Anubis Deathguard

Location: Sek-Duat Pyramids
Level: 33
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 3,100
- Slice: 75-91
- Jab: 75-91
Temporary Items Dropped:
- DoomKnight Armor Piece (Dropped during the 'Pinpoint the Pieces' quests)
- Freed Anubis Spirit (Dropped during the 'A Noob is Guard' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Ankh Staff
- Blinding Light Fragments
(Dropped during the 'Finding Fragments' quests)
- Carpet Racer
- Dark Energy (Misc)
- Scarab Mace
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Undead Energy

Thanks to Chalcids, Death Giver, Na Tra and Tendou no Mazo.
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