff (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Staff (AC)
Chaotic Witch's Broom (AC)
Chaotic Witch's Broom (Non-AC)
Colorful Chaos Rose
Drenched Ringstaff
Eternal Dragon Caster's Staff (0 AC)
Eternal Dragon Caster's Staff (AC)
Magistral's Weather Staff
Magistral's Wyvern Staff
Minty Crusher Staff
Polished Supreme Arcane Staff
Pyroclastic Mage Staff
Royal Chaos Rose
Twisted Staff of Inversion Swords
3rd Hero of Balance Dirk
4th ChaosLord's Laser Katana
Alchemist Star Sword
Alteon's Star Sword
Ancient Knight's Golden Blade (AC)
Ancient Knight's Golden Blade (Legend)
Ancient Knight's Mystical Blade (0 AC)
Ancient Knight's Mystical Blade (AC)
Ancient Monstrous Jawblade
Aquatic Warrior's Cutlass (0 AC)
Aquatic Warrior's Cutlass (AC)
Bonebreaker Star Sword
Boreal Katana (AC)
Boreal Katana (Non-AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Blade (0 AC)
Chaorrupted Ruler's Blade (AC)
Chaos Avenger's Greatsword
Chaos Avenger's Hook Blade
Classic Alchemist Star Sword
Classic BoneBreaker Star Sword
Classic Fallen Star Sword
Classic SkyGuard Star Sword
Dark Dragon of Time GreatSword (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time GreatSword (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Katana (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Katana (AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Sword (0 AC)
Dark Dragon of Time Sword (AC)
Empowered Blade of Chaos
Empowered Chaos Avenger's Greatsword
Escherion's Star Sword
Eternal Dragon's Star Sword
Fallen Star Sword
Flame God Sword
Geodic Warrior's Blade (AC)
Geodic Warrior's Blade (Non-AC)
Glacial Star Sword
Glacial Warrior's Blade (0 AC)
Glacial Warrior's Blade (AC)
Iadoa's Star Sword
Imbalanced King's Star Sword
Inverted Star Sword
Khasaanda's Star Sword
Kimberly's Star Sword
Kitsune's Star Sword
Ledgermayne's Star Sword
Lionfang's Star Sword
Luminous Beam Blade
Luminous Warrior's Rapier (0 AC)
Luminous Warrior's Rapier (AC)
Monstrous Blade of Control
Polished Sword of Dragon Control
Rainbow Star Sword
RuneSword of Shadows (0 AC)
RuneSword of Shadows (AC)
Sandsea Strider Khopesh
SkyGuard Star Sword
SoulWeaver Star Sword
Tenebral Beam Sword
The Cold Shoulder
Tibicenas's Star Sword
Underworld RuneSword of Shadows (0 AC)
Underworld RuneSword of Shadows (AC)
Vath's Star Sword
Wolfwing's Star Sword
Xiang's Star Sword Wands
Chaotic Witch's Wand (0 AC)
Chaotic Witch's Wand (AC)
Frozen Ring Wand
Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Birthday Returns
Yulgar's Inn Updated
Akriloth (2) (Level 75) Updated
ArchFiend DragonLord (Monster) Updated
Birthday Cake
Birthday Cake
Brightfall Guard
Brightfall Guard
Brightfall Light
Brightfall Light
Chaos Kraken (Monster) Updated
Chaos Lord Iadoa (Level 52) Updated
ChronoLord (Level 15)
Chronorysa Updated
Cornholio Updated
Desoloth the Final (Level 60) Updated
Dragon Summoner (Monster) Updated
Dread Fang Updated
Fire Imp (2) Updated
Flame Elemental Updated
Flamethrower Dwakel Updated
Frost King Updated
Future Shadowscythe Updated
Gravelyn the Good (Monster)
Grievous Inbunche Updated
Hero (Chaos Lord) Updated
Hero (You) Updated
Hydra Head 90 Updated
Incarnation of Time Updated
Laken (Monster) Updated
Lava Golem Updated
Magman Updated
Minx Fairy (Monster) Updated
Moglin Ghost Updated
Mummy (Monster) (2) Updated
Mutated Slime Mold Updated
Mutated Void Dragon Updated
Nightlocke Axe Updated
Nightlocke Blade (Monster)
Nightlocke Staff Updated
Ninja (Monster) (1) (Level 28) Updated
Nythera (Monster) Updated
Pirate Captain (Monster) Updated
Queen's Knight Updated
Queen's Lieutenant Updated
Queen's Recruit Updated
Reaper Updated
Shadowflame Militia
Shadowflame Paladin
Shadowflame Scout (Monster) (Level 40) (Version 2)
Shadowflame Sorcerer
Shadowscythe Pilot Updated
Shadowscythe Updated
Slugbutter Updated
Sneak (Monster) Updated
Tempus Larva Updated
The Neverborn (Monster)
Time Wraith Updated
Timestream Rider (1) Updated
Tog (Monster) Updated
Training Globe (1) Updated
Trigoras (Location) Updated
Ultra Chaos Dragon Updated
Ultra Phedra (Monster) Updated
Undead Knight (1) (Level 20) Updated
Victorious Updated
Warlord Icewing (Monster) Updated
Ai No Miko Returns Updated
Alina (NPC) Returns Updated
Artix (NPC) Returns Updated
Captain Rhubarb Returns Updated
Carl Updated
Cemaros Returns Updated
Crulon Updated
Cysero (NPC) Returns Updated
Dage Returns Updated
Eternal Dragon Shop
Gravelyn (NPC) Returns Updated
J6 (NPC) Returns Updated
Korin Returns Updated
Legion Recruiter Updated
Lim Updated
Memet (NPC) Returns Updated
Mirror Drakath (NPC) Updated
Nightwraith Returns Updated
Nulgath (NPC) Returns Updated
Reens Returns Updated
Sora to Hoshi Returns Updated
Stryche Returns Updated
The Hollow Returns Updated
Tomix + Verlyrus Returns Updated
Twig Returns Updated
Yergen Returns Updated
Yorumi Returns Updated
Yulgar (NPC) Updated
Zhoom Returns Updated
Zorbak (NPC) Updated
Zorbak the Ebil Necromancer Returns Updated
Aria's Quests Updated
Artix's Quests Returns
Kro'nar's Quests
Mirror Drakath's Quests Updated
The Wanderer's Quests Updated
Zorbak the Ebil Necromancer's Quest Returns Updated
12th Anniversary Collection
12th Anniversary Event Shop
Brightshadow Merge
Cysero's Gear (2) Returns
Featured Collection Chest Updated
Starsword Merge Updated
Zorbak's Merge Shop Returns
ArmorsAscended Dragon of Time
BrightFall Lion General (0 AC)
BrightFall Lion General (AC)
Classic Dark Caster Updated
Dark Asgardian (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian (AC)
Dark Asgardian (Legend)
Dragon of Time Armor
Elite Shadowslayer
Enchanted ShadowFlame Empress (0 AC)
Enchanted ShadowFlame Empress (AC)
Enchanted Shadowed Empress (0 AC)
Enchanted Shadowed Empress (AC)
Eternal BeastMaster
Eternal Doomlight (0 AC)
Eternal Doomlight (AC)
Flame Void of Nulgath
Flame Void
Lycan Of Nulgath (AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath (Legend)
Lycan Warrior Of Nulgath
Royal Shadowslayer
Shadow BeastMaster
ShadowFlame Villager Capes & Back Items
Ascended Dragon of Time Runes
Ascended Dragon of Time Wings
BrightFall General's Battle Gear (0 AC)
BrightFall General's Battle Gear (AC)
BrightFall General's Wrap (AC)
BrightFall General's Wrap (Non-AC)
Dark Asgardian Horseshoe (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian Horseshoe (AC)
Dark Asgardian Wrap (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian Wrap (AC)
Dark Asgardian Wrap (Legend)
Dragon of Time Runes
Dragon of Time Tail
Dragon of Time Wings
Enchanted Empress Cape (0 AC)
Enchanted Empress Cape (AC)
Eternal BeastMaster Quiver
Eternal Doomlight Cloak (0 AC)
Eternal Doomlight Cloak (AC)
Flame Void Wrap (0 AC)
Flame Void Wrap (AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath Cape (AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath Cape (Non-AC)
Royal Shadowslayer's Coat
Royal Wings of Brightfall (0 AC)
Royal Wings of Brightfall (AC)
Royal Wings of Brightfall (Legend)
Runes Of Time
Shadow BeastMaster Quiver
Winged Brightfall Cloak (0 AC)
Winged Brightfall Cloak (AC) Classes
Dragon of Time (Class)
Sentinel Updated Helmets & Hoods
Ascended Dragon of Time Morph
Ascended Paladin Hair
Ascended Paladin Locks
BrightFall General's Hair (AC)
BrightFall General's Hair (Non-AC)
BrightFall General's Howl (0 AC)
BrightFall General's Howl (AC)
BrightFall General's Locks (AC)
BrightFall General's Locks (Non-AC)
BrightFall General's Snarl (0 AC)
BrightFall General's Snarl (AC)
Burning Flame Void Helmet (0 AC)
Burning Flame Void Helmet (AC)
Dark Asgardian Crested Helmet (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian Crested Helmet (AC)
Dark Asgardian Helm
Dark Asgardian Helmet (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian Helmet (AC)
Dragon of Time Helm
Dragon of Time Horns + Ponytail
Dragon of Time Horns
Dragon of Time Ponytail
Dragon of Time Wings + Tail
Elite Shadowslayer Hair
Elite Shadowslayer Locks
Enchanted Empress Guard Morph (0 AC)
Enchanted Empress Guard Morph (AC)
Enchanted Empress Locks (AC)
Enchanted Empress Locks (Non-AC)
Enchanted Empress Locks + Morph (0 AC)
Enchanted Empress Locks + Morph (AC)
Enchanted Empress' Guard Hair (AC)
Enchanted Empress' Guard Hair (Non-AC)
Eternal BeastMaster Hood + Mask
Eternal BeastMaster Hood
Eternal BeastMaster's Locks
Eternal BeastMaster's Shag
Eternal Beastmaster's Beard
Eternal Doomlight Horned Helm (0 AC)
Eternal Doomlight Horned Helm (AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath Helm (0 AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath Helm (AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath Helm (Legend)
Royal Shadowslayer's Cap + Locks
Royal Shadowslayer's Cap
Shadow BeastMaster Hood + Mask
Shadow BeastMaster Hood
Shadow BeastMaster's Beard
Shadow BeastMaster's Locks
Shadow BeastMaster's Shag
ShadowFlame Villager Hair
ShadowFlame Villager Locks Housing
Copper Dragon Statue (L) Returns
Copper Dragon Statue (R) Returns
Gold Dragon Statue (L) Returns
Gold Dragon Statue (R) Returns
Eternal Dragon's Treasure Pile
Platinum Dragon Statue (L) Returns
Platinum Dragon Statue (R) Returns
Tasty Cake Misc. Items
Akriloth's Flametongue
Anomaly Silenced
Ashes from the Void Realm
Brutal Slash Studied
Chaotic Invertebrae
Chronolord Stopped
Chronomancer's Codex
Collectible Collector Updated
Collection Chest Details (7)
Conquered Past
Copper Scale Returns
Cross-Dimensional Weapons
Cross-Era Stabilizer
Cryostatic Essence
Darkon's Receipt Updated
Desoloth's Destructive Aura
Dimensional Dragon Portal
Dragon's Plasma
Epic Hydra Fang
Fire Essence
Frost King's Story
Gold Scale Returns
Goregold's Luck
Historia Page
Icewing's Laurel
Immortal Embers
Is This a Wormhole?
Lost Hieroglyphic
Myths of Lore Updated
Nythera's Patience
Omnipotent Cells
Platinum Scale Returns
Salvaged Chaos Dragon Biomass
Semiramis Feather Updated
Slugbutter Trophy
Starlight Singularity
Time Loop Broken
Timestream String
Trigoras's Tenacity
Unyielding Slime
Venerated Essence
Victorious's Dignity
Your Own Memories Pets
Brightfall General's Wolf (0 AC)
Brightfall General's Wolf (AC)
Dark Eternal Draco
Eternal Baby Dragon
Eternal Dragon Collection Chest 2020
Fish and ClawgCream Pet
Tasty Cake Pet Axes
Axe of the Light Returns
Dragon of Time Cleaver
Shadow BeastMaster Bow
Eternal BeastMaster's Bow
Dark Asgardian Hammer + Shield (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian Hammer + Shield (AC)
Dragon of Time Daggers
Dragon of Time FangBlade
Dual Dragon of Time FangBlades
Eternal BeastMaster's Knuckle
Golden Dragon Daggers
Royal Shadowslayer's Battle Gear
Shadow BeastMaster Knuckle Maces
Dark Asgardian Hammer (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian Hammer (AC)
Dark Asgardian Hammer (Legend)
Hammer of the Light Returns
Hollowborn Card
Mace of the Light Returns Polearms
Dark Asgardian Scythe (0 AC)
Dark Asgardian Scythe (AC)
Dragon of Time Reaper
Eternal BeastMaster's Glaive
Golden Dragon Glaive Staffs
Royal Hope of Brightfall (0 AC)
Royal Hope of Brightfall (AC)
Royal Shadowslayer's Cane
Royal Shadowslayer's Fauchard Swords
Blade of the Light Returns
Dragon of Time WingBlade
Enchanted Empress Battle Blade (0 AC)
Enchanted Empress Battle Blade (AC)
Enchanted Empress Blade (1)
Enchanted Empress Blade (2) (0 AC)
Enchanted Empress Blade (2) (AC)
Eternal Doomlight Blade (0 AC)
Eternal Doomlight Blade (AC)
Flame Void Blade (0 AC)
Flame Void Blade (AC)
Golden Blade of Fate (Sword) Updated
Golden Dragon Blade (2)
Lycan Of Nulgath Sword (0 AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath Sword (AC)
Lycan Of Nulgath Sword (Legend)
Mirror Chronomancer's Star Sword
Mirrored Bard's StarGuitar
Mirrored Djinn's Star Sword
Mirrored Drow's Star Sword
Mirrored King's Star Sword
Mirrored Knight's Star Sword
Mirrored Mage's Star Sword
Mirrored Mana Star Sword
Mirrored Prophet's Star Sword
Mirrored Samurai's Star Sword
Mirrored Twin's Star Sword
Mirrored Werepyre's Star Sword
Pink Blade of Destruction Updated
Royal Retribution of Brightfall (0 AC)
Royal Retribution of Brightfall (AC)
Royal Shadowslayer's Hidden Blade
Sword of Voids Updated
BattleOff Updated
Lightovia Cave
Shadow Void (Location)
Banshee Mallora Updated
Brightscythe Warrior Updated
Calico Cobby Updated
Champion of Chaos (Monster) Updated
Chaorruption (Level 17) Updated
Chaos Lord Lionfang (Monster) (Level 35) Updated
ChaosWeaver Mage Updated
D'wain Jonsen Updated
Dakka the Dire Dragon Updated
Desolich (Monster) Updated
Dread Arysa Updated
Drow Assassin (Monster) (Version 2) Updated
Drow Soldier Updated
Evil Archmage Brentan
Evolved Dreadspider Updated
Faust Updated
Fragment of Doom
Gaiazor (Monster) (2) Updated
General Drox Updated
Giant Necklace Updated
Guardian Spirit (Monster) Updated
Horc Guard Updated
Horc Major Updated
Horc Master Updated
Horc Reaper Updated
Horc Sarge Updated
Horc Stalker Updated
Horc Warrior (1) Updated
Imbalanced Knight Updated
Imbalanced Mage
Kathool (Level 50) (Version 1) Updated
Lich Emperor Updated
Lich King Updated
Lich Lord (Monster) (1) Updated
Lich Ravager (2) Updated
Light Matter
Mysterious Stranger (Monster) (1) Updated
Pactagonal Knight (Monster) (Level 22) (Version 2) Updated
Paragon of Light (Monster) Updated
Piggy Drake Updated
Queen's ArchSage (Monster) Updated
Red Dragon (Monster) Updated
Reflecteract Updated
Serepthys (Monster) Updated
Shadowstone Support Updated
Skeletal Fire Mage (Level 2) (Version 2) Updated
Skeleton (Monster) (1) (Level 10) Updated
Summon Lich (Undead War) Updated
Tonitru Updated
Tree of Destiny Updated
Ultra Chaos Warlord Updated
Ultra D'wain Jonsen Updated
Ultra Xiang Updated
Undead Mage (Level 10) (Version 1) Updated
Undead Raxgore Updated
Warden Elfis Updated
Weaver Queen's Hound (Twilight's Edge / Weaver War) Updated
Xyfrag Updated
Drakath (Order) Updated
Gravelyn (NPC) Updated
Quibble Returns
Safiria Updated
Z Updated
Gravelyn's Quests Updated
Mirror Drakath's Quests Updated
Safiria's Quests Updated
Doom Shadow Sepulchure Pet's Quest
11th Anniversary Collection
11th Anniversary Collection Chest
Nulgath Diamond Shop Updated
Prime Champion Quibble Pet's Shop
Quibble Coinbiter's Forty-Seventh Shop
Quibble's 11th Birthday House Shop
Ravenscar Shop Updated
Undead Legion Merge Updated
ArmorsAscended VoidCaster (0 AC)
Ascended VoidCaster (AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath (0 AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath (AC)
Evolved Champion of Order
Evil Archmage
Legion Wolf (0 AC)
Legion Wolf (AC)
Legion Wolf (Merge)
Lord of Order Armor (0 AC)
Lord Of Order Armor (AC)
Lord of Order Armor (Quest)
Mirror BladeMaster
Prime Champion of Order
Unchained Ascended VoidCaster (0 AC)
Unchained Ascended VoidCaster (AC)
White Mage Capes & Back Items
Ascended Bloodletter Backblades (0 AC)
Ascended Bloodletter Backblades (AC)
Ascended Champion Backblades (0 AC)
Ascended Champion Backblades (AC)
Ascended Oblivion Backblades (0 AC)
Ascended Oblivion Backblades (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Backblades (0 AC)
Ascended Overfiend Backblades (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Backblades (Merge)
Ascended Phoenix Backblades (0 AC)
Ascended Phoenix Backblades (AC)
Ascended VoidCaster Cape (0 AC)
Ascended VoidCaster Cape (AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Wrap (0 AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Wrap (AC)
Dark Libran Scales
Evolved Champion of Order Cape
Legion Wolf Runes (0 AC)
Legion Wolf Runes (AC)
Legion Wolf Runes (Merge)
Libran Scales
Light Libran Scales
Lord Of Order Wings (AC)
Lord of Order Bladed Wrap (0 AC)
Lord of Order Bladed Wrap (AC)
Lord of Order Bladed Wrap (Quest)
Lord of Order Double Wings + Wrap (0 AC)
Lord of Order Double Wings + Wrap (AC)
Lord of Order Double Wings + Wrap (Quest)
Lord Of Order Wings (0 AC)
Lord Of Order Wings (Quest)
Lord of Order Wings + Wrap (0 AC)
Lord of Order Wings + Wrap (AC)
Lord of Order Wings + Wrap (Quest)
Lord of Order Wrap (0 AC)
Lord of Order Wrap (AC)
Lord of Order Wrap (Quest)
Mirrored Katana Backblades
Shadow-Wrapped Sepulchure Cape (0 AC)
Shadow-Wrapped Sepulchure Cape (AC) Classes
Lord of Order (0 AC)
Lord of Order (AC)
Lord of Order (Quest) Helmets & Hoods
Ascended Void Caster Evil Grin
Ascended VoidCaster Horns (0 AC)
Ascended VoidCaster Horns (AC)
Ascended VoidCaster's Evil Grin
Ascended VoidCaster's Morph
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Helm (0 AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Helm (AC)
Evil ArchMage Morph Locks
Evil ArchMage Morph
High Lord of Order Helm (0 AC)
High Lord of Order Helm (AC)
High Lord of Order Helm (Quest)
Legion Wolf Hair (0 AC)
Legion Wolf Hair (AC)
Legion Wolf Hair (Merge)
Legion Wolf Morph (0 AC)
Legion Wolf Morph (AC)
Legion Wolf Morph (Merge)
Lord of Order Helm (0 AC)
Lord of Order Helm (AC)
Lord of Order Helm (Quest)
Lord of Order Horns (0 AC)
Lord of Order Horns (AC)
Lord of Order Horns (Quest)
Mirror BladeMaster Hair
Mirror BladeMaster Locks
Mirror Drakath Morph
Mirror Drakath's Hair
Prime Champion of Order Hair
Prime Champion of Order Morph
White Mage's Hat + Locks
White Mage's Hat House (Items)
Darkovian Lycan Castle (0 AC)
Darkovian Lycan Castle (AC)
Fragment of Doom Statue (L)
Fragment of Doom Statue (R)
Lightovian Lycan Castle (AC)
Lightovian Lycan Castle (Legend)
Shadows of Doom (0 AC)
Shadows of Doom (AC)
Misc Items
Andre's Necklace Fragment
Calico Cobby Crushed
Champion Of Chaos Confronted
Chaotic War Essence
Chaorrupting Particles
Dakka's Crystal
Deadmoor Spirits Helped
Desolich's Skull
Gaiazor's Cornerstone
Harmony Of Solace
Inversion Infusion
Law Of Conservation Of Energy
Law Of Gravity
Law Of Low Drop Rates
Law Of Nature
Law Of Relativity
Law Of Time
Lure of Order Updated
Mage's Gratitude Updated
Mysterious Stranger Foiled
Piggy Drake Punished
Purified Raindrop
Quixotic Mana Essence
Ravenscar's Truth
Scroll Of Enchantment
Strength Of Resilience
Suppressed Weavers
Suppressed Horcs
Suppressed Undead
Suppressed Drows
Teamwork Observed
Warden Elfis Detained
Weapon Imprint
Unity Of Life
Bright Champion Quibble
Burning Tome Pet
Doom Shadow Sepulchure Pet
Mirror Realm Collection Chest 2019
Mirror Realm Quibble (0 AC)
Mirror Realm Quibble (AC)
Prime Champion Quibble
Shadow-Wrapped Sepulchure Pet Daggers
Dual Mirrored Katanas Polearms
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Polearm
Legion Wolf Scythe
Lord of Order Polearm (0 AC)
Lord of Order Polearm (AC)
Lord of Order Polearm (Quest) Staffs
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Staff (0 AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Staff (AC)
Evil ArchMage Staff
Staff of Conflagration
White Mage's Sceptre Swords
Ascended Bloodletter of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Bloodletter of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Champion Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Champion Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Oblivion Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Oblivion Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath (Merge)
Ascended Phoenix Blade of Nulgath (0 AC)
Ascended Phoenix Blade of Nulgath (AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Blade (0 AC)
Bright Warlord of Nulgath Blade (AC)
Evolved Champion of Order Blade
Legion Wolf Sword (0 AC)
Legion Wolf Sword (AC)
Legion Wolf Sword (Merge)
Lord of Order Blade (0 AC)
Lord of Order Blade (AC)
Lord of Order Blade (Quest)
Mirrored Katana
Prime Champion of Order Blade
Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Birthday Updated
Chocolate Cake
Alina (NPC) Updated
Ai No Miko Updated
Artix (NPC) Updated
Captain Rhubarb Updated
Cemaros Updated
Cysero (NPC) Updated
Gravelyn (NPC) Updated
J6 (NPC) Updated
Korin Updated
Memet (NPC) Updated
Nulgath (NPC Updated
Nythera (NPC) Updated
Reens Updated
Sora to Hoshi Updated
Stryche Updated
The Hollow
Tomix + Verlyrus
Twig Updated
Zhoom Updated
Zorbak the Ebil Necromancer
10th Anniversary Nulgath Pet's Quest
10th Anniversary Paragon Pet's Quest
Artix's Quests
Eternal Champion's Nulgath Pet's Quest
Eternal Champion's Paragon Pet's Quest
Gravelyn's Quests
Zorbak the Ebil Necromancer's Quest
10th Birthday Rares
Cysero's Gear (2)
DoomSkull Champion Updated
DragonFable Gear Updated
EpicDuel Gear Updated
Featured Item Showcase Updated
Founder Shop Updated
HeroSmash Gear Updated
MechQuest Gear Updated
Nulgath Diamond Shop Updated
OverSoul Gear Updated
ShadowScythe General Preview
Shadowscythe Honor Shop
Undead Legion Merge Updated
Zorbak's Merge Shop
ArmorsEternal Champion (AC)
Eternal Champion (Legend)
Platinum Eternal Champion (AC)
Platinum Eternal Champion (Legend)
Renn's Wear
Shadowscythe General (Armor) (AC)
Shadowscythe General Armor
Zio a Go Go Capes & Back Items
10 Floating Pixels Cape
Eternal Champion's Wings
Eternal Flame of DOOM (Legend)
Eternal Flame of DOOM (AC)
Nulgath's Dragon Wings
Paragon's Dragon Wings
Platinum Eternal Champion's Wings
Shadowscythe General Cape (AC)
Shadowscythe General Cape (Merge) Classes
Shadowscythe General (Class) (AC)
Shadowscythe General (Class) (Merge)
WarriorScythe General Updated Helmets & Hoods
10th Birthday Hat of Bliss
10th Birthday Hat of Delight
10th Birthday Hat of Joy
10th Birthday Hat of Wonder
Eternal Champion's Beard
Eternal Champion's Horns (AC)
Eternal Champion's Horns (Legend)
Eternal Champion's Locks
Eternal Champion's Scarf
Nulgath's Party Helm
Paragon Party Helm
Platinum Eternal Champion's Beard
Platinum Eternal Champion's Horns (AC)
Platinum Eternal Champion's Horns (Legend)
Platinum Eternal Champion's Locks
Platinum Eternal Champion's Scarf
Sepulchure's Original Helm
Shadowscythe General Helm (AC)
Shadowscythe General Helm (Merge)
Shadowscythe General Sinister Helm (AC)
Shadowscythe General Sinister Helm (Merge)
ShadowScythe Templar's Crest
ShadowScythe Templar's Horns
ShadowScythe Templar's Helm
House (Items)
Copper Dragon Statue (L)
Copper Dragon Statue (R)
Copper Sepulchure Statue (L)
Copper Sepulchure Statue (R)
Gold Dragon Statue (L)
Gold Dragon Statue (R)
Gold Sepulchure Statue (L)
Gold Sepulchure Statue (R)
Platinum Dragon Statue (L)
Platinum Dragon Statue (R)
Platinum Sepulchure Statue (L)
Platinum Sepulchure Statue (R)
Copper Scale
Gold Scale
Gravelyn's DoomFire Token Updated
Lore's Champion Seal
Platinum Scale
Shadow Shield Pets
10th Anniversary Frogcherion
10th Anniversary Nulgath Pet
10th Anniversary Paragon Pet
10th Birthday Cake
Dragon Friend Twilly Pet
Eternal Champion's Nulgath Pet
Eternal Champion's Paragon Pet
Fish and ClawgCream Pet
The Brutalest 'Corn
Twilly's Platinum Dragon Friend Axes
Axe of the Light
Shadowscythe General Axe (AC)
Shadowscythe General Axe (Merge) Daggers
Eternal Champion's Daggers
Eternal Champion's Dual Katanas
Platinum Eternal Champion's Dual Katanas
Platinum Eternal Champion's Daggers
Undead Boomstick
Hammer of the Light
Mace of the Light
The Rose's Engraved Polearm
Astor's Blade
Blade of the Light
Cursed Katana
Eternal Champion's Katana
LightBlade of Necryptos
Platinum Eternal Champion's Katana
Pearl Dragon Blade
Royal ShadowScythe Blade
ShadowScythe Templar Claymore
ShadowScythe Templar Messer
Blood Moon
Black Unicorn
Lycan Guard
Safiria's Quests
Vampire Lord Class
Vampire Lord Merge
ArmorsEnchanted Vampire Lord (Armor)
Royal Vampire Lord (Armor) (AC)
Royal Vampire Lord (Armor) (Merge)
Royal Vampire Renegade (0 AC)
Vampire Lord (Armor) (2) (AC)
Vampire Lord (Armor) (2) (Merge)
Vampire Masquerade (0 AC)
Vampire Shifter (AC)
Vampire Shifter (0 AC) Capes & Back Items
Enchanted Vampire Lord Cape
Royal Vampire Lord Cape (AC)
Royal Vampire Lord Cape (Merge)
Vampire Lord Cape (AC)
Vampire Lord Cape (Merge) Classes
Enchanted Vampire Lord (Class)
Royal Vampire Lord (Class) (AC)
Royal Vampire Lord (Class) (Merge)
Vampire Lord (Class) (AC)
Vampire Lord (Class) (Merge) Helmets & Hoods
Enchanted Vampire Lady Morph
Enchanted Vampire Lord Morph
Enraged Vampire Morph (AC)
Enraged Vampire Morph (Merge)
Royal Renegade Hair (0 AC)
Royal Renegade Locks (0 AC)
Royal Vampire Lord Locks (AC)
Royal Vampire Lord Locks (Merge)
Royal Vampire Lord Morph (AC)
Royal Vampire Lord Morph (Merge)
Vampire Lord Locks Morph (AC)
Vampire Lord Locks Morph (Merge)
Vampire Lord Morph (AC)
Vampire Lord Morph (Merge)
Vampire Masquerade Mask (0 AC)
Vampire Masquerade Mask and Locks (0 AC) Houses
Vampire Lord Castle (0 AC) Misc. Items
Black Blood Vial
Blood Moon Token
Moon Stone Maces
Vampire Masquerade Fan (AC) Swords
Vampire Masquerade Battle Parasol (0 AC)
Vampire Masquerade Umbrella (0 AC) Wands
Vampire Masquerade Cane (0 AC)
Throne of Darkness Hub
Adventus Updated
Amia the Cult Leader Updated
Bird of Paradise Updated
Chaos Healer Updated
Chaos Lord Alteon (Monster) Updated
Crystal Mana Construct Updated
Desterrat Moya Updated
DoomKitten (Monster) (1) (Level 22) Updated
Doomwood Bonemuncher Updated
Doomwood Ectomancer Updated
Doom Overlord Updated
Doomwood Soldier Updated
Doomwood Treeant Updated
Dove Updated
Dreadhaven General Updated
Golden Caster Updated
Good Lieutenant Updated
Grand Inquisitor (Monster) (Level 25) Updated
Lightning Ball Updated
Lotus Spider Updated
Malxas Updated
Marsh Tree Updated
Mutated Server Hamster Updated
Mysterious Stranger (Level 20)
Nevanna Updated
Non-GMO Brutalcorn (Monster) Updated
Painadin Overlord Updated
Pettivox Updated
Rabid Server Hamster Updated
Scarletta Updated
Sepulchuroth Updated
Shadow of the Past Updated
Snuggles, Torturer Updated
Treeant Updated
Trollola Plant Updated
Ultra Alteon (Monster) (1) Updated
Vordred (Monster) (2) Updated
Wisterrora (1) Updated
Ziri (Monster)
Artix (NPC) Updated
Gravelyn (NPC) Updated
Artix's Quests Updated
Gravelyn's Quests Updated
8th Birthday Rares
ArchPaladin Shop
DoomFire Guard (Shop)
DoomFire Warrior (Shop)
Gravelyn's DoomFire
ArmorsArchPaladin Armor
DOOMFire Guard (Armor)
DOOMFire OF Gravelyn
DOOMFire Warrior (Armor)
Obsidian ArchPaladin
Stone Paladin Armor Updated Capes & Back Items
ArchPaladin Cape
DOOMFire Guard Cape
DOOMFire Guard Cape + Sword
DOOMFire Warrior Cape
DOOMFire Warrior Cape + Sword Classes
ArchPaladin (0 AC)
ArchPaladin (AC)
Silver Paladin Updated Helmets & Hoods
ArchPaladin's Birthday Helm
ArchPaladin's Dark Birthday Helm
DOOMFire Guard Helm
DOOMFire Guard Horned Helm
DOOMFire Helm Hair
DOOMFire Helm Locks
DOOMFire Warrior Hair
DOOMFire Warrior Locks
Horned DOOMFire Helm
Pyromancer Artifact Updated Misc. Items
Acolyte's Braille
BrightOak Forest Sapling
Burning Passion Flame
Condensed Energy
Crystallized Mana Catalyst
Divine Elixir Updated
Empowered Essence Updated
Eternity Flame
Exalted Paladin Seal
Father's Sorrowful Tear
Feathers of Paradise
Forbidden Demon Seal
Gravelyn's Blessing
Gravelyn's DoomFire Token
Holy Magic Attunement
Just the Perfect Stick
Karok's Glaceran Gem Updated
Nightmare Kibble Updated
Painful Memory Bubble
Prayer of Salvation
Primarch's Hilt Updated
Radiant Blade Enhancement
Radiant Magnolia
Ring of Mana Transposition
Sacred Tome
Scroll of Ethereal Slumber Updated
Shoelace of a Fallen Paladin
Skill Observed
Spirit Lotus
Spirit of Vindication
Undead Energy Updated Pets
DOOMFire Warrior Sword Pet
Mysterious Cake Pet
Mysterious Hamster Pet Axes
Blinding Edge of Obsidian (AC)
Blinding Edge of Obsidian (Non-AC) Daggers
Claws of Darkness Updated
DOOMFire Accoutrements
DOOMFire Double Swords
Dual DOOMFire Maces
Fists of Fire Updated
Holy Hand Grenade Updated
Zephyrus Manifesto Updated
DOOMFire Spear Swords
Binky's Uni-horn Updated
DOOMFire Warrior Sword
Flaming DOOMFire Warrior Sword
Caffeine Imp (Level 11)
Cosplay Zombie (Version 2)
Dragon Khan (Level 32)
Music Pirate (Version 3)
Ravin' Skelly (Version 2)
Risen Shadow
Timestream Rider (1)
Artix (NPC)
Dark LoreMaster (NPC)
Khalu Bash
LoreMaster Maya
Dark LoreMaster's Quests
Khalu Bash's Quests
Loremaster Maya's Quests
13th Anniversary Merge
7th Birthday Rares
Artist Showcase: Dage Updated
BattleCon Gear
ArmorsArch Vaxen Loremaster
Dead Moglinster
Doctor Why (AC)
Doctor Why (Legend)
Master Punk
StarBlade Master
Ultra OmniKnight Armor (AC)
Ultra OmniKnight Armor (Merge)
Vaxen Loremaster Capes & Back Items
Celebration Sparkles
DreamEater Wings
Fairy Tail
Final Hearts Back Blade
REALLY a Fairy Tail
Scarf of Ambition
Scarf of Bravery
Scarf of Dedication
Scarf of Wisdom
Scourge Overlord Rune Classes
Ultra OmniKnight (AC)
Ultra OmniKnight (Merge) Helmets & Hoods
Black Minion Hood
Crowned Heart Locks
Darkened Minion Hood
DeadM4UG Helm
DreamEater Horns
DreamEater Shag
Glowing Minion Hood
Helm of the King
Key Styling (AC)
Key Styling (Non-AC)
Locked Heart Hair
Master Punk Helmet
Optic Sunglasses
Prismatic Chimpy B Huffy Hat
Prismatic WhiteBeard Stache
Scourge Overlord Hood
The Mistress' Hat
Ultra OmniKnight Helm (AC)
Ultra OmniKnight Helm (Merge)
Vaxen Minion Hood
Vaxen Nebula Hood
WhiteBeard Stache Housing
Dark Sentinel (L) (AC)
Dark Sentinel (L) (Legend)
Dark Sentinel (R) (AC)
Dark Sentinel (R) (Legend)
Legion Anvil
Undead Guard (L) (AC)
Undead Guard (L) (Legend)
Undead Guard (R) (AC)
Undead Guard (R) (Legend) Misc. Items
DeadMog LED
Legend of Vordred
Shadow Lore Pets
Ambitious Ferret
DeadM4UG Bank Pet
ULTRA DeadM4UG Bank Pet
Zorbak B Huffy (AC)
Zorbak B Huffy (Legend)
Vaxen LoreMaster Omnibus
Azure StarBlade
Cerulean StarBlade
Final Hearts StarBlade
Flame StarBlade
Ivory StarBlade
Magenta StarBlade
Midnight StarBlade
Verde StarBlade
Gravefang (Location)
Big Jack Sprat
Corrupted Sushi Chef
Creature Creation
Dragon Khan
Enchanted Sushi
Gravefang (Monster) (1)
Haunted Cleaver
Mutated Server Hamster
Rabid Server Hamster
Rotting Minion
Skeletal Minion (1)
Well Dweller
Artix (NPC)
Cysero (NPC)
Jon Bog
Judge Dread
Kurok Gravefang
Memet (NPC)
Artix's Quests
Cysero's Quests
6th Birthday Class
6th Birthday Rares
Amazons Accessories
Artifact Hunter Merge
Artifact Merge
Dread's Weapons
Throne Depot
ArmorsAE Dragon Shirt
AE Logo Shirt
Artifact Hunter (Armor) (AC)
Artifact Hunter (Armor) (Merge)
Book of Lore Shirt
Chaos Eye Shirt
Dark Shadowscythe Shirt
Gravefang Armor
Lich General
Pony vs Pony Shirt
Quibble Shirt
Rotting Lich General
Shadowscythe Shirt
Twilly Shirt
Undead Paladinslayer (AC)
Undead Paladinslayer (Legend)
Zorbak Shirt (Armor) Capes & Back Items
Artifact Hunter Cape (AC)
Artifact Hunter Cape (Merge)
Gravefang's Furled Wings (AC)
Gravefang's Furled Wings (Legend)
Gravefang's Wings (AC)
Gravefang's Wings (Legend)
Omni Warrior Cape
Paladinslayer's Rotted Cape (AC)
Paladinslayer's Rotted Cape (Legend)
Sir Ver's Broken Power Button
Zorbak's Staff Skull Classes
Artifact Hunter (Class) (AC)
Artifact Hunter (Class) (Merge) Helmets & Hoods
Artifact Hunter Hood (AC)
Artifact Hunter Hood (Merge)
Artifact Hunter Mask (AC)
Artifact Hunter Mask (Merge)
Artifact Huntress Hood (AC)
Artifact Huntress Hood (Merge)
Artifact Huntress Mask (AC)
Artifact Huntress Mask (Merge)
Broken Omni Warrior Helm
Horned Paladinslayer Helmet (AC)
Horned Paladinslayer Helmet (Legend)
Lich Helm
Lich Locks
Omni Warrior Helm
Opinionator Helm
Rotted Lich Helm
Rotted Lich Locks House Items
Artix's Fountain
Bucket of Water
Caged Monsters
Caged Rhison
Cart Full O'Barrels
Dragon Feed
Dragon Nest
Party Light
Party Masks
Party Rug
Party Streamers
Party Supplies
Pile of Garbage
Pile of Spikes
Target Dummy (House Item)
The Left One
Trash Bag
Misc. Items
Ancient Artifact
Lich Fire
Mauled Note
Omni Artifact
Stained Spike
Undead Skull
Evil Sir Ver Pet
Sir Ver Pet
Wobbly Spookshi Daggers
Dual Unstable Katanas +5 Maces
Chickencow Claw
Cysero's Doom Sock
Death's Cursed Hourglass
Death's Gilded Hourglass
Unholy Wasabi Polearms
Gilded Dread Scythe Staffs
Dragon Khan's Corrupt Scepter Swords
Ancient PaladinSlayer Claymore (AC)
Ancient PaladinSlayer Claymore (Legend)
Artifact Hunter Blade (AC)
Artifact Hunter Blade (Merge)
Enchanted Blade
Enchanted Skull Blade
Enchanted Skulls on Skulls Blade
Enchanted Spiked Skulls on Fire Blade
Enchanted Spikes on Skulls Blade
Grave's Fang Blade +5
Greater Artifact Blade (AC)
Greater Artifact Blade (Merge)
Omni Sword
OmniKnight Blade 2014
Supreme Artifact Blade
Unstable Golden Katana
Artist Alley
BattleCon (Location)
BattleCon VIP
Con Stream
Ultra Brutalcorn (Location)
Underground Lab
Underground Lab B
Vendor Booths
Battle Gem
Battle Odor
BrutalCorn (Monster)
Caffeine Imp
Closet Skeleton
Con Rot
Cosplay Zombie
Green Screamer (Monster)
Invisible Ninjas
Mutated Server Hamster
Rabid Server Hamster
Ravin' Skelly
Server Gremlin
Soundbooth Horror
Ultra Brutalcorn (Monster)
Alina (NPC)
Aranx (NPC)
Artix (NPC)
Cysero (NPC)
Dage the Evil (NPC)
J6 (NPC)
Memet (NPC)
Nulgath (NPC)
Nythera (NPC)
Ven du Violetmist
Alina's Quests
Artix's BattleCon Quests
Artix's Underground Lab Quests
AdventureQuest Gear
AQW 5th Birthday Rares
AQWorlds BattleCon Gear
Artist Showcase: Aegis
Artist Showcase: Aranx
Artist Showcase: Arklen
Artist Showcase: Beleen
Artist Showcase: Dage
Artist Showcase: Diozz
Artist Showcase: Ghost
Artist Showcase: Hizu
Artist Showcase: Jemini
Artist Showcase: Memet
Artist Showcase: Mido
Artist Showcase: Nulgath
Artist Showcase: Roroth
Artist Showcase: Solrac
Artist Showcase: Tyronius
Artist Showcase: Ven
Artist Showcase: Vokun
BattleCon Cosplay Shop
BattleCon Livestream
BattleGems Gear
Beleen's Balloons
Dragon Shinobi Class
Dragon Shinobi Merge
DragonFable Gear
Dragon's Bane Gear
EbilCorp Gear
Enchanted Chess Shop
EpicDuel Gear
Food Court
HeroMart Gear
HeroSmash Gear
Lab Gear
MechQuest Gear
OverSoul Gear
Secret Lab Merge
Zoshi's Featured Artist
ArmorsAbyssal Darkness (Legend)
Abyssal Darkness (AC)
AdventureQuest Shirt
Amazing Anime Mariner (AC)
Amazing Anime Mariner (Legend)
BattleGems Shirt
Blood Majesty (AC)
Blood Majesty (Legend)
Calavera Mech
Celestial Warrior (AC)
Celestial Warrior (Legend)
Chaos Shirt
Classic School Uniform (AC)
Classic School Uniform (Legend)
Coolest Invisible Ninja +5
Doctor What
Dragon Shinobi Armor (AC)
Dragon Shinobi Armor (Merge)
DragonFable Shirt
DragonFiend Rider
Drow Eviscerator
Drow Gunslinger
Earth Ring
EbilCorp Shirt
EpicDuel Shirt
Fae Gunslinger
Fire Ring
Galatea Mech (AC)
Galatea Mech (Legend)
Galaxy Outfit (AC)
Galaxy Outfit (Legend)
Green Screamer (Armor)
HeroMart Shirt
HeroSmash Shirt
Hipster Sweatervest (AC)
Hipster Sweatervest (Legend)
Invisible Ninja +5
Kakarotting Zombie
Legend Shirt
Mystraven Shirt
Night Masquerade
Oversoul MerMan
Oversoul Minion
OverSoul Shirt
Pirate of Vokun
Plasma Pyro (AC)
Plasma Pyro (Legend)
Poisonous Jester
Pony Fett
Pony Maul
Pony Trooper Rainbow
Pony Vader
Pony Wan Kenobi
Prismatic Drow Eviscerator
Razorkiss Mech (AC)
Razorkiss Mech (Legend)
Rise of a Dragon Slayer
Ronin Hunter
Runehawk Shirt
Solrac Devoid
Static Pyro
Super Kathool Morph
Titan Hunter
Tomix's Soulweaver
V for Vampire
Void Ring
WarpForce Shirt
Water Ring
Wind Ring
Window Slayer
Wolfblade Shirt Capes & Back Items
Black OverSoul Cape
Blue OverSoul Cape
Celestial Warrior Cape
Darkness Tendril Wings
Devoid Techcannon
Emerald Mariposa Wings (AC)
Emerald Mariposa Wings (Legend)
Fierce Blessing (AC)
Fierce Blessing (Legend)
Gilded Blood Cloak
Gusty Gray Cloak
Holstered Drow Shotguns
Icy Bloodletters of Nulgath Cape
Monkey on your Back
Nightmare Hunter Cloak
Nightmare Hunter Cloak and Quiver
Old Roroth's Holstered Shotguns
OverSoul's Royalty Cape
Plasma Pyro Cape (AC)
Plasma Pyro Cape (Legend)
Plume of the Pirate
Prismatic Shadow of the Dragon (AC)
Prismatic Shadow of the Dragon (Legend)
Shadow of the Dragon (AC)
Shadow of the Dragon (Legend)
Shining Light Frame
Shining Light Royalty Cloak
Shinobow and Arrows
Soul Searcher Rune
Soul Seeker's Runed Cloth Cape
Static Pyro Cape
Sunrise Heliconius Wings (AC)
Sunrise Heliconius Wings (Legend)
Super Kathool Wings
The Gift (Sheathed)
The Gift (Vertical Sheath)
The Server is Down
Twilight Monarch Wings (AC)
Twilight Monarch Wings (Legend)
Vendetta Wings
Werejaguar Tail
Wings Of Hope (AC)
Wings Of Hope (Legend)
Wings Of Infinity (AC)
Wings Of Infinity (Legend)
Wings of the Chosen
Zombie Balls D Classes
Dragon Shinobi (Class) (AC)
Dragon Shinobi (Class) (Merge) Helmets & Hoods
Abyssal Hood
Antlered Bone Locks
Antlered Bone Mask
Bedhead Gasmask
Bedhead Hairstyle
Bladehaven Dragon Helm
Blood Royalty Hood (AC)
Blood Royalty Hood (Legend)
Bunny Bonnet
Calavera Head (Legend)
Calavera Head (AC)
Celestial Warrior Helmet (AC)
Celestial Warrior Helmet (Legend)
Chinchilla Fur Hat
Covered Leviasean Bedhead
Covered Leviasean Tresses
Darkness Ring Mask
Devoid Swoop Magitech Visor
Doctor What's Hair
Dragon Ninja Guard (AC)
Dragon Ninja Guard (Merge)
Dragon Ninja Hood (AC)
Dragon Ninja Hood (Merge)
Drow Razor Cap
Dyed Bedhead Hairstyle
Earth Ring Mask
Faemale Gunslinger Hat
Fake Glasses Female
Fake Glasses Male
Feathered Werejaguar Helm
Feathered Werejaguar Morph
Feathered Werejaguar Morph Colored
Feline Feathered Werejaguar
Feline Werejaguar Colored Morph
Feline Werejaguar Morph
Feline's Neko Hair
Fiend's Hood
Fiend's Horns
Frisky Feline Hair
Galatea Head (AC)
Galatea Head (Legend)
Green Screamer Mask
Ice Witch Face
Iron Maiden Face
Jack Frost (Helm)
Jester Pigtails
Kakarotting No-Zombie Hair
Kakarotting Zombie Hair
Kakarotting Zombie Halo
King's Balloon Crown
Leviasean Tresses
Light Ring Mask
Lion Mask
Locks of Tomix
Male Fae Gunslinger Hat
Marshal Dali
MerMan Face
Missy Marshal Hat
Mr. Drow Gunslinger Hat
Ms. Drow Gunslinger Hat
Ms. What's Hair
Nightmare Hunter Feathered Tricorn
No Particular Style Hairstyle
Pink Bunny Ears Bonnet
Plasma Pyro Helm (AC)
Plasma Pyro Helm (Legend)
Pony Fett Helm
Pony Maul Head
Pony Trooper Rainbow Helm
Pony Vader Helm
Pony Wan Kenobi Hood
Prismatic Moon's Hair'do (AC)
Prismatic Moon's Hair'do (Legend)
Queen's Balloon Crown
Ravin' Skelly Face
Razorkiss Head (AC)
Razorkiss Head (Legend)
Ruffled Bedhead
Ruffled Gasmask
Server Gremlin Head
Shark Bite
Shinobi Kao (AC)
Shinobi Kao (Legend)
Solrac's Devoid Magitech Visor
Spikes of Tomix
Static Pyro Helm
Super Kathool Face
Swanky Top Hat (Legend)
Tom Cat's Neko Hair
Tress and Gasmask
Veil of the Shinobi
Nightmare Hunter Tricorn
V for Vampire Fangs
V for Vampire Mask
V for Vampire Red Fangs
Venetian Bone Locks
Venetian Bone Mask
Void Ring Mask
Vokun's Pirate Hat
Vokun's Pirate Hat Hair
Water Ring Mask
Werejaguar Colored Helm
Werejaguar Helm
Werejaguar Morph
Wind Ring Mask
Windswept Hairstyle Misc. Items
Dragon Shinobi Token
Note From Memet
WindowSlayer Badge Use Items
AE Energy Drink
AE STR Boost
Anti-Con Rot Cookies
Speed Bracer Bites Pets
Battle Pet Pyro
Blueberry Nubmuffin
Brutal Derpicorn
CandyCorn Derpicorn
Chocolate Chip Derpie
Crag & Bamboozle Bank Pet
Derp Creep
Derp Fish extra Derp
Derp Penguin Pet
Derp Pinkguin Pet
Derpicorn...on the cob
Derpy Daimyo
Derpy Kitty
Derpy Pineapple
Derpy Taco Rules!
Derpy Twilly
Derpy Zorbak
Inu-ken Battle Pet
Lil' Solrac Pet
Locked n' Loaded Blob
Magical Alpacacorn!
Mazumi (Pet)
Morty the Maggot
Rainbow Derpicorn (Pet)
Umbral Fawn
Water Elemental Pet Axes
Agony Chains
Amber Axe of the Harvest
Ballooning Light of Destiny
Blood Lord's Wrath
Carnicero Axe
Emerald Axe of Falguard
Not so nICE Axe
Pink Reaper of Doom
Torrential Nautica Axe
Wraith Axe Daggers
Amaranth Arm Blades
Bladed Daggers of Souls
Carnicero Dual Axes
Charfade Claws
Cloaked Nocturu Daggers
CorDemi Daggers
Dual Char Blasters
Dual Emerald Axes of Falguard
Dual Icy Bloodletters of Nulgath
Dual Not so nICE Axes
Dual Ronin Katanas
Dual Wraith Repeater
Dual Wraith Revolvers
Energy Scalpel
Firefeather Daggers
Hollow Point Special
Pink Default Dagger
Reversed Revenge
Roroth's First Revolvers
Roroth's Training Shotguns
Shuang Gou of Shinobi
Sugar & Spice Eviscerators
Vendetta Daggers
Wraith Reapers Guns
Arcane Curve
Atlas Gatling Gun
Charfade Blaster
Cyan Zapper
Cyclone Aerodu Shortbow
Divinity Bow (AC)
Divinity Bow (Legend)
Drow Revolver
Hydra Bow
Kurz Elite
Laser Pistol
Red Zapper
Roroth's First Shotgun
Roroth's Old Revolver
Wraith Repeater
Wraith RevolverMaces
Arctic Glacius Hammer
Blue Balloon Dog
Charfade's Club
Energy Mace of Souls
Gleaming Pan
Good Omen Warhammer (AC)
Good Omen Warhammer (Legend)
Gremlin Wrench
Grimy Pipe
Lim's Bug Smasher
Pink Balloon Dog
Pink Unicorn Plushie
Rainbow Lollipop
Red Balloon Dog
Strawberry Frog Cookie
The Anchor
Wraith Baton Polearms
Fight of the Light
Firefeather Spear
Fury of the Dragon (Polearm)
Wrath of the Dragon
Leviasean Pike
Radiant Lucian Spear
Rainbrutal Lance
Shadow Slash
Shinobi Naginata
Soul Ripper Scythe
Spirit Hunter Scythe
Super Kathool Spear
Wraith Warder
Wraith's Pike Staffs
Charfade's Staff
CorDemi Staff
Crystal Scryer
Deaths August Scythe
Devoid Magitech Staff
Dragon's Plume
Elk Antler Cane
Eternity Key
Gloom Glaive
Kakarotting Staff
Lawful-Good Smitestick
Mjolnir Staff
Pink Default Staff
Poseidon's Whale Impaler
Quaking Geoto Sceptre
The Gardens Sphere Swords
B'Naner Blade (AC)
B'Naner Blade (Legend)
Balloon Sword
Balloon of Awe
Basic Balloon Sword
Black Dragon Ninja Sword
Bladed Dagger of Soul
Bladehaven Ice Sword
Blazing Igneus Sickle
Blue Balloon Sword
Bright Blade
Celestia's Blade
Charfade's Blade
CorDemi Codex
CorDemi Sword
Dark Comedy
Dark Tech Blade
Dragon Chopper
Dragon Conquest Blade
Dual Cyan Zappers
Dual Red Zappers
Energy Skull Sword
Escelense Defender Blade
Firefeather Sword
Frozen Claw
Fury of the Dragon (Sword) (AC)
Fury of the Dragon (Sword) (Merge)
Galanoth's Bladehaven Blade
Gekido of Shinobi
Green Tech Blade
Grimshade Blade
Horn of Terra Suul
Hydra Rapier
Icy Bloodletter of Nulgath
Katana of Meiyo
Midnight Wish
Ninemares +3
Obsidian Dragon Sword
Omelyhis' Rule
Onyxx Wartexx
Orange Tech Blade
Paragon Bear Claw
Paramount Edge
Pink Default Sword
Pink Phoenix Blade
Plasma Pyro Blade (AC)
Plasma Pyro Blade (Legend)
Purple Tech Blade
Raver Blade
Red Balloon Star Sword
Red Tech Blade
Revolving Rifleblade
Ronin Katana
Runic Destroyer
Solar Spike
Soul Sapper
Static Pyro Blade
Tech Blade
The Gift (Sword)
Vampire Blade of Nulgath
Voltaic Dynami Sword
Werejaguar's Defense
Midsummer Wizard Wand
Ebil Battleon Town
Ebil Guardian Tower
Ebil Portal
Ebil Trainers
Ebil Yulgar's Inn
Underground Lab
Ultra Chairman Monsters
Ebil Bupers Camel
Ebil Deathgazer
Ebil Mech Dragon
Ebil Rhino Beetle
Ebil Robot Guard
Ebil Seed Spitter
Ebil Shadowscythe
Ebil SoulTaker
EbilCorp Cactus Creeper
EbilCorp Slime
EbilCorp Tanuki
Mutated Server Hamster
Zombie (1)
Zombie Knight
Ultra Ebil Mech Dragon
Animal Exploitation Specialist
Artix (NPC)
Biological Reconstructionist
Chairman Platinum
EbilCorp Employee
Faceless Drone
J6 (NPC)
Mage Drone
Priest Drone
Promotion Drone
Rare Item Minion
Rogue Drone
Thought Control Specialist
Warrior Drone
Zorbak (NPC)
Artix's Quests
EbilCorp Employee's Quest
Zorbak's Quests
4th Birthday Shop
4th Birthday Merge
AE Event Rares Shop
AQ Anniversary Shop
AQW Anniversary Shop
Chunin Shop
DF Anniversary Shop
EbilCorp House Rares
EC Event Rares
ED Anniversary Shop
HS Anniversary Shop
MQ Anniversary Shop
EbilCorp War
EpicDuel Destiny PvP Medal +1000
AQW Golden Destiny Armor
Code of the Origins
Crimson Destructor1337
Custom Reconstructor1337
EbilCorp's Muscles
EbilCorporate Office Drone
Ebil Dragon Rider
Ebil Symbiote
Golden Reconstructor1337
Hamster Server
Honor Battle Guard
Honor Guard
Quest Reward Reconstructor1337
Savior of Lore Capes & Back Items
Chunin Kanji Cape
Custom Crimson Destructor Bladed
EbilCorp Knight's Cape
Ebil Nano-Katana Cape
Ebil Nanotype Grid
MechQuest Destiny Blade
Ninja Kanji Cape
Pegalion (Cape)
Prismatic Pegalion
Shadow Duplicate (AC)
Shadow Duplicate (Merge)
The DrAEgon of Artix
The Rising Savior
The Savior's Ascension
Wings of the Draegon
Wings of the Savior Classes
Chunin (AC)
Chunin (Merge) Helmets & Hoods
Battered Ebil Minion Helm
Chunin Sedge Hat (AC)
Chunin Sedge Hat (Merge)
Chunin Shadow Sedge (AC)
Chunin Shadow Sedge (Merge)
Coded Long Glasses
Coded Short Glasses
Crimson Destructor Helm
Custom Destructor Helm
Ebil Creeper Helm
EbilCorp Blast Shield
EbilCorp Drone Helm
Golden Destructor Helm
Happy Ebil Creeper Helm
Head of the Draegon
Helm of the Savior
HeroSmash Destiny Helm
Honor Guard's Blade
Long Honor Guard Hat
Mask of the Savior
Prismatic War Room Helm
Short Honor Guard Hat
War Room Helm
Corporate Cottage
Birthday Drums
Boxed Animals
Chairman Platinum Portrait
Chairman Platinum Statue
EbilCorp Bathroom Stalls
EbilCorp Classy Minion
EbilCorp Coffee Minion
EbilCorp Couch
EbilCorp Fireplace
EbilCorp Logo
EbilCorp Minion
EbilCorp Potted Plant
EbilCorp Potted Shrub
Ebil Mainframe
EbilCorp Wall Decal
Golden Dragon Statue
Silver Dragon Statue
Misc. Items
Birthday Bow
Birthday Box
Can of Air
Chunin Token
Ebil Bumper Sticker
Ebil Chunks
Ebil Fragments
Forget Stick
Pet Rock
10th Anniversary Battle Dragon
10th Anniversary Mini Dragon
AdventureQuest Balloon Dragon
AQ Destiny Trobble Pet
Brilliant Derp Fish
DerDer the Stool Pigeon
Derp Alina Pet
Derp Artix Pet
Derp Beleen Pet
Derp Cysero Pet
Derp Dage Pet
Derp J6 Pet
Derp Jemini Pet
Derp Miko Pet
Derp Nulgath Pet
Derp Reens Pet
Derp Samba Pet
Derp Solrac Pet
Double-Agent Zorbak
Ebil Battle Bot
Ebil RoosterBull
Feisty Server Hamster
Party Twilly Pet
Pegalion (Pet)
Server Hamster Axes
Axe of the EbilCorp Knight
Furious Dragon Guitar
Tracker Axe Daggers
Crimson Destructor Swords
DragonFable Destiny Sword
Duel Crimson Kamas
Duel Golden Kamas
EbilCorp Katana
EbilCorp Pistols
Golden Arm Blades
Overclocked EbilCorp Pistols
Ebil Assaulter Rifle (1)
Ebil Assaulter Rifle (2)
Crimson Kama
Emerald Kama
Supercharged Heavenly Hasher
Dragonhead Bongo
Coded Katana
Destructor Sword
Honor Guard's Blade
The Blade of Absolution
The Blade of the Savior
Tracker Arm Blade
Note: Also see They Might Be Giants Event.
LocationsThe Collector (Location)
Dino Caves
Lab of the Collector
Super Collector
Terrarium Monsters
Alien Dino
Alien Juggernaut
Carnivorous Cricket
Carnivorous Cricket (2)
Death on Wings
Death on Wings (2)
Doppleganger of They (Monster) (1)
Doppleganger of They (Monster) (2)
Dust Bunny of Doom
Dustbunny of Doom (Monster)
Fierce Fangbeast
Furious 4-eyed Guard
Killer Cricket
Killer Cricket (2)
Mother TerrorDOOMKill
Plated Fangbeast
Red-Eyed Alien
Spine Beast
The Collector (Monster)
Tyranno-Rawr-Us Rex NPCs
Cave Man
Doppelganger of They (NPC)
Drakath (Kid)
John F.
John L.
TMBG Quests
Cave Man's Quests
Doppelganger of They's Quests
Drakath's Quests
Future Quests
John F's Quests
John L's Quests
Malorie's Quests
Mhar-Tea's Quests
Pre-historic Quests Shops
Super Fan Token Shop
TMBG House Shop
Vindicator Of They Shop (1)
Vindicator Token Merge
Armors2082 Armor
Cyclops Rock Armor
Fire Lord
Particle Armor
Pyrrhic Alien
Robot Parade Chassis
Universe Armor
Violet Tech Suit
Viridian Tech Suit Capes & Back Items
Alien Shoulder Cannon
Hovering Sombrero Cape
Particle Pack
Sun Rune Cape
OG Vindicator Of They Cape
Wooly Cape Classes
Vindicator of They (AC)
Vindicator of They (Merge) Helmets & Hoods
Alien Helm
Alien Mask
Armored Extraterrene Mask
Celestial Hair (1)
Chicken and Ice Cream Helm
Cretaceous Face
Cyclops Rock Helm
Flaming Head
Golden Flame Helm
Mr. NO! Helm
Paper Bag Head
Robot Parade Copper Topper
Robot Parade Mask
Space Adventurer Helm
Tropical Lazor Beams
Universe Hood
OG Vindicator Of They HelmHouses
Terrarium House House Items
Alien Furnace
Alien Turret
Alien Water Heater
Dr. Worm
Levitating Bed
Watchful Eye Misc. Items
Alien Annihilated
Dino Destroyed!
Flux Communicator
Super-Fan Swag Token A
Super-Fan Swag Token B
Super-Fan Swag Token C
Super-Fan Swag Token D
TMBG XP Boost! (1 hr)
Token Of Vindication Pets
Dr. Worm Pet
Dustbunny of DOOM (Pet)
Golden Mini Mecha-Rex
Iron Scythe-minion Minion
Mini Mecha-Rex
Mini TerrorDOOMkill
Red-eyed Alien Larvae
Wicked Little Critta Axes
A Rock
This Might Be an Axe
Triceriaxe Daggers
Cretaceous Armaments
Daggers of Rage
Delta V Disks
Dual Laser Daggers
Galactic Hackers
Particle Armaments
Saurus Armaments
Space Ice Kris
Temporal Disruption
The Assassin's Ulterior Maces
Lucky Ball and Chain
Mace of Flame Guns
Alien Blasterer
Chrononaut Sidearm
Photon Blaster
S16 Bow
Shadow Cannon Polearms
Stormy Pinkness Swords
Anatomically Alien
Black Matter Dagger
Chrononaut Blade
Deepspace Saber
Hyperphysical Fey
Mesopotamian Blade
Particle Blade
Preternatural Sun
Robot Parade Sword
Sawtooth Sword
Starlight Saber
Sword of Burning
OG Vindicator Of They Blade
War Bringer
Battleoff (Old)
Chaos Farm
Skullcrusher Mountain
Superartix Monsters
Chaotic Chicken (Monster) (1)
Lycan Queen Safiria
Nugget Man
Skeleton (Monster) (1)
Super Undead Artix
Undead Artix
War Lycan
War Lycan Knight
Drakath (Order)
Jonathan Coulton
Paul & Storm
Aria's Butcher Shop Quest
Drakath's Quests
Jonathan Coulton's Quests
Paul & Storm's Quests
AQW 2nd Birthday AC Rare Shop
ArmorsChicken Suit
Mirror Drakath (Armor)
Nugget Man Suit
Undead Paladin (Rare) Capes & Back Items
Atramentous Wings
Aura of Shadowscythe
Integrity Blades Helmets & Hoods
Chicken Helm
Nugget Man Helm
Paladin's Curse Pets
Chaotic Chicken (Pet) Axes
Life Giver Axe
ShadowReaper of Doom Staffs
Golden Staff of Virtue Swords
Ancient Dismal Claymore
Golden Blade of Sanctity
Guardian of Virtue
Infernal Rocks
Shadowscythe Avastilator
Sword of the Vilifier
The Overscore
Sweetish Fish (Monster)
ArmorsCake Armor
Sweetish Fish Suit
Capes & Back Items
Sweetish Fish Tail
DoomKnight (0 AC)
Helmets & Hoods
1st Birthday Cake Helm
Ice Cream Head
Sweetish Fish Face
Birthday AC Note
Birthday Legend AC Note
Black Gift Box
Blue Gift Box
Brown Gift Box
Green Gift Box (Misc)
Orange Gift Box
Pink Gift Box
Prismatic Gift Box
Purple Gift Box
Red Gift Box
Yellow Gift Box Pets
Party Crasher Zorbak
Party Twig
Sweetish Fish (Pet)
Crescent Axe
Cherry Bomb
Cake Mace
Ice Cream Cone
1st Birthday Sword
Party Slasher Birthday Sword
Wrapping Paper Sword