- Icewind Pass - Plays when joining the map for the first time
«Scene: Black screen»
Karok: I have been waiting.
«Scene fades to white»
«Scene: Karok kneeling before the Queen of Monsters»
Karok: One year ago, the Queen of Monsters betrayed me…
Karok: …repressed my power so my enemies could defeat me.
«The Queen of Monsters blasts Karok away»
Karok: Our alliance was never meant to be a permanent one, but her actions hastened its demise.
«Scene fades to white, then black»
Karok: I know now that I am not strong enough to defeat her on my own.
Karok: But with your help…
«Scene: the IceWind Pass»
Karok: As the air gets colder, my power strengthens
«Scene: a snowy cliff»
Karok: Our bond strengthens. I can feel your presence… dormant, but alive.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: a large chunk of ice in a ruined building»
Karok: Soon, I will be strong enough to wake you from your torpor. And I will find you.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: close up of the ice - Kezeroth appears in it»
Karok: I am coming for you… brother.
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Outer space. A constellation of Kezeroth's face is shown»
«<Scene fades»
«Scene: Syrrus and Chilly in /northstar»
Syrrus: Oh, no… this can't be…
Chilly: What's wrong, Sywwus?
Syrrus: The stars must be wrong! And yet… I can feel that it is true.
Chilly: What's twue? You're scawing me…
Syrrus: It's Karok… he's been silent for almost a year, since his defeat in Cyrostorm Tundra.
Syrrus: But now… he's come back to Frostvale, with his Frostspawn Horde.
Syrrus: And he's planning to awaken his brother, Kezeroth!
Chilly: Oh no! But why?
Syrrus: If they are joining forces, it can only mean one thing…
Syrrus: …the destruction of Lore.
Chilly: But we bawely suwvived him last year! What are we going to do?
Syrrus: We barely survived… but we did. With the help of two heroes.
Syrrus: The young ice mage, Abel.
Syrrus: And the Hero of Lore, <Hero>.
Syrrus: If we're going to stop Karok and Kezeroth, we'll need both of them at our side once more.
«Scene fades»
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