Alchemy Faction
Faction Quests:
Repeatable quests are Bold and Daily quests are also Italic.
- Lim's Quests
- Medicinal Salves: +500 Rep
- Vial of Antitoxins: +1,000 Rep
- Medicinal Salves: +500 Rep
Note: 'Alchemist' Character Page Title is unlocked at rank 10.
Faction Shop: Academic Merits Shop
Faction Items:
- Dagger and Caustic Flask - Rank 3
- Dagger and Healing Flask - Rank 3
- Dagger and Noxious Flask - Rank 3
- Dagger and Chaos Flask - Rank 4
- Dual Sickles of Gathering - Rank 4
- The Flayer - Rank 5
- Dagger and Toxic Flask - Rank 5
- Dagger and Lethal Flask - Rank 6
- Staff of Justice - Rank 6
- Alchemist By Trade - Rank 6
- Hood of the Scholars - Rank 6
- The Alchemist Crown - Rank 6
- Dagger and Mystery Flask - Rank 7
- Alchemage Armor - Rank 7
- Alchemist's Body Armor - Rank 7
- Sweet Poison's Kiss - Rank 10
Thanks to ingomarelementary, TheHatter3721 and XPoint.
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