- ByroDax - Plays after completing the 'It's THEM!' quest
«Scene: Memet firing a water gun»
«Byrodax is hit by the gun and starts glowing»
Dax: What a world, what a world!
«Scene fades»
«Scene: Byro and Dax are separated»
Byro: You… you saved us!
Dax: Thank you! Thank you!
Memet: I know! I'm a total hero.
Memet: Hang on, I have a call coming in.
«Scene: Memet converses with a hologram of Zorba the Bakk»
Zorba the Bakk: Heya Memet! How goes the hunt?
«Scene: Zorba and Memet look at the Hero, Byro, and Dax»
Zorba the Bakk: Oh HEY! Looks like it's going pretty well! Ha, ha!
Byro: Aw, man. You DIDN'T save us.
Dax: Can you put us back the way we were?
Zorba the Bakk: What? NO! You punks owe me money and I intend to collect!
Byro: But we're broke!
Zorba the Bakk: Hmm. Tell ya what.
Zorba the Bakk: Why don't you give me that asteroid over there and we'll call it even?
Hero: No way.
Memet: Nuh-uh.
Dax: You've got a deal!
Zorba the Bakk: Excellent. I'll have my people call your people. We'll work something out.
«Zorba the Bakk's hologram fades away»
Byro: Hey, thanks! I take it back - you really ARE the best!
Dax: We're getting Zorba off our back AND getting rid of this killer asteroid at the SAME TIME!
Hero: Can we like, get out of here before the "fun" starts?
Memet: Yep.
«Scene fades»
Previous: Byroooo-Daaaax