- Merrow Trench - Plays after completing the 'Defeat the Sea Witch!' quest
«Scene: The Hero defeats Cecaelia»
«Scene: Close up of Cecaelia»
Cecaelia: You'll never take my ship, human!
«Scene: Close up of the Hero»
Hero: I don't even WANT your stinking ship! Sea witch!
«The Hero holds up an electric eel»
Hero: The only thing I want…
«The Hero tosses the eel through the air to Cecaelia. which shocks her»
Hero: …is to get the heck off this ship!
«Scene: The Merdraconian pirates look at the stunned Cecaelia»
Merdraconian: Cecaelia!
Merdraconian: Help her, help her!
Merdraconian: Oh, what have they done?
«Scene: Close up of a confused Merdraconian»
Merdraconian: …Hey, where did they go?
«Scene: The Hero and Aurelio Voltaire swimming away»
«Scene fades»
«Scene: The Hero and Voltaire on the deck of a ship»
Hero: (Huff, puff) Did they follow us?
Aurelio Voltaire: I don't think so.
Aurelio Voltaire: Let's get the heck out of here!
Hero: Hold up a minute.
«Scene: Voltaire looks through a telescope at another ship in the distance, with the Hero standing behind him»
Hero: What the heck is that??
Aurelio Voltaire: It looks like a ghost ship… a REAL ghost ship!
Aurelio Voltaire: And… oh no.
«Scene: Hargoyle appears in the telescope on the ghost ship»
Aurelio Voltaire: Hargoyle is on board!
«Scene fades»
Previous: Fishbones?!? (Cutscene) | Next: Doomed!