Akiba Guard's Quests

Quest Location: Akiba - Chinese New Year
Quests Begun From: Akiba Guard (Screen 3)
As part of our tradition, we have a lion that goes from door to door looking for lettuce that is hanging from the front of our houses and stores. The lion then eats the lettuce and scatters the leaves symbolizing a fresh start for the new year and the spread of good luck. Our lion was lion-napped and, by the foot prints left behind, it seems like Ninja Nopperabo have something to do with it. You may find Ninja Nopperabo in Hachiko's Hotel. Please get our Lion back!
Items Required:
- Dusty Lion x1
- Dropped by Ninja Nopperabo
- 100 Gold
- 100 Exp
- Bathed Lion (Used in the 'Lost Celebration Items' quest)
Thanks to LiteSage.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!