- AIC Act 1
- AIC Act 2
- AIC Act 3 - Plays after completing the 'Play that Axe' quest
- AIC Concert
«Scene: the Hero holds up the Axe of Song in triumph in the crowd in front of the Alice in Chains concert»
«Scene fades»
«Scene: the Hero and Z backstage with the band»
Band: Hey, thanks for taking care of our ghost problem!
Hero: No problem! Discovering how songs die, and what brings them back..
Hero: …It's probably the strangest quest I've ever gone on.
Z: At least we got rid of that ghost, though.
«The Banshee appears behind everyone»
Z: …or NOT.
Hero: Hey, I thought you were defeated!
Band: Actually, she asked if she could join us on tour. Everyone really loved it!
Hero: Seriously?
Ghost of Songs Unsung: Yeah, I'm a huge Alice in Chains fan!
Band: And having a giant monster on stage really brought our show to life!
Ghost of Songs Unsung: Or… UNLIFE, if you will.
Hero: Ho, boy.
Hero: Well, I'm glad everything seems to have worked out.
Band: Hope to come back to Battleon real soon!
«Scene fades»
Previous: The Axe (1)