Ancient Doomknight's Quests
Quest Location: Shadow Vault
Quests Begun From: Ancient Doomknight (NPC)
Requirement: Requires Rank 7 Evil.
So you want the armor of the Arch Doomknight? That is a highly valuable and powerful artifact I'm afraid I can't give it away so easily. Bring me what I need and I will see if it is sufficient enough as to me this set my last memento of an old friend and to the shadowscythe a highly powerful artifact. You can find dragon energy from Lair and Human Souls of value can be found in Noxus Tower.
Items Required:
- Undead Energy
- Human Souls
- Dragon Energy
- 1,500 Gold
- 1,000 Exp
- 1,000 Rep : Evil
Thanks to ShatteredReality.
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