- Confrontation (Location)
- Death's Dealer - Shadow Rise
- Lady Celestia - Falconreach
- Loremaster Maya - Mount Doomskull (Location)
«Scene: Drakath fires a ball of energy at the Hero, throwing the hero against a rock. The Hero drops their weapon and falls to the ground. Drakath aims his sword at the Hero.»
Hero: …
Drakath: I warned you. You challenged me too early. Had you defeated the 13th Lord of Chaos you might have actually had a chance of actually winning.
Drakath: Goodbye, <Hero>
«Hero is then presented with three dialogues that all lead to the same response.»
- Good: *stare* … you promised to reveal the name of the 13 Chaos Lord
- Snarky: *Spits blood* Do you have a change of underpants and the name of the 13th Chaos Lord?
- Evil: *smirk* I will hunt you and whoever this 13th Lord of Chaos is from beyond the grave.
Drakath: Ahhh, yes. The 13th Lord of Chaos….
Drakath: Destined to lead an all out attack and destroy all of this world's cities…
Drakath: Destined to slay all of the great heroes of the land….
Drakath: Destined to raise their Chaos Beast and illuminate the final rune on the Chaos Portal!
Hero: …
«Close up of Drakath's face.»
Drakath: What would you say if it was Artix?
«Screen zooms back out.»
Hero: ARTIX?!
Drakath: HAHA… No. How about Dage the Evil!?
Hero: DAGE?!
Drakath: No… no… because I have something far more fun in mind!
«Close up of Drakath's face.»
Drakath: For the 13TH LORD OF CHAOS…
«Drakath swipes his sword against a purple background with black action lines.»
«Drakath stands silhouetted before the Hero, who glows purple and is lifted up into the air.»
Choose your form as the 13th Lord of Chaos. (This choice cannot be undone)
- Chaos Lord Warrior
- Chaos Lord Mage
- Chaos Lord Rogue
- Chaos Lord Healer
«The screen flashes white as the Hero transforms.»
The 13th Lord of Chaos
«Screen fades to black.»
Starting in the next adventure, you will be the main villain of AdventureQuest Worlds. Your task is to roleplay that you have been completely taken over by Chaos as King Alteon was before you. As the 13th Lord of Chaos you will lead the forces of Chaos (and the other chaos-players who are you minions) into a war to destroy major areas of the world. Whether your character is actually good or evil… play along as chaos for now and enjoy being the villain. You will get a chance to make powerful Good/Evil/Other choices in the end--
We promise.
«Scene fades»
Previous: Champion of Chaos (Cutscene) | Next: World War Lore (Cutscene)