Abel (NPC)

Cryostorm Spellsword
In order to be of help to us, begin your journey in the /frozentower.

- Go Now

After completing the 'Defeat the FrostSpawn Invaders' quest:

Cryostorm Spellsword
Continue your journey in the /frozenruins so that you can return to help us!

- Go Now

After completing the 'FrostSpawn General Takedown' quest:

Cryostorm Spellsword
I think you should speak to Syrrus over at /northstar, first! They need more help than we do, at the moment! Don't worry! We will wait for you until you get back!

- Go Now

After completing the 'Defeat Karok!' quest:

Cryostorm Spellsword
Hello, <Hero>! Welcome to Cryostorm Tundra! It's so nice celebrating… what was it called again? Oh, that's right! Frostval! It's a lot nicer than what we normally do. Normally we just work and train. I've never seen the residents so happy!

We are a small, isolated people. We mostly train and hunt around here. The other tribes around here are pretty hostile so we need to be strong! Don't worry though! We may live in the cold but we are warm-hearted! You are welcome to stay as long as you like! It's awesome having a Hero as famous as you visit us!

- Abel's Quests
- Cryostorm Merge Shop

After completing the 'Decorate the Tree' quest:

Cryostorm Spellsword
The Behemoths that live around here are terrifying! Sometimes, at night, you can hear them howl from miles away. For the most part, the local wildlife co-exists peacefully with us. The Behemoths… not so much… It's one of the reasons we put so much emphasis on training. We must protect our town from monsters like them!

We are a small, isolated people. We mostly train and hunt around here. The other tribes around here are pretty hostile so we need to be strong! Don't worry though! We may live in the cold but we are warm-hearted! You are welcome to stay as long as you like! It's awesome having a Hero as famous as you visit us!

- Abel's Quests
- Cryostorm Merge Shop

After completing the 'Find the Ice StarStone' quest:

Cryostorm Spellsword
Karok and his Frostspawn Army are here! Most of our city's defenders were injured in the initial attack. It is up to us to stop Karok from destroying my home! He's holding up in the Temple of the Ice Guardian, but to get there we have to take out his troops first!

We are a small, isolated people. We mostly train and hunt around here. The other tribes around here are pretty hostile so we need to be strong! Don't worry though! We may live in the cold but we are warm-hearted! You are welcome to stay as long as you like! It's awesome having a Hero as famous as you visit us!

- Abel's Quests
- Cryostorm Merge Shop
- To War!

After completing the 'Defeat Ultra Karok' quest:

Cryostorm Spellsword
We did it! Karok has been defeated… somehow… I don't know what happened back there. He just vanished! And Thermax… Karok will pay for what he has done! He must be stopped!

We are a small, isolated people. We mostly train and hunt around here. The other tribes around here are pretty hostile so we need to be strong! Don't worry though! We may live in the cold but we are warm-hearted! You are welcome to stay as long as you like! It's awesome having a Hero as famous as you visit us!

- Abel's Quests
- Cryostorm Merge Shop



Thanks to Apus, Ness860, rickyb20 and Tristyn.

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