AA - Abyssal Angel
AAS - Abyssal Angel's Shadow
Aco - Acolyte
AF - ArchFiend
AI - Arcana Invoker
AM - ArchMage
AO - Alpha Omega
AP - Alpha Pirate
Arach - Arachnomancer
BA - Blood Ancient
BB - Beta Berserker / Blaze Binder
Beta Zerker - Beta Berserker
BMA - BladeMaster Assassin / SwordMaster Assassin
BM - BladeMaster / SwordMaster
BS - Blood Sorceress
BT - Blood Titan
CA - Chrono Assassin
CAv - Chaos Avenger
CC - CardClasher / ChronoCommander
CCM - Corrupted Chronomancer
CCR - ChronoCorruptor
CDK - Classic DoomKnight / Chrono DragonKnight / Chrono DataKnight
CLDK - Classic Legion DoomKnight
CMD - Chrono Commandant
CMP - Chronomancer Prime
Cryo - Cryomancer
CS - ClawSuit / Chaos Slayer Berserker / Chaos Slayer Thief / Chaos Slayer Mystic / Chaos Slayer Cleric
CSh - Chaos Shaper
DBSK - Darkblood StormKing
DC - Dark Caster
DCX - Dark Caster X
DK - DeathKnight
DKL - DeathKnight Lord
DKOL/DmKOL - DoomKnight OverLord
DL/Dlord - Classic Dragonlord / DragonLord / Dark Lord
DmK - DoomKnight
DMN - Dark Metal Necro / Doom Metal Necro
DMoM - Dark Master of Moglins
DS - Dragonslayer
DSG - DragonSlayer General
DSS - Dragon Shinobi / Shadow Dragon Shinobi / Dragonsoul Shinobi
DT/DoT - Dragon of Time
DW - Drakel Warlord
ECS - Evolved ClawSuit
ED/Draco - Elemental Dracomancer
ELC - Exalted Legion Champion
EPL - Evolved Pumpkin Lord
ESC - Exalted Soul Cleaver
Evo Lep(py) - Evolved Leprechaun
Evo Shaman - Evolved Shaman
FB/FBarb - Frostval Barbarian
FSR - Frost SpiritReaver
GB - Glacial Berserker
GT - Great Thief
GW - Glacial Warlord
HE/Horc - Horc Evader
HHL - Hobo Highlord
HLC - High Legion Champion
IC - Eternal Chronomancer / Immortal Chronomancer / Empyrean Chronomancer
IK - Infinity Knight / Interstellar Knight
LBMA - Legion Blademaster Assassin / Legion SwordMaster Assassin
LC - LightCaster
LDmK - Legion DoomKnight
(L)EDC - (Legion) Evolved Dark Caster
Lep(py) - Leprechaun / Leprechaun Armor
LEW - Legendary Elemental Warrior / Ultra Elemental Warrior
LH - Legendary Hero / Dark Legendary Hero
LM - LightMage
LOO/Lorder - Lord Of Order
LR - Legion Revenant
MB - MindBreaker
MJ - MechaJouster
MOM - Master of Moglins
NC - Naval Commander / Heroic Naval Commander / Legendary Naval Commander
NCM - Necrotic Chronomancer / Nechronomancer
Necro - Necromancer
NLM - Northlands Monk
OCM - Overworld Chronomancer
Pally - Paladin
Pally Slayer - PaladinSlayer
PCM - Paladin Chronomancer
PCS - Prismatic ClawSuit
PHL - Paladin Highlord
Pinko - Pinkomancer
PL(A) - Pumpkin Lord
PMB - Psionic MindBreaker
Pyro - Pyromancer
QCM - Quantum Chronomancer
RBM - Battlemage (Class) / Royal Battlemage
SC - Star Captain / Soul Cleaver / StoneCrusher
SL - StarLord
Sorc - Sorcerer
SS/Scar Sorc - Scarlet Sorceress
SSG - ShadowScythe General
SSoT - ShadowStalker of Time
SWoT - ShadowWalker of Time / ShadowWeaver of Time
TCM - Timeless Chronomancer
TK - TimeKeeper / TimeKiller
ToH - Thief of Hours
TSS - Troll SpellSmith
UEW - Ultra Elemental Warrior
UOK - Ultra OmniKnight / Dark Ultra OmniNight
Vamp - Vampire
VDK - Verus DoomKNight
VHL - Void HighLord
VL - Vampire Lord / Royal Vampire Lord / Enchanted Vampire Lord
VoT - Vindicator Of They
WL - Warlord
YnR - Yami no Ronin (Class)
Zerker - Berserker
AoA - Armor of Awe
APP - Ascended Paragon Pet
BoA - Blade of Awe
BoN/Blood - Blood of Nulgath (Rare)
BLoD - Blinding Light of Destiny
CBoN - Champion Blade of Nulgath
Corrupts - Corrupt Spirit Orb
CPBoN - Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
CSRoN/CBSRoN - Combat SoulReaper of Nulgath
CSON - Cyber Spear of Nulgath
DBoN - DragonBlade of Nulgath
DoA - Dagger of Awe
Drudgen - Drudgen the Assistant
DSO - Dark Spirit Orb
EA - Exalted Apotheosis
EIoDA - Epic Item of Digital Awesomeness Formerly Epic Item of Donated Awesomeness
ENNH - Enchanted Nulgath Nation House
ESSoN - Evolved Shadow Spear of Nulgath
GB - Guardian Blade
GBoD - GrimBlight of Destiny
HCPP - Hardcore Paragon Pet
HoN/Hex - Hex of Nulgath (Rare)
HPP - Holiday Paragon Pet
Larvae/Mini Nul - Nulgath Larvae
LT - Legion Token
NNH - Nulgath Nation House
NSoD - Necrotic Sword of Doom (Sword) / Necrotic Sword of Doom (IoDA)
OBoN - Oblivion Blade of Nulgath
PBoN - Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
PIoDA - Platinum Item of Donated Awesomeness
PP - Paragon Pet
RGoW - Radiant Goddess of War
SDA/SDKA - Sepulchure's DoomKnight Armor
SEA - Soul Eater Advanced
SoA - Staff of Awe
SoN - Sword of Nulgath / Shadow of Nulgath / Shadow of Nulgath (Rare)
SR - Soul Ripper
SRoD - ShadowReaper Of Doom
SRoN - SoulReaper of Nulgath
SS - Star Sword
SSB - Star Sword Breaker
SSoN - Shadow Spear of Nulgath
TC - Treasure Chest (Misc)
TSON - Techno Spear of Nulgath
UIoDA - Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomeness
Ungodlies - Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath
VoN/Void - Void of Nulgath / Void of Nulgath (Rare)
WIoDA - Wicked Item of Digital Awesomeness Formerly Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness
ABlast - Awe Blast
Abso - Absolution
Ach - Acheron
Ava - Avarice
Concerto - Arcana's Concerto
DTL - Dauntless
Ely - Elysium
HVamp - Health Vamp
Lac - Lacerate
Lam - Lament
MVamp - Mana Vamp
Peni - Penitence
Prax - Praxis
PWD - Powerword Die
SCarve - Spiral Carve
Val - Valiance
BK - Black Knight
BoL - Book of Lore
CL - Chaos Lord
Cy - Cysero (NPC)
Dage - Dage the Evil
Esch/Eschy - Escherion
Gal - Galanoth(NPC)
GI - Grand Inquisitor
(G)PK - Great Pumpkin King
LF - LionFang
Hydra - Hydra Head (1)
Milt - Miltonius
MJ - Thriller
Nul - Nulgath
Proto - ProtoSartorium
Red Drag - Red Dragon (Monster)
Saf - Safiria
Undead Zerker - Undead Berserker
AC - AdventureCoins
Acc - Account
AE - Artix Entertainment
AEF/BOF - BattleOn Forums
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AK - ArchKnight on the BattleOn Forums / ArchKnight Game
AoE - Area of Effect
AP - Action Points (works as MP - Mana Points) / Artix Points
AQ - AdventureQuest
AQW - AdventureQuest Worlds
AQ3D - AdventureQuest 3D: Legend of LORE
BB - Bludrut Brawl
BG - BattleGems
CAD - Anything to do with the Ctrl+Alt+Del
CC - Color Custom
Char Page - Character Page
CP - Class Points (used to raise class ranks) / Character Page
Cy - Cysero Server
Dev - Game Developer
DF - DragonFable
DN - Design Notes
DoT - Damage over Time
DvN - Dage vs. Nulgath War
ED - EpicDuel
ESV - Evil Sir Ver Server
Evo - Evolved (some items have Evolved in their name)
Exp/XP - Experience Points (Exp) (Used to level up)
F13 - Friday 13th
FA(S) - Featured Artist (Shop)
FL - Friends List
Gal - Galanoth Server
HM - HeroMart
HoT - Heal over Time
HS - HeroSmash
LoC - Lord of Chaos
Mem (Only) - Member Only
Mod - Moderator
MQ - MechQuest
NYI - Not Yet Implemented
Nyth - Nythera Server
NPC - Non Player Character
OP - Over Powered
OS - OverSoul
PL - Party Leader
PM - Private Message
PT - Party
PTR - Public Test Realm
PvE - Player versus Environment (Monsters)
PvP - Player versus Player
Rep - Reputation (Used to rank up Factions)
Saf - Safiria Server
SS - ShadowScythe
SUATMR - Shut Up And Take My Rares! contest
SV - Sir Ver Server
Terc(ess) - Tercessuinotlim
TLAPD/TLPD - Talk Like A Pirate Day
TMBG - Anything to do with the They Might Be Giants Event
Tower - Guardian Tower (Location) (1)
WDPS - Weapon Damage Per Second
WoD - Wheel of Destiny / Wheel of Doom