6th Head of Orochi

Location: Shadow Fortress
Level: 40
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 23,690
- Bite: 244-290
- Dragon Breath: 244-290
Temporary Items Dropped:
- 6th Head Defeated (Dropped during the 'Find Jaaku!' quest)
- Sixth Head Slaughtered (Dropped during the 'Yin and Yang' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Blood Masked Oni
- Casual Sedge Hat
- Casual Sedge Hat and Locks
- Oniga Helm
- Onigatana
- Perfect Orochi Scales
- ShadowBlade Samurai
- ShadowBlade Samurai Hat
- Sheathed Kuro and Oni
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Also see:

Thanks to Weedfire24.
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