Team Wreckit
Oh, hey there! Sorry, but the tournament isn't open yet. You'll have to come back a little later!
After completing the 'Pockey-Chew' quest
Team Wreckit
Hey there, Pockey-Mog trainers! Are you here to join the tournament! Come on, let's get you signed up! Prove to the world (or at least to Bloodtusk Ravine) that YOU are the Pockey-Mog champion!
Team Wreckit
Horcs and trolls don't traditionally see eye to eye, but our shared love of Pockey-Mogs has brought us together! Now, we are ready to WRECK IT!
- Annie & Oakley's Quests
- Pockey-Mogs Shop
After completing the 'Pukasnooze vs Flamog' quest
Team Wreckit
Wow! Your Pukasnooze is amazing - it's won every single battle! If we're gonna prove that Team Wreckit are the TRUE Pockey-Mog champions, then we're going to have them beat YOU! Come on, let's do this!
- Annie & Oakley's Quests
- Pockey-Mogs Shop
After completing the 'Pukasnooze vs Pukasnooze vs Toglin' quest
Team Wreckit
You thought you could come in here and use your fake Pukasnooze to win our tournament and take all of our Pockey-Mogs? NOT COOL. Team Wreckit is gonna teach you a lesson!
- Annie & Oakley's Quests
- Pockey-Mogs Shop
After completing the 'They're gonna Wreckit!' quest
Team Wreckit
Team Wreckit's launching into outer spaaaaaace! =(
- Annie & Oakley's Quests
- Pockey-Mogs Shop
Location: Pockeymogs Tournament
Thanks to Harrison.
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