Jump to: Void Refuge, Void Chasm.
Quest Location: Void Refuge
Quests Begun From: Ana di Carcano
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Where the Heart is' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
The room that the Nation's Casters are occupying used to be where I was trained in combat. Odd cracks have formed on the ground, and the Casters are conducting some sort of ritual. Are they causing that? We need to get them to tell us before we continue on.
Items Required:
- Void Tattoo x3
- Dropped by Nation Caster (Monster)
- Examine Spatial Tears x5
- Click on the blue arrows on Screen 3
- 6,000 Gold
- 28,000 Exp
Quest Location: Void Chasm
Quests Begun From: Ana di Carcano
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Nation Code' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.
The Shard isn't just twisting space - it's mutating anything that gets close to it. Void Fangs were sent to help Carnage, likely because they're so monstrous already that the Shard wouldn't affect them immediately. They'll try to stop us if we don't take them down first.
Items Required:
- Serpentine Fang x30
- Dropped by Void Fang
- 6,000 Gold
- 35,000 Exp
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