- Battlegrounds - Plays when joining the room for the first time
«Scene: Madra and the Hero stand in a twisted forest.»
Madra: "If you try to stop her, there will be war".
Madra: That's what Eremon said.
Hero: Don't worry. We'll beat 'em. There's always a way.
Madra: I admire your confidence, and I have no doubt that we will.
Madra: You do always seem to find a way. But…
Madra: A Primarch, going to war against he own people?
Hero: You have to know you're doing the right thing.
Madra: For Lore, yes. Even for the Darkblood, whether they realize it or not.
Madra: But our race has always been united, and now… I feel so alone.
???: You are not alone, Primarch.
«Scene zooms out to reveal many other Darkblood standing nearby»
Thedra: We will stand with you.
Salthos: Eremon may have brought many of us into his cult, but some can see the truth.
Madra: Thedra! Salthos! All of you…
Hindar: We're here for you, Primarch.
Madra: This means more than I can say.
Madra: But, Salthos… where is Nerali?
«Close up of Salthos»
Salthos: My wife still believes in Eremon. She won't be joining us.
«Close up of Madra»
Madra: I am truly sorry to hear that.
«Scene zooms back out»
Madra: For the first time, our people are truly divided.
Salthos: At least not all have been deceived.
«Scene fades»
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