Book of Lore Badges
Infernal Arena Champion
Character Page Badges
Infernal Champion
Infernal Arena
Accursed Agape
Accursed Apephyrx
Azalith's Scythe
Cervus Malus
Corrupt Terror
Dark Devourax
Deadly Duo
Destructive Defiler
Fallen Warlord (Monster)
First Fallen
Infernal Abominator
Infernal Harbinger (Monster)
Infernal Izotz
Infernal Krampus
Infernal Mage (Monster)
Infernal Naga
Infernal Revenger (Monster)
Key of Sholemoh
Malicious Maw
Twisted Harpy
Wicked Rotfinger
Aranx (NPC) Updated
Aranx's Quests
Featured Gear Shop Updated
Infernal Arena Champion
Infernal Arena Gear
Infernal Arena Merge Shop
ArmorsArmor of Azalith
Bright Celestial Guardian
Celestial Dark Knight
Celestial Wanderer
Dark Infernal Defender
Dark Infernal Mage Armor
Dire Armor of Na'al
Divine Wanderer
High Celestial Protector
High Infernal General Capes & Back Items
Bright Guardian's Halo
Bright Guardian's Wings
Celestial Champion's Mantle
Celestial Eternal Flame
Celestial Night Cape
Celestial Victory Laurel
Celestial Wanderer's Guidance
Cervus Malus' Tail
Divine Champion's Mantle
Divine Wanderer's Guidance
Evolved Dual Wings of Aranx
Evolved Wings of Aranx
Great Wings of Azalith
High Celestial Victory Laurel
Infernal Defender's Wings
Infernal Eternal Flame
Infernal General's Wings
Infernal Harpy's Wings
Rune Cape of Na'al
Wings of Azalith Helmets & Hoods
Bright Guardian's Hair
Bright Guardian's Locks
Bright Guardian's Morph
Bright Guardian's Visage
Celestial Dark Knight Helm
Celestial Dark Knight Sallet
Cervus Malus' Skull
Crown + Locks of Azalith
Crown of Azalith
Dark Infernal Mage Hood
Dire Helm of Na'al
Divine Wanderer's Circlet
Divine Wanderer's Locks
High Celestial Protector's Hair
High Celestial Protector's Locks
High Celestial Protector's Morph
High Celestial Protector's Visage
Infernal Defender's Hair
Infernal Defender's Halo
Infernal Defender's Halo + Locks
Infernal Defender's Locks
Infernal Defender's Morph
Infernal Defender's Morph + Halo
Infernal Defender's Visage
Infernal Defender's Visage + Halo
Infernal Defender's Winged Hair
Infernal Defender's Winged Locks
Infernal Defender's Winged Morph
Infernal Defender's Winged Visage
Infernal Engineer's Skull + Horns
Infernal General's Halo + Hair
Infernal General's Halo + Locks
Infernal General's Helmet
Malicious Maw's Horns
Misc. Items
Cervus Dente
Champion's Seal
Duo's Dinner
Infernal Badge
Infernal Emblem
Infernal Incantation
Scythe Shard
Celestial Fenrir
Crowned Skull of Na'al
Infernal Fenrir
Orb of Na'al Pet Axes
Axe of the Infernal Defiler
Bright Guardian's Axe
Infernal Krampus' Claw Bows
Celestial Sharpshooter Bow
Serene Sharpshooter Bow Daggers
Axes of the Infernal Defiler
Bright Guardian's Axes
High Celestial Protector's Blades
High Celestial Protector's Longswords
Infernal Defender's Devastators
Infernal General's Destroyers
Infernal Krampus' Claws
Tainted Blades of Na'al
Tainted Daggers of Na'al Gauntlets
Infernal Naga's Gauntlets Polearms
Celestial Dark Knight's Spear
Infernal Devourer Scythe
Scythe of Azalith
Scythe of the Fallen
Spear of Divine Grace Swords
High Celestial Protector's Blade
High Celestial Protector's Longsword
Infernal Defender's Devastator
Infernal General's Destroyer
Tainted Blade of Na'al
Tainted Dagger of Na'al
Celestial Past
Blessed Bear
Blessed Centaur
Blessed Deer
Blessed Hydra
Infernal Soldier
Well Guardian
Aranx (NPC) Updated
Aranx (Past Self)
Arthelyn (NPC)
Aranx (Past Self)'s Quests
Arthelyn's Quests
Celestial Past Merge
Featured Gear Shop Updated
ArmorsBeast Summoner
Celestial Guardian (2)
Celestial Summoner
Fortune's Fancy Capes & Back Items
Beast Summoner Cape
Beast Summoner Rune
Beast Summoner Rune Cape
Celestial Guardian Double Wings
Celestial Guardian Wings
Celestial Summoner Cape
Celestial Summoner Rune
Celestial Summoner Rune Cape Helmets & Hoods
Beast Summoner Helm
Beast Summoner Wolf Head
Celestial Guardian Helm
Celestial Summoner Hair
Celestial Summoner Helm
Celestial Summoner Hood
Fortune's Fancy Hair
Fortune's Fancy Locks Misc. Items
Celestial Quintessence Pets
Fortune's Fancy Orb Pet Swords
Celestial Summoner Blade
Celestial Champion Updated
Featured Item Showcase Updated
ArmorsCelestial Slayer
Infernal Slayer Capes & Back Items
Celestial Slayer's Armored Wing
Celestial Slayer's Wing
Celestial Slayer's Wings
Infernal Slayer's Armored Wing
Infernal Slayer's Rune + Wrap
Infernal Slayer's Wing
Infernal Slayer's Wings
Slayer's Wings Helmets & Hoods
Celestial Slayer's Horns
Celestial Slayer's Horns + Locks
Infernal Slayer's Halo
Infernal Slayer's Halo + Locks
Infernal Slayer's Hat
Infernal Slayer's Hat + Locks Daggers
Dual Celestial Slayer Blades Swords
Celestial Slayer's Blade
Featured Item Showcase - September 2018
The First Fallen
The First Risen Capes & Back Items
The First Fallen Wings
The First Risen Wings Helmets & Hoods
The First Fallen Hood
The First Fallen Hood + Mask
The First Fallen Horned Helm
The First Risen Aura Hood
The First Risen Hood Daggers
Dual Risen Auras
The First Fallen's Daggers Maces
The First Risen Aura Mace
Celestial Arena
Celestial Arena B
Celestial Arena C
Celestial Arena D
Aranx (Monster)
Avatar of Life (Monster)
Avatar of Spirits (Monster)
Avatar of Time (Monster)
Azkorath Construct
Blessed Enfield
Blessed Gladius
Blessed Inquisitor
Blessed Karok (Level 55)
Cerberus Construct
Conquest Construct
Death Construct
Desolich Construct
Diabolical Warlord Construct
Fallen Abezeth
Famine Construct
High Celestial Priest (Monster)
Infernal Warlord Construct
Infernal Warrior Construct
Kezeroth Construct
Lich Ravager Construct
Malxas Construct
Queen of Hope (Level 65)
Ring Guardian Construct
Serepthys Construct
Shadow Lord Construct
Slork Construct
Undead Raxgore Construct
War Construct
Yaomo Construct
Aranx (NPC) Updated
Aranx's Quests Updated
Celestial Challenger
Celestial Champion
ArmorsBlessed Abezeth
Blessed Gladius Armor
Cursed Abezeth
Viltusial Capes & Back Items
Abezeth Cape
Blessed Armored Wings of Abezeth
Blessed Wings of Abezeth
Burning Wings of Abezeth
Cape of Viltusial
Wings of Abezeth
Wings of Viltusial Helmets & Hoods
Blessed Gladius Helm
Blessed Helm of Abezeth
Hair Of Viltusial
Helm of Abezeth
Helm of Viltusial
Helm of Viltusial + Locks
Hood of Abezeth
Locks of Viltusial Guns
Bow of Viltusial Misc Items
Celes Badge
Champion Sash
Lumin Badge Polearms
Scythe Of Blessings Staffs
Staff Of Blessings Swords
Burning Blade of Abezeth
Featured Gear: September
ArmorsEnchanted LightCaster
Evolved LightCaster (Armor) Capes & Back Items
Enchanted Orbs of Light Helmets & Hoods
Enchanted Light Hood
Glowing Halo and Locks of Light
Glowing Halo of Light
LightCaster Scarf
Silken Hood of Light Maces
Enchanted Mace of Light Staffs
Enchanted Rod of Light Swords
Enchanted Blade of Light
Shining Blade of Glory (AC)
Shining Blade of Glory (Legend)
September Holiday
ArmorsCelestial Guardian (1) (AC)
Celestial Guardian (1) (Legend)
Galactic Mage Capes & Back Items
Burning Celestial Wings (AC)
Burning Celestial Wings (Legend)
Crystallized Ice Wings (AC)
Crystallized Ice Wings (Legend) Helmets & Hoods
Divine Hair
Galactic Mage Hood
Galactic Mark
High Galactic Mage Hood
Horned Galactic Helm Daggers
Astral Reavers (Dagger) Maces
Astral Reavers (Mace)
Astral Reavers +25 Polearms
Scythe of the Celestial Guard (AC)
Scythe of the Celestial Guard (Legend)
Aranx Birthday
ArmorsParty Attire
Plate Of Holiness
Plate Of Unholiness Capes & Back Items
Fluffy Cat Tail
Seraphic Wings
Wings Of Holiness Helmets & Hoods
Fairy Horns
Female Fairy Horns
Glorified Helm
Helm Of Holiness
Vile Helm Polearms
Soul Gouging Spear
Soul Saving Spear
Spear Of Life +5 Swords
Blade Of Glory
Blade Of Truth
Aranx (NPC)
Aranx Birthday
ArmorsDescended Amadis
Fallen Amadis Capes & Back Items
Cloaked Runes of the Fallen
Dark Runes of the Fallen
Descended Amadis Wings
Fallen Amadis Annex Helmets & Hoods
Angelic Gelled Hair
Blessed Gelled Hair
Fallen Amadis Horns
Holy Halo Hair!
Prismatic Top Hat
Prismatic Top Hat + Scarf
Scar of the Fallen Amadis
Tousled Archangel Hair
Aranx (NPC)
Aranx Birthday
ArmorsGlory Of Aranx Helmets & Hoods
Aranx's New Do