Announcer Guy

Generic Announcer guy who is in like EVERY Anime
Welcome to the DragonKoi Tournament! It's a bee-yooo-tiful day for the DragonKoi Tournament! Contestants from all over Lore have joined us here today, making this the biggest turnout in over 1,000 Years! Ab-so-lutely amazing! So just sit tight, folks, 'cuz the Preliminary Round is only a few moments away!

If next opponent is Pockey Chew:

Next Opponent
Listen Up, Hero! Your next fight will be against Bash Ketchup. I hope you're ready, 'cuz there's no backing out once you enter the arena!

Generic Announcer
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the right corner we have the master trainer of all the PockeyMogs of Lore! We have the one, the only, BASH KETCHUP and his trusted companion Pockey Chew! And in the left corner, our newest combatant allll the way from Battleon, <Hero>!

If next opponent is NOTruto:

Next Opponent
Listen Up, Hero! Your next fight will be against NOTruto. I hope you're ready, 'cuz there's no backing out once you enter the arena!

Generic Announcer
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the right corner we have the young sly ninja from a faraway village too difficult to pronounce! We have the one, the only, NOTruto! And in the left corner, our newest combatant allll the way from Battleon, <Hero>!

If next opponent is NekoYasha:

Next Opponent
Listen Up, Hero! Your next fight will be against Neko Yasha. I hope you're ready, 'cuz there's no backing out once you enter the arena!

Generic Announcer
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the right corner we have the nimble tomcat who is ANYTHING but a scaredy-cat! We have the one, the only, Neko Yasha! And in the left corner, our newest combatant allll the way from Battleon, <Hero>!

If next opponent is Absolute Zero:

Next Opponent
Listen Up, Hero! Your next fight will be against Absolute Zero. I hope you're ready, 'cuz there's no backing out once you enter the arena!

Generic Announcer
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the right corner, visiting all the way from the Frozen Northlands with a heart of ice, we have the one, the only, Absolute Zero! And in the left corner, our newest combatant allll the way from Battleon, <Hero>!

If next opponent is Spork-ion:

Next Opponent
Listen Up, Hero! Your next fight will be against Sporkion. I hope you're ready, 'cuz there's no backing out once you enter the arena!

Generic Announcer
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the right corner we have the master chef with a voice that will decimate your ears, we have the one, the only, Sporkion! And in the left corner, our newest combatant allll the way from Battleon, <Hero>!

If next opponent is Ryoku:

Next Opponent
Listen Up, Hero! Your next fight will be against Ryoku. I hope you're ready, 'cuz there's no backing out once you enter the arena!

Generic Announcer
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the right corner we have the ultimate martial arts master with the biggest Dragon-Dodecahedrons collection! The one, the only, Ryoku! And in the left corner, our newest combatant allll the way from Battleon, <Hero>!

After defeating Ryoku:

Generic Announcer Guy who is in like EVERY Anime
Welcome back, champion! You have defeated all the opponents in this tournament. There are some special challenge fights available for you.

- Reputation Arena
- Challenge Arena



Thanks to mturf, Pmk138, Tendou no Mazo and .Shadow//.

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