Jump to: Under Realm, Judgement, Dark Fortress (2), Dark Fortress (2)
Quest Location: Under Realm
Quests Begun From:
- Soul Searching
- Chamber of Grief
- Chamber of Anxiety
- Chamber of Disease
- Chamber of Old Age
- Chamber of Fear
- Chamber of Hunger
- Chamber of Death
- Chamber of Agony
- Chamber of Sleep
Requirements: Must have completed Fotia's Quest.
The Underworld Souls linger in these dark depths, currently awaiting judgment. They need your help to find their final resting place. Help 8 Underworld Souls achieve enlightenment and I will give you a Golden Bough that will open the chambers to the Guilty Joys.
Items Required:
- Souls Released x8
- Dropped by Underworld Soul
- 300 Gold
- 300 Exp
Thanks to Flitterifie.
Quest Location: Judgement
Quests Begun From:
- IMPressive
- The Raven's Loss
- The Power of Flowers
- The Time for Judgment
- Judged on Performance
- Judged on Undead Legion Standards
- Judged on Allegiance to Dage
- Challenged Allegiance to Dage
Requirements: Must have completed Charon's Quests.
These lands are infested with Underworld Imps. Scout these parts and defeat every Underworld Imp that crosses your path. Return to me when you retrieve 6 Underworld Imp Fangs.
Items Required:
- Underworld Imp Fang x6
- Dropped by Underworld Imp (1) (Version 1)
- 500 Gold
- 500 Exp
- Psyche x3
Thanks to Flitterifie.
Quest Location: Dark Fortress (2)
Quests Begun From:
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Judged on Allegiance to Dage' quest.
- Defend Against the Scorned
- The Key to Discovery
- Locate the Compass Stone
- Create the Dark Fortress Map
- Quest for the Room of Rune-ation
- Defeat the Underworld Guardian
- The First Map Piece
- The Second Map Piece
- The Final Map Piece
- Scorn the Defenders
Scorn has been here, and changed the allegiance of the Blade Masters. Take out 10 of them to clear your path to Dage's Throne room.
Items Required:
- Sullied Master Slain x10
- Dropped by Sullied Master
- 200 Gold
- 200 Exp
Thanks to Tristyn.
Quest Location: Dark Fortress (2)
Quests Begun From:
The Legion DoomKnights in Dage's Fortress have been corrupted! Take out 7 of them to return them to the Darkness so they cannot infect the rest of Dage's minions.
Items Required:
- Scorned Knight Slain x5
- Dropped by Scorned Knight
- 100 Gold
- 100 Exp
Thanks to Tristyn.
Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!