Jump to Celestial Realm, Lost Ruins, Lost Ruins War, Farming Quests, Infernal Spire, Celestial Arena, Golden Arena, Pocket Dimension, Ice Dimension, Sand Dimension, Dark Dimension, Ivoliss, LightCaster Class, Infernal Arena, Champion Azalith, Apex Azalith.
Quest Location: Celestial Realm
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Note: These quests cannot be accessed after completing the 'Reveal the Portal!' quest.
I need you to summon a friend of mine. He can help us locate the portal to underworld, which we can investigate. Before you can summon our helper you need to collect : 1 Holy Water from the waterfalls, 10 Bright Flower Seeds from your Infernal Knights, and 1 Golden Grain from the Celestial Bird of Paradise.
Items Required:
- Holy Water x1
- Click on the arrow on Screen 2
- Bright Flower Seed x10
- Golden Grain x1
- Dropped by Celestial Bird of Paradise
- 250 Gold
- 250 Exp
Thanks to Dashing Draco.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Note: These quests start in Lost Ruins, and are available in Celestial Realm and Lost Ruins War after completing the 'Defeat the Diabolical Warlord' quest.
- Investigate the Ruins
- Take out the Knights
- Find the Clues
- Recover the Cage Key!
- Protect Them
- Break the Spell
- Open the Cage
- Defeat the Infernal Warlord
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Reveal the Portal!' quest.
Hero! Please investigate these ruins, I can sense the dark energy around this place, and my powers are weakened! Pick up nearby plants around the ruins so I can determine if any dark energy has affected them, and defeat 5 Underworld Dogs. Please be be careful.
Items Required:
- Plant Found x3
- Click on the arrow on Screen 3, 4, and 5
- Underworld Hound Defeated x5
- Dropped by Underworld Hound (1)
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
Quest Location: Lost Ruins War
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat the Infernal Warlord' quest.
Fight like you've never fought before! You must defeat the Infernal Warriors that have been streaming through the portal!
Items Required:
- Infernal Warrior Defeated x5
- 300 Gold
- 300 Exp
- 300 Rep : Good
Thanks to boomboompowboyz.
Quest Locations:
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Celestial Realm at War' quest.
If only we had had these weapons where we were doing battle with the Infernal Warlords… My Brothers' weapons are more powerful than those found in Lore. We can create these weapons to use them against any future enemy! To create your own Angel of Spirits Blade, bring me 500 Trapped Spirits from the Fallen Knights in the Lost Ruins.
Items Required:
- Trapped Spirits
- 10,000 Gold
- 10,000 Exp
Thanks to rickyb20.
Quest Location: Infernal Spire
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Take out the Overseer' quest.
First things first - help me slay all of these infernal invaders! If we don't take them out now, they'll surely flank us later on when we're least expecting it.
Items Required:
- Infernal Knight Slain x8
- Dropped by Infernal Knight (Level 50)
- Grievous Fiend Slain x8
- Dropped by Grievous Fiend (Monster)
- 900 Gold
- 900 Exp
Thanks to Tris.
Quest Location: Celestial Arena
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
- Battle Slork!
- Battle Azkorath!
- Battle Blessed Inquisitor!
- Battle Lich Ravager!
- Battle Shurpu Ring Guardian!
- Battle Serepthys!
- Battle Yaomo!
- Battle Cerberus!
- Battle Infernal Warrior!
- Battle Infernal Warlord!
In an effort to reproduce some of the most challenging battles from Lore's past, we have created a replica construct of the brutal dwarf giant, Slork! Defeat him to progress to the next level.
Items Required:
- Slork Construct Defeated x1
- Dropped by Slork Construct
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Celestial Arena
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Battle Infernal Warlord!' quest.
- Battle Conquest!
- Battle War!
- Battle Death!
- Battle Famine!
- Battle Diabolical Warlord!
- Battle Ultra Undead Raxgore!
- Battle Blessed Karok!
- Battle Kezeroth!
- Battle Shadow Lord!
- Battle Desolich!
In an effort to reproduce some of the most challenging battles from Lore's past, we have created a replica construct of the Conquest, the third Horseman of the Underworld Void! Defeat him to progress to the next level.
Items Required:
- Conquest Construct Defeated x1
- Dropped by Conquest Construct
- 180 Gold
- 180 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Celestial Arena
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Battle Desolich!' quest.
- Battle Queen of Hope!
- Battle Malxas!
- Battle Blessed Gladius!
- Battle High Celestial Priest!
- Battle Blessed Enfield!
- Battle Avatar of Spirits!
- Battle Avatar of Time!
- Battle Avatar of Life!
- Battle Fallen Abezeth!
In this round, we will pit you against the Queen of Hope - one of our most powerful Celestials! Defeat her to progress to the next level.
Items Required:
- Queen of Hope Defeated x1
- Dropped by Queen of Hope (Level 65)
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Celestial Arena
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Battle Fallen Abezeth!' quest.
Hero, are you ready to test the limits of your strength? If you can defeat our final challenger, you will complete the Celestial Tournament, and I will bestow upon you the title of Celestial Champion. Let me know when you are ready!
Items Required:
- Final Challenger Defeated x1
- Dropped by Aranx (Monster)
- 300 Gold
- 300 Exp
- Celestial Champion Character Page Badge
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Golden Arena
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
- Greenguard Champion Badge
- Draconic Laurel Challenge
- Inquisitor Champion's Badge
- Grand Laurel Challenge
- SkyGuard Champion Badge
- Aeriel Laurel Challenge
- Fallen Champion Badge
- Ascension Laurel Challenge
- Seraphic Champion Badge
- Golden Laurel Challenge
The Greenguard Dragon waits for you in his lair, ready to blast your helm off… if he can. Slay him for the GreenGuard Champion Badge in /greendragon, then return to me.
Items Required:
- Greenguard Champion Badge x1
- Dropped by Greenguard Dragon
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Pocket Dimension
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Note: These quests cannot be accessed after completing the 'Defeat Arthelyn' quest.
Where do we go from here? We will need to find a way into the next layer of this pocket dimension. There is nothing here - but I can use that "nothing" to target a weak point and create a rift. I just need to collect its unique dimensional resonance. You can help with that, right?
Items Required:
- Dimensional Resonance x3
- Dropped by Nothing (Monster) (Level 35)
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Ice Dimension
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Tune it up!' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
If Arthelyn is here, we will locate her! Explore this dimension and see what sign of her you can find.
Items Required:
- Explore the Ice Dimension x1
- Reach Screen 5
- Enemies Defeated x10
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Sand Dimension
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Open the Next Dimension' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
We must see if this is where Arthelyn is being held. Explore this dimension and see what sign of her you can find.
Items Required:
- Explore the Sand Dimension x1
- Reach Screen 5
- Enemies Defeated x10
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Dark Dimension
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Open the 3rd Dimension' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
My friend, I am getting exhausted. We must find her soon. Explore this dimension and see what sign of Arthelyn you can find.
Items Required:
- Explore the Dark Dimension x1
- Reach Screen 5
- Enemies Defeated x10
- Dropped by:
- 125 Gold
- 125 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Ivoliss (Location)
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Open the 4th Dimension' quest.
Note: These quests cannot be accessed after completing the 'Defeat Arthelyn' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.
This is it. This is where Arthelyn is being kept - I can feel her as if she was standing next to me. We must fight out way through to her - no matter what stands in our way.
Items Required:
- Arthelyn Found x1
- Reach Screen 11
- 150 Gold
- 150 Exp
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
Quest Location: Celestial Realm
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
- Must be Level 80.
- Must have the following items in your inventory:
Are you ready to prove yourself? Bring me back the following items and I will trust you have the power to wield the LightCaster Class in all its glory! My Pure Light can only be obtained by defeating me in battle.
Items Required:
- 0 Gold
- 0 Exp
Thanks to Tris.
Quest Location: Infernal Arena
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'FINAL FIGHT!' quest.
- Maligned Magus
- Reverent Revenger
- Infernal Harbinger
- First of the Fallen
- Infernal Warlord
- Abhorrent Aperitif
- Touch of Death
- Dire Dreams
- Festering Forest
- Abominable Butchery
- Infernal Screech
- Frosty Burns
- Kramping Your Style
- Defiled Destiny
- Searing Snake Oil
- Ambivalent Affection
- From the Crux of Shadows
- Reviled Returner
- Reign of the Deer
- Ars Infernum
- Unrepentant Culler
- Lord of the Scarred Barrens
This Realm has created a stronger Infernal construct based on a familiar face, an Abyssal Mage bursting with destructive magical power. Bring the mage to their knees.
Items Required:
- Mage Construct Defeated x1
- Dropped by Infernal Mage (Monster)
- 1,500 Gold
- 2,000 Exp
Thanks to Anonymous Joe.
Quest Location: Champion Azalith
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Azalith's army is gathering, and they're making a beeline for you and me. Without Arthelyn, I'm the head of our forces, and they're looking to lop it off at the neck. Let's show them it won't be that easy.
Items Required:
- Maah-na's Wing x1 (Stacks up to 100)
- Dropped by Maah-na
- Akh-a's Wing x1 (Stacks up to 100)
- Dropped by Akh-a
- 2,000 Gold
- 4,000 Exp
Quest Location: Apex Azalith
Quests Begun From: Aranx (NPC)
Requirements: Must be Level 80.
You bested Azalith before, but that only makes her even stronger when she returns for revenge. I beg you, keep casting Azalith out of this realm until we find a way to defeat her once and for all.
Items Required:
- Azalith's Horn x1
- Dropped by Azalith, Morningstar
- 5,000 Gold
- 5,000 Exp
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!