AQ Lesson
Town-Level 1 to 45
Journey to the days of AdventureQuest Classic to learn from the events experienced during a time of extraterrestrial danger.
- Akriloth (1) x1
- Carnax x1
- Eternite Ore x2
- Fire Elemental (Level 39) x1
- Firezard x2
- Ice Elemental (Level 39) x2
- Mogcicle x1
- Ninja (Monster) (1) (Level 39) x3
- Void Dragon (Level 39) x2
- Water Elemental (Level 30) (Version 1) x1
- N/A
Map Name: aqlesson
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join aqlesson
- Museum - 'Breastplate Boss' button from Valencia
- Shadowfall - 'AQlesson' button from Braeus
- The Span - North of Screen 10
- ChronoSpan Map
Note: Also see House of Hope.
Thanks to Harrison, Malak93, Tendou no Mazo and warriorking4.
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